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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 8l I recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to distribute this insurance equally among the several agencies submitting the lowest bids, on the basis of these bids, and to add to it until the completion of the buildings, in consultation with the Supervising Architect, and that the rest of the insurance be handled by the Comptroller and the Supervising Architect to the best advantage for the University, until the completion of the buildings. O n motion of D r . Noble, these recommendations were adopted. DECISION OF U. S. CUSTOMS COURT (12) A report of a decision of the United States Customs Court on payment of duty on articles imported by or for the University. This report w a s received for record. GIFT OF MR. ROBERT ALLERTON (13) Mr. Robert AUerton of Monticello has offered the Department of Architecture the sum of $800 to be used during the summer of 1929 "for a trip through N e w England by the two juniors who stand best in Professor Newcomb's class in the History of Architecture." The plan is to enable these students to study early American architecture in N e w England and the trip is to be planned by Mr. Allerton and Professor Newcomb. I recommend that this gift be accepted, to be used under the conditions specified by Mr. Allerton and to be known as "The Allerton American Traveling Scholarship." O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this recommendation w a s adopted. PORTRAIT OF DIRECTOR GEORGE A. HUFF (14) The alumni and members of the active chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity have presented a portrait of Director George A. Huff by the distinguished artist, Mr. Frank O. Salisbury of London, to the University, the presentation having been made by Mr. George R. Carr of the class of 1901 at the Alumni Reunion on Homecoming Day, October 27. W h e n the portrait arrived, the day before the presentation, I appointed a committee consisting of Professors E. J. Lake, C. E. Bradbury, L. C. Dillenback, and J. M. White, to pass on its artistic quality, in accordance with the rules of the Board. The committee unanimously recommended the acceptance of the portrait, and, accordingly, I accepted it for the University at the public ceremony referred to. O n motion of M r . Trees, this report w a s received for record, and the President of the University w a s requested to convey to the donors an expression of the appreciation of the Board. GIFT OF HORSE CHESTNUTS (15) The University has received through Miss Barbara Bayne, Tree Historian of America, three horse chestnuts from the Friendship tree at Bath, Pennsylvania, which has a historical connection with the lives of George Washington, General Henry Lee, and General Robert Brown. The purpose of this gift is to perpetuate the historic tree at Bath. Professor White plans to plant the chestnuts in one of the greenhouses, then transfer them to the Nursery, and to transplant the trees later on some Arbor Day. This report w a s received for record. REPORT ON COOPERATIVE RESEARCH AND COMMERCIAL TESTS (16) In accordance with the instructions of the Board (Minutes, September 20, 1928, page 7) I submit the following report on Cooperative Research and Commercial Tests. At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on December 14, 1916, President James presented a statement from the Dean of the College of Engineering that he had arranged to carry on certain cooperative experiments between the University of Illinois, through its Engineering Experiment Station, and the Committee on Locomotive Feed-Water Heating of the International Railway Fuel Association and also between the University and the American Arch Company.
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