Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

31 5. Course, in Building and Architecture.—Architectural Design ; Construetion; Drawing; Mathematics; 'Applied Mechanics; Descriptive Geometry; Physios; Geology; English; Constitutional History ; French; German. 6. Course in Science and Literature.—Mathematics; Chemistry; Physics; Architectural Design ; History ; Drawing; Physics; Geology ; English Constitutional History; French; German. FOTJETH YEAE.—1. Course in Mechanical Engineering.—Machines; Motors; Building Materials; Descriptive Geometry; Drawing; Political Economy; Natural History ; French ; German. 2. Course in Civil and 'Topographical Engineering.—Engineering; Machinery and Motors; Building Materials ; Descriptive Geometry ; Drawing ; Political Economy ; Natural History; French; German. 4. Course in Mining Engineering.—Mining ; Machinery and Motors; Engineering; Chemistry; Geology; Building Materials; Drawing; Political Economy ; Natural History ; French ; German. 5. Course in Building and Architecture.—Architectural Design; Professional Practice; Drawing; Engineering; Descriptive Geometry; Warming, Lightning, Ventiating, Acoustics; Building Materials; Political Economy; Natural History ; French ; German. 6. Course in Science and Literature.—The Higher Mathematics ; Chemistry ; Physics; Architectural Design; Mental Science; Building Material; Drawing; Political Economy; Natural History; French; German. COURSE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. IN RENSSBLAEB POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. FOUR YEARS. DIVISION D. WINTER SESSION.—Mathematics—Davies' Bourdon's Algebra—Chapters VI-IX, inclusive; Davics' Legendre's Geometry—Books IV-VI, inclusive; Plane Graphic Geometry—Warren's Elementary Plane Problems; English Language—Quackenbos' English Composition and Rhetoric, commenced; French Language—Fasquellc's French Grammar—Lessons I-L inclusive; Geodsey—Line Surveying, Elementary Practice; Geometrical Drawing— Plane Promblems—Warren's Drafting Instruments and Operations.