UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 [PAGE 805]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930
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Steams, A. L., appointment, 39s certificate, 241 Stearns, H. A., degree, 497 Steck, I. E., degree, 732 Steckbauer, C. E„ appointments, 345, 697 Steel, prevention of embrittlement of, patent, 163 Canadian, 269 foreign, 248 Steel Furniture Co., chairs, contract, 260 Steel rails, fissures in, 83, 135, 540 Steel sash, contract, 2 Steel, sheet, enameling of, 84 Steel structures, impact with, 83, 541, 598 Steely, V. N.„ degree, 710 Steep, G. W., appointments, 293, 643 Steers, D. K., degree, 723 Steider, N. E., appointment, 280 degree, 230 Steigmann, F-, certificate, 732 Steimley, L. L., appointments, 291, 502, 640 Stein, E. J.t appointments, 99, 344, 395, 679, 696 Stein, H, A., degree, 238 Stein, J. R., degree, 714 Stein, M . C , degree, 724 Stein, M . J., degree, 224 Stein, T. G-, degree, 226 Steinberg, D. L-, certificate, 732 Steiner, L. M., degree, 732 Steinhardt, C. H., degree, 226 Steinkopff, E. K., degree, 455 Steinman, F. H., appointments, 41, 332 Steinpress, R. M-, degree, 723 Steketee, E. L., scholarship, 576 Stepanovich, N., degree, 718 Stephan, M . A., degree, 227 Stephens, A., degree, 233 Stephens, H. G., degree, 734 Stephens, H. H., appointments, 428, 697 degree, 347 Stephens, V. R., appointments, 395, 696 Stephenson, R. J., degree, 409 Stephenson, W . A., degree, 408 Stern, R., degree, 710 Sternberg, A., degree, 24.3 Steuernagel, J. H., degree, 713 Stevens, F. L., appointments, 109, 284, 634 leave of absence, 539 Stevens, F. V., degree, 723 Stevens, J. C , degree, 710 Stevens, J. W., certificate, 732 degree, 240 Stevenson, L. A., degree, 236 Stevenson, M . E., degree, 710 Stevenson, Z. G., degree, 720 Stever, L. C , degree, 499 Stickney,W232F.t Cdegree,130 409 580, Stickley, L. R., appointments, 41,647 635317, Stice, A. R..M., degree,723 347724.326, 629 Stewart,.L.,,L„ T.t59degree,408296,281, 677 646, Stimson, C. H., appointments, Stillman, O. W., commission, 292, Still, H. A. F., degree, 409 153, Stiff, E., J.. A., E.,degree, 733 481 Stiegemeyer,MF.,degree, 225 297, 309, Stilwell, P. T., , degree, Stillwell, H. S., certificate, degree, N. W., 659, 666degree, 22159 M WC D.t C. L., 724B. R., T., M.,L. degree, E., .appointments, degree, 59132 appointments, degree, 717 406 237 711

Springsted, B., Jr., degree, 713 scholarship, 576 Sprinkle, D. C., continued, 360, 589 Spronl, G. B., degree, 713 Squires, E., degree, 723 Sruogins, A., appointments, 470, 682 Stable, Carter-Pennell farms, 5 Stadium, insurance, balance reappropriated, 271 renewed, 260 south end, plans, 97 approved, 156 Holabird and Root architects, 102 Stadium Drive paving assessment, appropriation, 6 refund, 417 Stadium fund, report, 18, 58, 108, 206, 376, 416, 49i. 574 Staehle, Mrs. I. M., appointments, 41, 326, 632 Stafford, D., appointment, 66 Stafford, G. T., appointments, 112, 323, 504, 673 degree, 60 Stage equipment, Lincoln Hall, contract, 261, 262 Stagman, J., degree, 732 Stahly, E. I., degree, 34 Stahmer, D., appointment, 675 Staidke. P. H.t degree, 408 Stair, M . E., degree, 225 Staley, P. A., certificate, 241 degree, 240 Staley, S. C , appointments, 112, 322, 673 degree, 130 leave of absence, 69 Stallard, D. M., degree, 723 Stalnaker, R. A., degree, 712 Stamatoff, G. S., appointment, 735 Stamler, A. E-, appointments, 345, 349 Stampfli, J. G-, appointment, 428 fellowship, 575 Standard Brands Incorporated Co., gift, 583 See also Fleischmann Yeast Co. Standard Oil Co., agreement, 82 gift, 366 Standing committees of the board, 1929-30, 166 1930-31, 547 Stangle, L., degree, 734 Stangle. S., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Stanley, C. B., degree, 222 Stanley, D., degree, 723 Stanley, T. V., degree, 710 Stanley, W . F,, appointments, 294, 643 Stanley, W . M., appointments, 285, 349, 577 degree, 239 Stanafield, F. A., degree, 61 Stanton, G. F., appointment, 627 degree, 724 Stantus, J. J., degree, 233 Staudinger, P.degree,heating596148475660contracts, SteamSurveys,water 734.Article310, Statutes, R. appointments, 302,46, StateCourse, S.,Natural 710Education, Stashak, F„ ofcommission, 724 293and ConservaStarulis,449,forJ.,policy,Resources652 . Stark,Auditor,477.degree,514.agreement, Star tion, E. M.,Vocational41056l679439 83,135 Starcher, F., R.,listdegree,236327,resolutions, 136 Stead,andB.,G.,degree, 148 Stauffer, amendment employees, Stat ham, H. W.,appointments, Starr,School degree, 500148 Starkey, J., Board 5> 1. 79 Starcevich,hot160appointment, well-drilling ordered,policy, degree, W.,expenses 717731 fellowship, appointments, 52,C. G. problems, Board patent to turbine degree, F. L., I. patent of 232 K. A., J. 713 Association, met,