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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DELEGATION OF SIGNATURES I47 On motion of Mr. Pogue, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, that the President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees are authorized to delegate the signing of their names as President and Secretary, respectively, to vouchers to he presented to the State Auditor, and to warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the University, under the following conditions: T h e President of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to C. H. Pratt, to L. M. Dahlenburg, to Lloyd Morey, and to A r t h u r Lincicome, the signing of his name as President of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the State A u d i t o r ; and to delegate to H. B. Ingalls, to C. A. Webber, to Lloyd Morey, and to Arthur Lincicome, authority to sign his name to warrants on the University Treasurer covering vouchers approved in accordance with regulations approved by the Board, and to Merle Rhoads and to Augusta Moore authority to sign his name as President of the Board of Trustees to warrants on the University Treasurer payable out of the special F.E.R.A. fund covering vouchers duly approved for payment from that fund. T h e Secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to H. C. Oesterling and to Anna L. Neuber authority to sign his name as Secretary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the State Auditor and to warrants on the University Treasurer covering vouchers approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board. STANDING COMMITTEES In accordance with the By-Laws, the standing committees for 19351936, appointed by President Williams on April 3, 1935, are printed here: Finance—O. M. KARRAKER, Chairman, KARL A. MEYER, OSCAR G. MAYER. Buildings and Grounds—EDWARD E. BARRETT, Chairman, O. M. KARRAKER, OSCAR G. MAYER, M R S . N E L L I E V. F R E E M A N , HAROLD POGUE. Sub-Committee on Landscaping—MRS. N E L L I E V. FREEMAN, Chairman, O. M. KARRAKER, M R S . M A R I E C. P L U M B . General Policy—GEORGE A. BARR, Chairman, KARL A. MEYER, OSCAR G. MAYER. Patents—EDWARD E. BARRETT, Chairman, HAROLD POGUE, M R S . M A R I E C. P L U M B . Chicago Departments—MRS. M A R I E C. P L U M B , Chairman, KARL A. MEYER, GEORGE A. BARR. Affiliated Student Activities—MRS. NELLIE V. FREEMAN, Chairman, GEORGE A. BARR, M R S . M A R I E C. P L U M B . Student Welfare—KARL A. MEYER, Chairman, HAROLD POGUE, M R S . NELLIE V. FREEMAN. Alumni—HAROLD POGUE, Chairman, GEORGE A. BARR, EDWARD E. BARRETT. Agriculture—OSCAR G. MAYER, Chairman, O. M. KARRAKER, M R S . NELLIE V. FREEMAN. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT W1LL.ARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. SCHOLARSHIPS IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS (1) On February 9, 1935 (Minutes, pages n o - 1 1 2 ) , the Board of Trustees, on recommendation of its Special Committee on Scholarships and Fees, adopted revised regulations governing scholarships in agriculture and home economics. The Illinois F a r m e r s ' Institute requests a reconsideration of these regulations, chiefly on the point that if there are no candidates for scholarships in some counties those scholarships may be assigned to candidates in other counties who
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