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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 93 P R O M O T I O N T O T H E T H I R D Y E A R IN T H E M E D I C A L C U R R I C U L U M (3) The Council of Administration, acting for the Senate, on recommendation of the Faculty of the College of Medicine, recommends the adoption of the following requirement to govern promotion to the third year of medicine: T o register for any work of the third year in the College of Medicine, a student must have secured a grade of C or better in seventy-five per cent of the work of thefirsttwo years of the curriculum. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s approved. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE (4) O n recommendation of the heads of the departments and the deans concerned, I recommend that Mr. H. E. Babbitt, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, and Miss Clarissa Rinaker, Assistant Professor of English, be given sabbatical leaves of absence on one-half salary for the year 1929-30, under the rules. They have complied with all of the requirements provided by the rules for leaves of absence. O n •motion of M r s . Evans, these leaves were granted. TITLES OF DR. ROSSLEENE ARNOLD HETLER AND MISS A N N A S C H R E I B E R (5) O n recommendation of Dean Mumford, I recommend that the title of Dr. Rossleenc Arnold Hetler, Assistant Professor of Nutrition, be amended by the addition of "Assistant Chief in Nutrition," and that that of Miss Anna Schreiber, Instructor in Foods, be amended by the addition of "First Assistant in Foods," in order that they may have Experiment Station titles, as they are both doing Purnell work. O n motion of M r . Trees, these recommendations were approved. APPROPRIATION FOR CUT STONE WORK ON A R C H I T E C T U R A L BUILDING (6) On request of the Supervising Architect I recommend that an appropriation of $360 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to pay a claim of the A d a m Groth Company, who did the cut stone work on the Architectural Building, for extra labor required on the carved panels on the east and west ends of the building because of elaboration of the carving required after their bid was accepted. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appropriation w a s m a d e by the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, M r s . Evans, M r . Trees. APPROPRIATION FOR HAY SHED AND TARGET RANGE F O R MILITARY D E P A R T M E N T (7) For some time we have needed a storage shed for the hay furnished by the W a r Department for the Military Department animals. There is also need for a target range in the Armory. After studying the matter carefully the Supervising Architect has submitted estimates of the cost of providing these facilities and requests an appropriation of $7,500 for these purposes. Therefore, I recommend that an appropriation of $7,500 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to be expended as follows: 1. For a Hay Storage Shed, $4,500. 2. For a Target Range, $3,000. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this appropriation w a s made, by the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, M r s . Evans, M r . Trees. APPOINTMENT OF DEAN DAVENPORT (8) Pursuant to the action of the Board at its last meeting, I have conferred with Dean Eugene Davenport concerning his return to full-time active service as special assistant to the President at his old salary. H e agrees to do this on these terms. Accordingly, I request an appropriation of $3,500 from the Reserve and Contingent Fund, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
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