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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

32 SUMMER SESSION.—Mathematics—Davies' Legcndre's Geometry—Books VII-IX, inclusive. Mensuration—Use of Mathematical Tables. Analytical Trigonometry, Plane and a Spherical Trigonometry. Descriptive Geometry— Warren's Elementary Projections. Physics—Loomis' Natural Philosophy. English Language—Quackenbos' English Composition and Rhetoric, completed. French Language—Fasquelle's French Grammar, completed. Geodesy—Line Surveying, Chain Surveys. Geometrical Drawing—Eelmentary Projections. Construction Drawing—Elements and Structures. DIVISION C. WINTER SESSION.—Mathematics—Higher Algebra. Descriptive Gecometry Orthographic Projections. Physics—Physics of Heat. English Language— English Composition ; Logical and Rhetorical Criticism. French Language —English Translations, Reading of French Scientific Authors. Geodesy— Line Surveying, Theory, Compass Surveys. Geometrical Drawing—Orthographic Projections Topographical Drawing—Elementary Drawing, Topographical Plans. SUMMER SESSION. -Mathematics—Analytical Geometry. Descriptive Geometry—Orthographic Projections. Chemistry—Inorganic Chemistry. Natural History—Botany. English Language—English Composition; Logical and Rhetorical Criticism. French Language—English Translations ; French Composition. Geodesy—Adjustment and Use of Instruments, Line Surveying, Topographical Sketching, Farm Surveys. Geometrical Drawing—Orthographic Projections. Topographical Drawing—Map of Farm Surveys. DIVISION B. WINTEE SESSION.—Mathematics—Diflerential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Calculus of Variations, Descriptive Geometry—Shades and Shadows. Physics —Electricity, Terrestrial Magnetism, Statical and Dynamical Electricity, Chemistry—Practical Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Blow-pipe Analysis. Determinative Minerology. Geodesy—Practical Trigonometry, Leveling, Topographical Surveying. Geometrical Drawing—Shades and Shadows, Machine Drawing, Elements of machines. Topographical Drawing—Maps of Topographical Surveys. SUMMER SESSION.—Rational Mechanics—Mechanics of Solids, Mechanics of Fluids. Descriptive Geometry—Linear Perspective. Physics—Acoustics, Optics. Astronomy—Descriptive Astronomy. Natural History—Descriptive Geology. Geodesy—Ilydrographical Surveying. Theory and Practice. Geometrical Drawing—Perspective; Construction Drawing, Bridge Drawing. Topographical Drawing—Colored Topography. DIVISION A. WINTER SESSION.—Mathematics—Method of Least Squares. Astronomy Spherical Astronomy, Practical Astronomy. Physical Mechanics—Mechanics of' Solids—Friction, Strength of Materials; Mechanics of Fluids—Practical Hydraulics, Practical Pneumatics. Machines—Theory of Machines. Descriptive Geometry—Stone Cutting. Natural History—Physical Geography. Philosophy—Intellectual Philosophy, Geometrical Drawing—Stone Cutting. Topographical Drawing—Maps of Ilydrographical Surveys. SOMMEE SESSION.— Machines—Theory of Prime Movers, Designs for, and reviews of Special Machines. Constructions—Stability of Structures, Construction of Engineering and Architectural Works, Designs for, and reviews of Special works. Road Engineering—Common Roads. Railroads. Chemistry—Technical Chemistry. Geology—Practical Geology, Technical Geology. -Philosophy—Ethical Philosophy. Topographical Drawing—Plans Profiles, and Sections of Railway Surveys.
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