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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

8o6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tuetken, W . A., degree, 226 Tuition fees, in Orthodontia, payable in three parts, 509 in professional departments, 583 Tullock, G. F., appointments, 3 56, 598 Tullock, W . M., appointments, 277, 625 Tumbleson, I, A., degree, 721 Tupper, C , appointments, 288, 637 Turbine, ordered, 79 Turnbaugh, E. J., degree, 718 Turner, F. H., appointments, 278, 626 Turner, G. H., degree, 220 Turner, T. A., degree, 408 Turney, D. M., scholarship, 591 Turnipseed, D. A., degree, 60 Turowetzky, I., degree, 732 Tuthill, J. K-, appointments, 304, 653 Tuttle, G. P., appointments, 277, 625 report, 23 Twingstrand, F. A., degree, 232 Twitchell, B. E., certificate, 733 Twitchell, M . E., degree, 710 Twohey, F. J. P., certificate, 733 Twyman, L. R., degree, 716 Tykociner, J. T., appointments, 305, 654 request of Bell Telephone Company, SS7 Tyler, L. J., appointment, 284 Tyler, R. W,, appointments, 112, 303 Tyler, S. L., degree, 232 Tylman, S. D., appointments, 334, 686 Tylor, W . R., appointments, ill, 293, 503, 643 Type for School of Journalism, appropriation, 461 Tysdale, A. J., degree, 232 Ubbem, R. T., degree, 222 Underground cables, lease, 161 Udesky, I. C , degree, 732 Uhlir, C. J., degree, 226 UHman, H. O., degree, 723 Ullrey, I. C , degree, 723 Ulrich, C. C , degree, 228 Ulrich, E, J., commission, 235 degree, 224 Ulum, Z., appointments, 277, 62s Unclaimed articles, 30 Undergraduates, living quarters, 267 Underground cables, leased to Illinois Bell Telephone Company, 586 Underwood, C. D., degree, 712 Underwood, H. T., degree, 220 Underwood, H. V., degree, 220 Unexpended balances, reappropriated, 246, 271, 613 Unfer, L., degree, 407 Uniforms, Military, contracts, 2, 268, 588 for cleaning, 339 Urbana,F.ventilation, appropriation,decision, 27 Urban, Public336,building623Annual, 84for, Bureau UniversityProductsappropriations,cooperativeconUnited search,Customs437Mines,51,672188 337 82 chapelPlumbingSchool,Heating agreement,468 gradeStates Departmentof, replace, Street, 81 budget, R., Census Office, 322,Company, reForestentrance,626 use appropriation,concerning width,expense,and2Listof, duty124, 582 salary,Studies,to 732 of 583 laws of petitioned693 of to Harvey tract, Avenue,52 vacate furniture47 special,600 188 paving Agriculture, Publishers' 275, University, Trade Court, Lectures,budget, property, Hall, Laboratory, Press, High 616degree, 279, Roads, Bureau 158 Toxier, J. B., degree, 223 Tracks, street car, across campus, 559 Tracy, P. H., appointments, 312, 313, 662, 663 degree, 730 Trainor, E. K., degree, 227 Transportation, budget, expense, 644 salary, 297, 646 Traut, B. H., C. P. A. certificate, 479 Travis, A., degree, 221 Travis, M . E., degree, 726 Treasurer of Board, authority to receive funds, 143, 537 bond, 143, 165, 457, 460, 477, 623 election, 142, 143 minutes corrected, 155 Capron, H. S., 456 receipt for securities, 612 resignation of Burke, A. M., 456 reports, 19, 74, 377. 422, 476 Treasurership, committee appointed, 455 Treatment of waters for ice making, 597 Tree, historical, horse chestnuts from, 81 Treece, W . J., appointments, 324, 67s Trees, H. P., degree, 233 Trees, M . J., elected to Executive Committee, 142 gift to Taft Lectureship Fund, 612 Trelease, L. F., appointment, 637 Trelease, W „ appointment, 284, 634 gift, 584 Trelease, W., Jr., degree, 220 Treleaven, M-, appointment, 396 See also Thomas, M . Tremper, G. N., degree, 59 Trenchard, M . L., appointments, 396, 534, 626 degree, 220 Trent, J. A., degree, 23 s Tress, B. W., degree, 220 Tressler, B. G., degree, 721 Tribute of students to President Kinley, 60; Trimble, H. C , degree, 232 Trimble, H. D., appointments, 278, 626 salary, 400 Trimble, L., degree, 409 Trimble, R. E., degree, 589 Trinkle, R. H., commission, 234 degree, 225 Tripp, H, L., degree, 712 Tripp, J. E., degree, 408 Trisdnzzi, V., degree, 734 Trogdon, G. R,, degree, 409 TrogniU, C. R,, degree, 243 Troxel, C. E., scholarship, 160 Troxel, S. M., degree, 730 Troxel, W., appointment, 629 Traxwell, R. L., degree, 225 Tuemmler, J., S., scholarship, Tuckey,T. T.,G., C. for Dairy Tucker,purchase appointments, 278, Tuberculosis appointments, 727 631 Tsung, K. S.,degrees, 499 160 Comptroller Tsui, also expense,appointment,314, Tschetter, under 624 P.710,428 313, 115, Tschentke,W.,D.,Bonds,A. certificate, audit, Trustees,L.,H.576 of, appropriation Sachs, Trammel, R.degree, 275,Theodore B. 626 187 Trugman, 725expendable,Funds,159foT663 Truesdale,H.276,of, 688734239 Husbandry, offer Truehart,H.,L.,list,degree,6884r,150, 521 466 Truck,C.L.Board appointments,733146 662 512 Tubbs, M.,F.L., certificate, Trust funds, appointment, 283, fellowship,Residency, 623 See fund J. N., expendable, L., 232 20, 74, degree, investments, budget, J, scholarship, of, S4S appointment, salary, degree, H., S.
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