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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ioo8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Stephan, Faith F., degree, 254 Stephan, Ida H., appointment, 338, 735 Stephens, C, appointment, 281, 673 Stephens, L., appointment, 68, 141. 427. 573 Stephens, N. L., degree, 248 Stephens, V. R., appointment, 377, 762 Stephenson, J. H., degree, 546 Sterba, A. M-, degree, 900 Stern, D. H., certificate, 911 degree, 909 Stern, Evelyn A., degree, 239 Sterne, Elizabeth H., degree, 239 Sterner, C. J.» awarded Plym scholarship, 655 Sterrett, R. R., appointment, 44, 427 degree, 542 resignation, 552 Stettner, H. W., degree, 244 Steveley, R- G., degree, 912 Stevens, D. F., present at meeting, 94 Stevens, F. L., death benefit, 25 Stevens, Mrs. F. L., gift, 53, 381 Stevens, J. B., Jr., degree, 900 Stevens, N. E., appointment, 490, 558, 676 Stevens, R. H., degree, 253 Stevenson, C. L., degree, 242 Stevenson, R. V., certificate, 254 Stewart, C. L., appointment, 310, 320, 703, 714 Stewart, H-, appointment, 142, 573 Stewart, Helen, appointment, 349, 746 Stewart, J. A., appointment, 427, 699 Slice, Mrs. Hilda R., appointment, 297, 690 Stice, R. A., degree, 36 Sticher, L. A,, degree, 545 Stiegemeier, C. F., degree, 434 Stiegemeyer, Ann D., appointment, 75, 299, 427, 692 Stiegemeyer, Barbara, appointment, 573 Stiegemeyer, Katherine L., degree, 239 Stiegman, C. A., appointment, 286, 678. degree, 36 Stiehl, H., degree, 895 Stiehl, J. E-, degree, 545 Stienz, Katherine M., degree, 895 Stiff, G. H., degree, 248 Stigall, W. J., Jr., degree, 905 Still, Iva, appointment, 142 Stillman, Mrs. Miriam, appointment, 277, 670 Stillwell, Marjorie D., appointment, 427» 669 Stine, R. A., degree, 248 Stinton, H. F., degree, 242 Stipends, fellowships and scholarships, 96 Stith, F. R., Jr., degree, 907 Stith, Sarah E., degree, 903 Stiven, F. B., appointment, 109, 327, 725 leave of absence, no Stobie, W. G., fellowship, 639 Stocking, Helen F., appointment, 335. 643. 733 Stoddard, Jane M. t degree, 909 Stoddert, T. M., degree, 901 Stoecker, H. J., degree, 136 Stokers, reconditioning, 367 Stokes, C. H-, degree, 240 Stoll, Gertrude M., degree, 896 Stolle, H. F., degree, 37 Stone, B. L., degree, 244 Stone, Claudia E., degree, 250 Stone, F. D., appointment, 101 declination, 142 Stone, F. L.» appointment, 375, 760 Stone, H. C, Lumber Company, lumber purchased, 492 Stone, N. C, degree, 412 Stone, P. JJJ degree, 252 Stone, R. C., degree, 887 fellowship, 198 Stop lights, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 208 installation, Green. Street, 60 Storage battery, assistantship, budget, 283 gift, 53, 461 State Department of Public Welfare, acquisition of land in Chicago, 116 plan for graduate work in Eye and Ear Infirmary, 453 State Geological Survey, See State Surveys Building. State Natural History Survey, agreements, 166, 364 See also State Surveys Building. State Normal University, receipts, regulation, 363 State Planning Commission, request, building projects, 131 State Road Belt Route, proposal, 191 State routes through campus, policy, 405 State Surveys Building, Federal funds, application, 167. 180 need, 58, 94 plans, 187, 216 project for Public Works, 131 site, 380, 447 Stateler, F., appointment, 353, 750 Stationery, contracts for purchase, Governor's approval required, 71, 596 Statutes, 575 adoption, 565 amendments, Senate's- authority to propose, 576 appropriation for printing, 2 special committee, members, 140 report, 213, 497 Stauffer, R. S., appointment, 313, 706 Steam line improvements, appropriations, 33, 49. 168, 194, 357 cost, 153 materials purchased, 51, 71, 72, 457, 492 Stearns, J. L., degree, 248 Steck, I. E., appointment, 376, 761 Stedman, R. F., degree, 240 Steed, C, degree, 437 Steel, W. A., degree, 436 Steel, purchase, 28, 51, 457 Steel columns, investigation, 24, 52 Steele, J- E., degree, 242 Steele, Marjorie C, degree, 239 Steer, A. E., certificate, 254 Steers, purchase, 28, 187 Stefanich, M. W., degree, 898 Stefanik, S., degree, 242 Stefanoff, Dorothy D., degree, 905 Stege, Eleanor E,, degree, 898 Stegeman, R. A., appointment, 286, 427, 678 Steggerda, F. R., appointment, 107, 291, 684 Steib, S. F., degree, 898 Steigelman, T. F., degree, 438 Steigmann, F., appointment, 374, 759 Steimley, L. L., appointment, 107, 290, 683 Stein, A. F., certificate, 254 Stein, C. H., degree, 244 Stein, E. J., appointment, 335, 377, 732, 762 Stein, J., degree, 57, 233 Stein, J. H-, degree, 901 Stein, L. S., certificate, 790 Stein. N.» degree, 139 Steinberg, D. W-, certificate, 910 degree, 58 Steinberg, H., certificate, 910 Steinberg, H. S., certificate, 910 Steinberg, S., degree, 25s Steinbock. H. F-, degree, 909 Steiner, E. J., appointment, 374 degree, 35 Steiner, G. A., appointment, 44, 297, 560, Steiner, L. M., appointment, 763, 772 Steiner, W. E., degree, 253 Steinhoff, F. L., member of advisory committee, 78 Steininger, J. F., degree, 909 Steinmeyer, H. P., declination, 45 Stenographic Bureau, revolving account, 356, 753 Stepek, Vivian L., degree, 255 . 68°
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