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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

30 SECOND TERM.—German; Trigonometry; Analytical Chemistry. TBTRD THEM.—Mensuration; Surveying ; Analytical Chemistry ; Zoology and Drawing; Lectures upon Comparative Anatomy, Diseases of Domestic Animals, Organic Chemistry and Market Gardening; Exercises in English Composition and Declamation, during the year. JUNIOR YEAH. FIRST TEEM.—Physics; French or German; Agricultural Chemistry, Drawing. SECOND TERM.—Physics; Rhetoric ; Horticulture. THIRD TEBM.—Astronomy; Systematic Botany; History of the United States ; Lectures upon Physics, Mineralogy, the Cultivation of the Vine, and Fruit and Forest Trees, and Useful and Injuiious Insects; and Exercises in English Composition and Debate, during the Year. SENIOR CLASS. FIRST TEEM.—Intellectual Philosophy; History; Physical Geography. SECOND TEEM.—Moral Philosophy; Political Geography; The Civil Polity of Massachusetts and the United States. THIRD TERM.—Geology; Engineering; Political Economy ; Lectures upon Stock Farming, Architecture, Landscape Gardening, Geology and English Literature ; and Exercises in Original Declamation and Debate, during the year. Exercises in Gymnastics, Military Tactics, and the various operations of the Farm and Garden, through the course. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. IN THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. FIRST YEAB,—Mathematics; Algebra; Solid Geometry; Trigonometry, Elementary Mechanics; Chemistry; English; German; Descriptive Geometry; Mechanical Drawing ; Free-hand Drawing. SECOND YEAE.—Mathematics; Spherical Trigonometry; Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions; First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus ; Descriptive Astronomy; Surveying; Physics; Chemistry ; English; French; German; Descriptive Geometry; Mechanical Drawing; Free-hand Drawing. THIRD YEAR.—1. Course in Mechanical Engineering.—Mechanism; Mathematics ; Differential and Integral Calculus; Analytic Mechanics; Applied Mechanics ; Descriptive Geometry ; Drawing; Physie; Geology ; English; Constitutional History ; French; German. 2. Course in Civil and Topographical Engineering.—Engineering; Mathematics ; Applied Mathematics; Spherical Astronomy; Descriptive Geometry; Drawing; Physics; Geology ; English ; Constitutional History; French; German. 4. Course in Mining Engineering.—Engineering; Descriptive and Determinative Mineralogy; Assaying; Quantitative Chemical Analysis; Metallurgy ; Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Drawing; Physic Geology; English ; Constitutional History ; French; German.
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