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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Urbana Coke Corporation, release from contract, 560 interest due, 422 request, interest, 362 Urbana Laboratories, contract, 452. 464, 477 license, 363, 434 royalties, 512 Urist, M . J., certificate, 733 Use of alumni address list, 520, 547 Utilities for organizations, 600 Utilities Research Commission, 58, 83, 88, 135. 163, 267, 383, 540. 546, 564. 597, 598 Utley, J., appointments, 293, 642 Utterback, D. D., appointment, 639 degree, 710 Uviarc poultry treater, gift of, 54s Vacation extensions, Card, L. E., 557 Sloan, H. J., 557 Vacation regulations for laboratories, 92 Vacin, M . E., appointment, 396 degree, 347 Vacuum pumps, purchase of, 596 Vagtborg, E , appointment, 625 Vaile, J. E., degree, 238 Vaky, A. M., degree, 220 Valbracht, B. M., degree, 232 Valentine, L. L., gift, 366 Van Alyea, O. E., appointments, 345, 697 VanArsdell, P. M., appointments, 153, 297, 646 degree, 237 Van Buskirk, W . L., appointment, 396 Van Campen, M . G., Jr., degree, 711 Vance, D. E., degree, 712 Vance, N. R „ degree, 710 Vance, W . N., Jr., degree, 710 Van Cleave, H. J., appointment, in, 294, 643 Vancouver Lumber Co., interest unpaid, 599 Van Der Aue, O. E., degree, 240 Van Derbeek, H. J., appointments, 303, 653 VanderKIoot, A., appointments, 329, 681 Vander Pioeg, J. E. M., degree, 236 Van Doren, C. A., appointments, 311, 406, 660 Van Doren, D. M., degree, 714 Van Doren, F. H., commission, 725 degree, 716 Van Duyn, D. P., degree, 223 Van Duyn, M . S., appointment, 626 See also Smith, M . M . Van Dyke, A. M., degree, 723 Van Dyke, G. E., degree, 129 Van Dyke, J. J., degree, 62 Vanek, O. M., appointments, 155, 289 degree, 726 Van Eman, E. K., appointment, 534 Van Epps, H. H-, degree, 223 Vases, terraMS.,degree,contract,purchase of, 543 VegetableP.R.cotta,degree, 230 293, Vanstone,L.A..F., degree,220301, 642 VanSands,storage degree,23334 497624683 Van Gundy,E.L.,certificate,72361865 r638 6 Velasquez, T. L., 69, 717 733 Vegetable-packing contract, Veatch,V. WR.fP., y, 226 712 Vasey, V. M., degree, 233 233 Varzino,CJ.,S. S., equipment, Varney,R- absence,degree, 499 2 Vaughn,of L., E., houses, appropriation, VanOrden,O.,Chapel, degree, 288, Vannatta,,E,. J.,appointments, 331, Ventilation,J., appointments, Vendil, Velde, C. W.,degree, 732 Veale, G.,V., B. Vawter, H. degree, 239146 276, leave Ness, A., degree, 407 Hazel, J., Vliet, appointments, Home, 807 Ventilation, cont'd. Chemistry Annex, contract, 484 E. E. Laboratory, 189 Medical and Dental Laboratories Building, contract, 616 Ventilation and Heating, agreement, 82 Verda, D. J., appointments, 41, 292, 641 degrees, 35, 726 Vernon, G. H., Jr., certificate, 733 Vesel, F. H., appointment, 66 commission, 235 degree, 233 Vessey, R. E., appointments, 331. 683 Vestal, A. G., appointments, 179. 284, 634 Vetter, L. R., degree, 233 Vetter, V. M., degree, 220 Vick, C. E., degree, 129 Vick, H. A., certificate, 243 degree, 501 Vick, M . E., degree, 710 Vickery, K. F., fellowship, 576 Vigneaud, V. du, appointments, 285, 501, 635 Villars, D. S-, appointment, 109 Vines, Q. C , degree, 409 Vinik, G. A., degree, 718 Vinnedge, K. H-, certificate, 241 degree, 240 Viola, A. G., degree, 226 Violet-ray machine, appropriation released, 149 Visiting professorships, lectures, budget, 275, 623 Vitale, F., landscaping report, 183 Vivarium, completion, 47 refrigeration unit for, 589 Vocational agriculture, practice teaching at St. Joseph, 8 Vocational Education, Illinois State Board for, contracts, 449. 5". S6r, 586 Vodak, A. J., degree, 723 Voelker, E. W., appointments, 41, 293, 643 Vogel, H. E., certificate, 733 Vogel, M . A,, degree, 500 Vogt, J. E., commission, 235 degree, 227 Voight, L. E-, appointments, 322, 672 Volberding, L. D., degree, 220 Volcsko, M., degree, 222 Volland Scenic Studios, stage equipment contract, 262 VonDrasek, J. S. G., degree, 501 Voodry will, appearance, 9 Voorhees, F. H-, degree, 715 Voorhees, H. A., degree, 226 Vorbach, G. E„ degree, 131 Voris, F., degree, 223 Vose, D. F-, degree, 220 Wach, H.M.,J.,.J., C.degrees,222525,323,479 261 Waggoner, ME., degree,222A. 733 Waddell,O.N., Co., degree, cases, 680 Wachowski,M-,D., museum certificate, Wachob, N.,D.,degree,P.220 241 Vucovich,Dorothy, degree, 499 525 289, Vrbari- H.M.t,P.,appointment,112,contract, Vrana,E.C.236W.,J.,degree, 396221, 685 639 Voyles, E.C713Mdegree,130230710725 233 504, 673 Wagner, David, Jr., 220 Wagenseller,CJ., appointment,333. Wadsworth, V. R., appointments, Vursell, C. .H., appointments,112 Wait, R. S. certificate, Wahlfeld E. T. appointments, Wahl, G.D. S., degree,715 Wahlin, Mfg. commission, degree, C, degree, R.,. W appointment, F. appointments, 713 233
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