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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 165 on the first Saturday in June. In counties from which there is more than one candidate, the scholarship will be awarded to the candidate who ranks highest in the examination, if he is otherwise eligible. (3) All candidates who a r e awarded scholarships must register in the University for a curriculum in agriculture or home economics at the opening of the semester or summer session when the scholarship becomes effective. Failure to do so forfeits the scholarship. (4) It is provided, also, that the President of the University may appoint suitable candidates where the Illinois F a r m e r s ' Institute has failed to make recommendations. 4. Assignments of Candidates to Counties without Applicants: In case there are additional acceptable candidates for either scholarship from any county or district, who have passed the required competitive examination, such additional candidates, not exceeding three from any one county or district, may be assigned to other counties or districts from which there are no acceptable candidates. 5. Period of Scholarship: An Agriculture or H o m e Economics Scholarship is good for four years. If, however, the holder is placed on probation because of unsatisfactory work, the scholarship shall not be available for his use during the period of his probation. In case a scholarship holder fails to pursue work in agriculture or home economics, or, by action of University authorities, is dismissed for poor work or for any other cause, the scholarship is forfeited. 6. Perquisites of Scholarship: The perquisites of these scholarships are exemption from all matriculation, incidental and tuition fees during the period of the scholarship, except fees for the purchase of laboratory supplies, similar fees for supplies and materials, and fees for instruction in applied music. 7. Removal from State of Holders of Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded only to students whose legal residence is in the State of Illinois. If the legal residence of the holder of a scholarship is changed from Illinois to some other State, his scholarship is thereby forfeited. 8. Extension of Scholarships: By action of the Board of Trustees under date of July 14, 1924, a scholarship may be extended by the President of the University to cover a period of absence, not exceeding two years, under the following conditions: (1) All applications for an extension of the term of a scholarship must be made in writing to the President. (2) T h e application for extension must be filed in advance of the time of leaving the University. (3) An extension may be granted in case the holder requires leave of absence from the University to earn money to complete his education. (4) T h e holder must have completed the work of at least two semesters after the award of the scholarship. (5) T h e student's work for the time during which he has been at the University must have been at least of average grade. This is indicated by a grade of "C". No student whose average is below " C " may receive an extension of his scholarship. On motion of Mr. Mayer, these regulations were adopted. AGREEMENT W I T H TOBACCO BY-PRODUCTS AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION FOR A COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT (18) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that the University enter into an agreement with the Tobacco By-Products and Chemical Corporation, of Kentucky, for a cooperative investigation to study and investigate certain nicotine combinations as insecticides, the investigation to be
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