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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. IN MICHIGAN AGEIGULTURAL COLLEGE. FRESHMAN CLASS. FIRST HALF YEAR.—Algebra, Robinson; History, "Weber; Geometry, Robinson; Book-keeping, Bryant & Stratton. SECOND HALF YEAR.—Trigonometry, Robinson Surveying, Davies; Practical Agriculture; Geology, Dana. SOPHOMORE CLASS. FISST HALF YEAH.—English Literature, Chambers, Spaulding; Botany, Gray; Elementary Chemistry, Youmans. SECOND HALF YEAE.—Entomology, Harris; Analytical Chemistry, Fresenius; Botany, Gray, Darlington and Lindley ; Horticulture. JUNIOR CLASS. FISET HALF YEAE.—Physics, Snell's Olmstead; Agricultural Chemistry, Johnstone; Inductive Logic, Herschel. SECOND HALF YEAE.—Physics, Miller; Rhetoric, Whately; Day's Praxis; Animal Physiology, Dalton. SENIOR CLASS. FIEST HALF YEAE.—Zoology, Carpenter; Practical Agriculture; Mental, Philosophy, Wayland; Astronomy, Snell's Olmstead; Landscape Gardening, Downing; Kemp. SECOND HALF YEAE.—Civil Engineering, Mahan; Moral Philosophy Haven; Political Economy, Carey, Walker; French Fasquelle COURSE OF STUDY AND INSTRUCTION IN THE MASSACHUSETTS AGEICULTUEAL COLLEGE. FRESHMAN YEAR. FIEST TEEM.—Algebra; Human Anatomy and Physiology; Chemical Physics. SECOND TEEM.—Geometry; French; Chemistry. TIIIKD TBKM.—Geometry; French; Botany; Lectures upon Hygienn, Chemistry, Botany and Agriculture; and Exercises in Orthography, Elocution and English Composition, during the year. SOPHOMORE YEAR. FIEST TIEM.—Geiman; Agriculture; Commercial Arithmetic and Book, keeping.
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