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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

92 board of trustees [December u EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, DECEMBER n, 1928 A meeting of the Executive Committee w a s held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 9:45 a.m. o n Tuesday, D e c e m b e r 11, 1928. All the m e m b e r s of the Executive Committee were present: M r . A r m strong, Chairman, M r s . Evans, M r . Trees; also M r s . Busey and M r s . Grigsby, m e m b e r s of the Board, and President Kinley. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY T h e Executive Committee considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. AUDIT OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ACCOUNTS (1) At the November 16 meeting of the Board I was asked to inquire whether it would not be a good thing to have an annual audit of the accounts of the Athletic Association made by an outside firm of accountants, in addition to the audits made our o w n people. Mr. Morey's opinion is as follows: "Concerning the audit of the Athletic Association I would say that the only thing that w e are doing that could be reduced, if w e continue to make the audit, is the preparation of a report at the end of thefirstsix months. Our plan of auditing is what is known in auditing procedure as a 'continuous audit.' W e do the work from time to time when it can be done to the best advantage and the work of the year as a whole constitutes the year's audit. N o work is duplicated at successive times. It has been our practice, however, to submit two reports during each year and it is possible that one report at the end of the year would n o w suffice." H e adds: "If it is felt that the accounts should be audited by an outside firm of accountants, it would be m y feeling that there would be no occasion for continuing the audit by m y office. That audit is made by certified public accountants and I believe conforms to the standard of reputable accounting firms. I would not see any advantage in having the work done twice." Mr. Hurl's opinion is as follows: "I do not believe that an audit made by an outside firm of accountants would be of any more value than that made under the direction of Mr. Morey. However, if any of the members of the Board think it advisable there certainly is no objection to having it done, and I agree with you that if such an audit is made by an outside firm that one audit by our o w n people would be sufficient." It w a s voted, o n motion of M r . Trees, that this report be received for record and that the present practice be continued. USE OF LABORATORIES DURING HOLIDAYS (2) The Council of Administration, on recommendation of a special committee appointed to study and report on the matter, recommends that authority be given to open the University laboratories during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter holidays (to enable students w h o need more time for their laboratory work to catch up with their classes) on the following conditions: 1. That there is sufficient demand reasonably to assure the University that the expenses incurred will be defrayed by the fees collected. 2. That a scale of fees be adopted to cover expenses for laboratory materials used and for properly qualified assistants to conduct the laboratory exercises. 3. That in case laboratories are opened during such periods the assistants employed shall exercise only the ordinary duties necessary for the supervision of the work, and persons shall not be permitted to undertake such supervision w h o also undertake or have undertaken to become special tutors for students carrying on the laboratory work. O nconcur in these r s . Evans, these recommendations were approved. I motion of M recommendations.
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