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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IOIO BOARD OF T R U S T E E S SykOra, J>, member of advisory committee, So, 47a Symbols, budget, meaning, 274, 666 Szumkowski, Helene A., degree, 239 Szurek, S. A., appointment, 65, 374, 762 Tabaka, Mary F„, appointment, 643, 707 Tabenkin, B., degree* 24Q Tabor, H. M., degree, 437 Tabulating machines operation, revolving account, 356, 7$3 Taebel, VV. A., appointment, 428, 922 Taft, J). R., appointment, 108, 293, 563, 685 Taft, L., lectureship fund, 225, 326, 723 Taft, Marion G., appointment, 338, 735 Takats, G. de, appointment, 85, 340, 922 research, 381, 884 Talbot, A. N., appointment, 305, 697 Talbot, Adelaide, appointment, 75, 343, 740 resignation, 66 Talbot, C. G., degree, 901 Talbot, Mrs. Nell S., appointment, 342, -739, 740 Talbot, W. P., degree, 896, 907 Talbott, J., degree, 435 Talbott, P. T., degree, 900 Tallyn, W. E., degree, 434 Tammeus, W. H., degree, 245 Tan, L. K., degree, 892 Tannenbaum, S., degree, 911 Tanner, F. VV., appointment, 284, 6-76 Tanner and Company, copper purchased, 10 Tappan, E. A., certificate, 254 Tappero, E. E., degree, 436 Tarnowski, C. A., degree, 901 Tarnowsky, G. de, appointment, 376, 762 Tarvin, Arlene M., appointment, 428, 685 Tarvin, D., cancellation, 45 Tasch, A, F., certificate, 254 Tauber, S. VV., degree, 909 Taubert, R. K., certificate, 254 Tau Beta Pi, fellowship, award, 055 Tausch, P., certificate, 394 Tawney, G. A., appointment, 291, 683 Taylor-, A. B. t appointment, 923 Taylor, B. S., degree,' 54.4 Taylor, Christine BJf degTee, 909 Taylor, Dorothy; (i.; degree, 896 Taylor, James D., degree, 900 Taylor, John Reid, appointment, 923 Taylor. John Richard, degree, 138, 911 Taylor, Jobn Robert, degree, 137 Taylor, Joseph T., degree, 896 Taylor, LaVonne E., degree, 250 Taylor, Louise, degree, 53, 906 Taylor, Marforie C,, degree, 239 Taylor, R. C., degree, 899 Taylor, S. A., appointment, 524 degree, 912 Taylor, S. Helen, appointment, 16, 299, 387, 691 Taylor, VV. N., degree, 24.1 Taylor, \V. R-, degree, 902 Teachers' associations, President's authority to attend,' 589 Teague, K. B., appointment, 346 Teal, R. PL, appointment, 468, 705, 719 degree, 245 Teare, R. C, certificate, 20 Teborek, R. F., degree, 253 Teele, Eunice V., degree, 54 Teer, F. L., degree, 248 Teeters, VV. O., degree, 231 Teitelbaum, H., degree, 546 Tejada, A. C. U., degree, 546 Telephone system, action deferred, 92 appropriation, 358 balance reapproprtated, 776 bell telephones continued, 312 bids, 511 cable, purchase, 635 Chicago departments, proposal, 149, 178 consulting engineer, 390i 511 Supervision and- High School Instruction, budget, expense, 297, 690 salary, 398, 691 addition, 50a adjustment, 5°9 Suppiger, E, W., appointment, 365, 698 Supply store, Dentistry, authority to establish, 378 Surety bonds, statutes, 594 Surgery, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 340, 738 clinical faculty, 376, 762 gift for research, 381, 493 headship of department, 213, 4*0 committee, appropriation, expense, 488 reports, 377t 4°*, 448, 535, 5^4 Surie, A. W., degree, 244 Surplice, R. W., degree, 248 Suter, M., appointment, 524 degree, 232 resignation, 641 Sutherland, A. M. t degree, 244 Sutherland, Dorothy M., degree, 545 Sutherland, H. K., fellowship, 382, 640 Sutherland, Margaret C, degree, 348 Sutherlin, Kathryn J., appointment, 109, 328, 725 Sutter, J., contract for instruction of, 39, 458 Suttie, G., degree, 253 Sutton, A. H., appointment, 289, 681 Suycott, E., contract for instruction of, 52, 458 Sveda, M., appointment, 286, 678, oa2 Svetanov, V. C., degree, 438 Svoboda, G. W., degree, 138 Svrlinga, Marian, degree, 57 Swain, Eloise B., degree, 134 Swain, j. W., appointment, 289, 68.2 Swank, Irma L., degree, 239 Swann, F. W., Jr., degree, 907 Swann, S., Jr., appointment, 305- 6 9 8 discovery, release, 406 Swannell, D., bid, 409 Swanson, Delight M., degTee, 890 Swanson, Mrs. Dorothy N,, appointment, 737 Swanson, E. E., appointment, 372 Swanson, Frances E., appointment, 279, 671 Swanson, G., appointment, 343. 74° Swanson, J. W., appointment, 106, 287, 561, 6S0 Swanson, K. N., degree, 244 Swanson, R. A., certificate, 5x3 Swatek, A. F., degree, 909 Swatek, Jane P., degree, 895 Swearingen, Lellia F., appointment, 348, 746 Swearingen, Lillian V., degree, 903 Sweat, G. L., degree, 138 Sweeney, J. P., degree, 136 Sweet, J. E., appointment, 327, 7^4 "Sweet, J. J., degree, 255 Sweet com, propogation ami distribution. investigation, 184, 3&& Sweetnam, J. F., degree, 348 Sweney, Mrs. Edith S., appointment, 288, 6S0 Swengel, L. R-, degree, 437 Swift, Mary E., degree, 909 Swift -and Company, bonds purchased, 479, 491 Swigart, Beulah H., appointment, 68, 142, 428, 573 Swigart Paper Company, bid, 477 Swikle, C. G., degree, 905 Swimming pools, See Recreational facilities. Swimming team, expenses, assignment of funds, 488 Swine feeding shed, appropriation, 358 Swinehart, C, appointment, 524, 669 Swinford, B. P"*, degree, 902 Swingle, D. W., Jr., degree, 255 Swiryn, M., degree, 905 Switch-board equipment, power plant, purchase, 540
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