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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

80 board of trustees [November 16 I further recommend that this money be invested in appropriate trust fund securities to the credit of the various trusts represented. I further concur in the recommendation of the Comptroller that the bonds owned by the University be canceled. O n motion of Mrs. Evans, the matter of the disposal of the bonds held as trust-fund investments w a s referred to the Finance C o m mittee for consideration and report. O n motion of Mrs. Ickes, the bonds of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago ($7,600) owned outright were ordered canceled and retired. H E A R I N G F O R DR. A D L E R (10) A request that Dr. H. M. Adler and his associates be heard at this time on the reasons for his refusal of his appointment. This hearing was granted, and Dr. Adler was introduced; with him were M r . Cyrus McCormick, Jr., Judge M a r y M . Bartelme, Dr. Ludvig Hektoen, M r . J. H . Schaffner, and M r . R o y C. Osgood, all trustees of the Behavior Research Fund. All of these persons m a d e statements concerning the work of the Bureau of Juvenile Research and the building proposed for its work. President Armstrong thanked Dr. Adler and the Representatives of the Behavior Research Fund for their presentation of the matter, and they retired. A t this point, M r . Blair withdrew. INSURANCE ON NEW BUILDINGS (11) The contracts for the addition to Lincoln Hall and for the Materials Testing Laboratory provide that the University carry the necessary insurance on these buildings during the period of construction. O n request of the Supervising Architect that thefirstinstalment of this insurance, amounting to $23,000 on Lincoln Hall and $80,000 on the Materials Testing Laboratory, be placed, the Comptroller advertised for bids and submits the following schedule: BIDS RECEIVED ON INSURANCE FOR LINCOLN HALL AND MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY. RATES ARE PER $100 FOR ONE YEAR, WITH 80% CO-INSURANCE Lincoln Hall ^'^'ratlry'^ Fire Tornado Fire Tornado Burton & Trelease 30* .234* D. G. Swannell 30* -234* W . R. Hidy 30* .234* Mark D. Brown S6J4 .234* Savage & Kurt 30* .234* Hayes, Atkinson Agency 37J/i .234* A. H. McLean S6J4 .40 Boggs & Cogdal Lump sum *Represents low bidders, companies satisfactory. .75 -3°* .30* .56^ .3714 .56% .56% $600 .40 -234* .234* .234* .234 .234* .40 OTHER FIRMS SUBMITTING BIDS BUT NOT COMPLYING WITH REQUIREMENTS OF REQUEST FOR BIDS Lincoln Hall MatfSrJ^9 ' Fire Tornado Fire Tornado H. E. Wilcox 245 ,639 .245 .639 Monier & Morrisey 1 474 AU Campbell & Son j The above bidders did not state the companies with whom the insurance would be placed. Lloyd Morev
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