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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

94 board of trustees [December n to pay the balance of his full-time salary and to meet such expenses as his work may entail in travel and clerical service and otherwise for such a period as I may need him, not to extend beyond the end of June next and beginning when he reports for duty. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, M r s . Evans, M r . Trees. APPROPRIATION FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY (9) Professor White informs me that after consulting with Dean Ketchum and Professor Paine, he is of the opinion that when the old Laboratory for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is vacated, on completion of the new structure, i should be connected with the present Electrical Engineering Laboratory t on the other side of the Boneyard, both buildings entirely remodeled and the Laboratory equipped with up-to-date apparatus, and rewired. After studying his proposal i seems to me that the plan is an excellent one and will give t the University a first-class Electrical Engineering Laboratory with plenty of room, although, of course, not in a new building. This will be far cheaper than a new building. Therefore, I have approved Professor White's suggestion and concur in recommending to you the necessary appropriations. The amount required will be $50,000, of which about $23,000 will be necessary for the material construction to connect the buildings, $15,000 for remodeling, and the balance for equipment. I therefore recommend an appropriation of $50,000 from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for these purposes. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, Mrs. Evans, M r . Trees. COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION OF CLAY SEWER PIPE (10) O n recommendation of the Dean of the College of Engineering, I recommend approval of two agreements with the Clay Products Association of Chicago for cooperative investigations to be carried on in the Engineering Experiment Station, viz.: 1. A n investigation of clay sewer pipe. The agreement has been executed for a period of one year from February I, 1929, and the Association agrees to pay the University $6,000 for the expenses of the investigation. 2. An investigation of jointing materials for clay sewer pipe. The agreement has been executed for a period of two years from February 1, 1929, and the Association agrees to pay the University $2,000 for the expenses of the investigation. These agreements are of the form and character authorized by the Board for cooperative investigations. O n motion of M r . Trees, these agreements were approved. REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (11) The following report from the Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report was made. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER NOVEMBER 11, 1928, TO DECEMBER 6, 1928 Miscellaneous contracts executed under general regulations. Name Amount Date Item American Can Company Prices based on tin plate iAugust 20, 1928 The University agrees to market with provisions for buy all Sanitary Tin Cans readjustment with the marfrom January 1, 1929, to ket. December 31, 1931, from this Company. American Can Company Provides for reduction from August 29, 1928 Special reduction in price prices in above contract on all Sanitary Tin Cans if deliveries are made in cerdelivered and paid for from tain months. October 31 in force. of conyear now of time following tract during each March 15 of the year to
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