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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Storage cell, lead-acid, investigation, 29 budget, 283 contract, 365 Storerooms, dental supply, authority to establish, 378 general, bonding of employees, 369 statutes, 593 Stores and service departments, budget, 355, 753 Storm, L. F. M., degree, 913 Story, R. M., appointment, 563 Stoshitch, S. M., degree, 248 Stott, L. H., appointment, 107, 292 declination, 416 Stouffer, E. L., appointment, 352, 749 salary, 782 Stout, S. L., certificate, 254 Stoutenborough, Helen K-, degree, 905 Stover, A. R., degree, 244 Stowe, W. P., certificate, 790 Stoyke, E. F. H., degree, 248, 891 fellowship, 655 Stoyke, L. T., degree, 900 Strakosh, W. C, degree, 244 Strand, Mrs. Gertrude, appointment, 339, 736 Strand, Mary R., degree, 251 Stratton, J. A., degree, 546 Straub, F. G., appointment, 306, C99 patent, license, 34 Strauch, Barbara R., degree, 249 Strauss, A. J., degree, 250 Strauss, S., appointment, 373, 758 Straw, T. C., appointment, 101 resignation, 155 Streets, campus, naming, statutes, 598 paving, appropriation, 207, 215, 357 Streicher, M. H„ appointment, 336, 734 Streid, 13. I)., degree, 901 Streit, P. L., degree, 907 Stremsterfer, C. D., degree, 898 Stresau, F. B., degree, 249 Stresses on riveted connections, investigation, 23, 82, 512, 566 budget, 693, 699 Strickland, Mrs. Dorothy E., appointment, 16, 3*2, 320, 705, 714 Strickland, H. F., degree, 137 Striplin, R. M., degree, 57 Stripling, G. W. F., degree, 543 Strode, 0. G., appointment, 42S, 573 degree, 251 Strohm, J. L., degree, 250 Strom, G., appointment, 749 retirement, 754 Stromberg-Carl son Mfg. Company, bid, 511 Strong, Janet M., degree, 414 Strubinger, L. H., degree, 235 Struble, P. W., degree, 546 Struck, H. C, appointment, 65, 376, 737 Stuart, C. W., appointment, 376, 761 Stuart, G. B., degree, 34S Stuart, Marian, appointment, 142. 573 Stuart, Nellie M., degree, 249 Stubblefield, F. M., degree, 891 Stubbs, F. W., appointment, 301, 694 Stubenrauch, C. H-, Jr., degree, 909 Stubing, C. H., appointment, 16, 428, 682 Student Activities, Committee, members, 147, 555 ^ Student Affairs, Senate Committee, supervision of plans for financing fraternity and sorority houses, 532 Student Alumni Association, gift, 381 Student Center, application for P.W.A. funds, 781. 880 appropriation, remodeling, 488 balance reappropriated, 777 rental, 488 financing, proposal, 880 furniture and equipment, gift, 381 paintings, gift, 381 See also Union Building, Student discipline, statutes, 576 IOO9 Student expense funds, statutes, 597 Student Friendship Fund, gift, 520 merger, 80 Student houses, inspection, statutes, 602 Student identification card system, Urbana departments, appropriation, 630 regulations, 630 Student loan funds, See Loan fundsStudent organizations, additional quarters, rental, 488 funds, Comptrollers authority, 597 meetings, regulations, 598 Student Welfare, Committee, members, 147. 555 Students, Dean of Men, statutes, 581 Dean of Women, statutes, 581 laboratory work during holidays, 599 wages as part-time assistants, 589 Stuit, D., appointment, 560 Stuk, E., degree, 243 Stults, Mary C, appointment, 428, 685 declination, 914 Stumbaugh, Helen S., degree, 239 Stunkard, G. L., degree, 240 Sturm, R. G., degree, 887 Sturman, H. A., degree, 136 Sturman, H. E., degree, 56 Stuttle, Dorothy E., appointment, 44, 2g3, 685 declination, 914 Stuttle, H. C, letter to, 127 Stuttle, Mary A., degree, 239 Stutzman, Dories C, appointment, 28S, 468, 680 Suddes, J. W., contract for instruction of, S2, 458 degree, 547 Sudduth, Mrs. Mary P., appointment, 315, 708 Sugar, P. L., contract for instruction of, 29, 52 Sukis, A. E., certificate, 911 Sukov, M., appointment, 758 Suldane, J. A., appointment, 376, 761 Sulfur dioxide, combination with olefins, discovery released, 406 removal from flue gases, patent, 460, 494541, 624 Sullivan, F. O., degree, 248 Sullivan, Frances, appointment, 338, 735 Sullivan, Helen B., appointment, 343, 74i Sullivan, J. E., Jr., degree, 240 Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret C, appointment, 328, 725 Sullivan, Mary M., appointment, 200, 313 resignation, 48.3 Sullivan, W. P., degree, 895 Summer cooling, investigation, 884 budget, 693 Summers, W. A., degree, 893 Summer Session, budget, 105, 332, 558, 730 unused balance lapsed, 508 fees, graduate work in Dentistry and Medicine, 567 organs, rental, 163 staff, 105, 558 non-University members, 105 statutes, 580 salaries, 584 tennis courts, regulations, 793 Summer Session Conference, balance reappropriated, 776 Summer Session Entertainment Committee, gift, 381 Summers, J. H., degree, 250 Summers, Mary M., degree, 249 Summers, N. B., degree, 245 Summers, W. A., degree, 436 Summers, W. L., appointment, n o , 325, 723 Summerville, M. J., appointment, 337t 734 Sundquist, Dorothy L., degree, 239 Supervising Architect's Office, See Physical Plant Department.
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