UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 [PAGE 811]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930
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Wait. H. E., commission, 725 Warren, M., appointments, 41, 332, 684 degree, 723 Warrick, E. S., appointments, 282, 630 Waiting list. College of Medicine, 398 Warrick, R. R., degree, 230 Walck, S. J., appointment, 284 Wascher, E. C , degree, 233 degree, 496 Wascher, H., appointments, 311, 660 Waldberg, R. F., degree, 733 Wascher, M., degree, 390 Waldman, E. W., degree, 61 Washburn, C., appointments, 288, 637 Waldo, E. H., appointments, 301, 651 Washburn, F. L., appointments, 356, 599 Waldron, L. F., degree, 233 Washburn, M., appointments, 161, 294 Walk, H. B„ degree, 132 degree, 727 Walker, A. L., degree, 221 Washburne, A. C , certificate, 241 Walker, A. T-, appointment, 502 degree, 133 Walker, F. F., appointments, 534, 645 Washington, J. C , degree, 732 degree, 723 Washington Bicentennial, appropriation, 136 Walker, H. B., degree, 409 balance reappropriated, 271, 613 Walker, J. D., degree, 715 Wasserman, M. J., appointments, 179, 296, 503, Walker, J. H., Jr., degree, 407 646 Walker, L. D., appointments, 302, 651 Wasserman, S., degree, 131 Walker, R. B., degree, 390 Water, boiler, solubility studies of, 540 Walker, R. L., appointments, 396, 627 Water Survey, cooperation on well problems, 148 Walker, S. C , degree, 224 patent policy, 148 Wall, A. T., degree, 223 Water Treatment for Ice Making, 83, 540 Wall, J. W., degree, 732 Water, University, for organizations, 600 Wallace, A. F., degree, 233 Wathall, A. L., degree, 723 Wallace, E. A., scholarships, appointments, 704 Watson, C , appointments, 356, 598 fund, 4, 10, 382, 704 Watson, F. R., appointments, 303, 653 Wallace, G. I., appointments, 109, 284, 501, 634 Watson, M . B., degree, 221 Wallace, H. C , appointments, 428, 696 Watson, M . C , appointments, 66, 304, 653 Wallace, H. E., Jr., degree, 734 WaUon, M . S., degree, 221 Walley. H. E., degree, 466 Watson, N. A., degree, 221 Wallheiser, L. M., degree, 732 Watson, T. A., degree, 724 Wallis, D. E., degree, 233 Watson, V. M., degree, 233 Wallis, R. M., degree, 714 Watson, W . T., appointment, 99 Walls, E. E., appointments, 3 Hi 3 '9, 507, 6*4,669 Watt, J. C , appointment, 321 Walls, G. A., degree, 408 Watts, E. M., degree, 710 Walls, M . P., appointments, 291, 641 Waugh, D. R., degree, 710 Walons, M., appointments, 577, 677 Wax, E. W., degree. 389 Walrus Manufacturing Company, tables contract, Way, S. J., degree, 710 196 Way, V. E., appointment, 636 Walsh, B., appointments, 326, 677 Waytz, J., degree, 734 Walsh, J. S., degree, 347 Wear, H, D., degree, 409 Walsh, L. B., degree, 23s Wear, H. T., appointment, 66 Walsh, R. J., Jr., appointment, 653 Weatherby, J. H., appointment, n o Walsh, T. J., Jr., appointment, 153 Weatherford, A. M-, degree, 221 degree, 237 Weaver, B. L., appointments, 316, 666 Walter, A. C., degree, 710 Weaver, F., appointments, 168, 296 Walter, C. R., degree, 710 Weaver, J. O., degree, 233 Walter, M . R., appointments, 294, 577, 644 Weaver, L. A., degree, 716 degree, 727 Weaver, M . A., degree, 713 Walter, W . E., degree, 723 Weaver, V. H., appointments, 314, 664 Walters, E. G., degree, 497 promotion, 400 Walton, C. W., Jr., degree, 711 Webb, A. S., degrees, 62, 456 Walton, W . H., degree, 732 Webb, A. W., degree, 61 Waltz, W . E., appointments, 180, 292, 642 Webb, P. B., degree, 132 Walz, L. G., appointments, 428, 534 Webb, R. L., appointments, 328, 679 Warren, H.absence, 8,723725 Wamock, R.. H.,P. agreement, Warning, H., degree,A.131241 669 115, Wames, L.C. G., appointments, 430 WarnerRobertE., degree,710 293,291, 485 Warnecke,B.,commission,146contract, 502 W aleavesElevator Company,226 83,265, Ware, H.L.,,A.,degree,resolution, 643664, 669 Wardall,F.WR.R., appointments, 314, 639467 Ward, airofJ.,certificate,221221 289, 562 466 Wamcke, E., degree, 221 716 Warga,F. DM.,C. P. 225 221 Wangelin,J., appointments, Wang, J. N., 591 appointments, Wanless, 717 M., degree, Wanger, furnaces, 233 Wandling,C „ Russell, 734 Wampler, L., K., degree, degree, 496 degree, 710 fellowship, C. r m L. R., P. H. K. J. G. certificate, Weinberg,A.H. degree, 710 733 277, Weinard, L.F.,,V.,Jr., degree, 598 Weidner, F.L.,J.,degree,224356,34;, 686 Wehrmann,H.G.,degree,499229 455 66j Weeks,W.,W-,L.,appointments,41, 624 Weedman,G.T.S.,appointment, 112, 697 Weclewski,D.A.,degree,degree, 713 298, 504, Webster,A.35R.,E.,appointment,665 325, 676 648 Wedew,O.R.L.,appointments, 343 Wechsler,C..degree,degree,221 316, Weber, C.R.H., appointments, 334, Wechter, F. L., degree,723 Webeck,L.D. CM., degree,233 Webber,A. M., degree,222 Webb, S.MA.L., Jr.,728388 227 degree, J. F., E.,A., C. appointments,221 R. L„ R., 221 716 389