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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Smith, K. J., certificate, 241 Smith, K. O., degree, 240 Smith, L. H., appointment, 310, 659 Smith, L. J„ degree, 715 Smith, Laurence L., appointments, 395, 651 Smith, Lorenz L„ degree, 133 Smith, Loyal L., degree, 715 Smith, M . M,, appointments, 41, 278 See also Van Duyn, M . S. Smith Memorial Hall, completion, 47 Smith, O. R., degree, 499 Smith, P. K., appointments, 291, 641 Smith, R. C , degree, 226 Smith, R. D., degree, 225 Smith, R. E., degree, 232 Smith, R. F., appointments, 297, 647 degree, 237 Smith, R. G., degree, 7r8 Smith, R. H., certificate, 241 Smith, R. L., degree, 240 Smith, R, S.( appointments, 310, 660 leave of absence, 158 Smith, S. C , appointments, 276, 624 Smith, T. H., degree, 723 Smith, T. R., degree, 710 Smith, V. B., degree, 723 Smith, V. G., degree, 498 Smith, V. J., degree, 720 Smith, V. P., degree, 220 Smith, V. T., appointments, 140, 214, 299, 649 degree, 388 Smith, W „ degree, 712 Smith, Walter H., degree, 232 Smith, William H., appointments, 311, 318, 505, 661, 668 Smith, W . M „ C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Smith, W . N., appointments, 304, 428 degree, 497 Smith-Hughes Education, budget, expense, 297, 647 Smith-Lever Extension, budget, 1929-30, revised, 472, 505 expense, 307, 657 salary, 318. 668 Smith scholarships in Music, regulations changed, US Smithsonian Institution, gift, 584 Snapp, R. R., appointments, 311, 661 Snethen, R. K., commission, 724 degree, 716 Snider, H. J., appointments, 310, 660 Snider, W . B-, degree, 710 SnitofT, H. J., degree, 225 Snively, E. B., degree, 227 Snively. M . L., degree, 723 Social Hygiene,appointments,306, 334. 687 Snyder,E.D-,512forin,243faculty, 345614 672 Snow, facilitiesfillhead363, 434, 323. 674 Snook,Sciences,E.,appointments, 452, 464* 477 614 Soils, R.J.expense,appointments, 44 Soderquist,559appointments, 334. 657 Soderdahl,M.»360degrees,in, 226 654 Sociology,M261,degree,budget,178 687 Soil salary,.Cdegree,283,232 461 Sogolow,A.,„to G-, position, budget, 322, Sodaro, I..acting 643 balance 307, 631 authority D., degree,233 reappropriated, continued,balancedegree, 346 specialN. P.H., students, 283, budget,equipment, appointed, royalties,K., degree, 713 patent, M., degree, 131 printing, E., Studies 222 maps, reports,reappropriated, Survey E., clinical 230 phosphorus C.K. L. R. M 293, 181, 633 801 Sojat, F. A„ degree, 734 Sokolowski, F. W., certificate, 241 Soldner, L. J.r Jr., degree, 498 Solger, H. A., degree, 710 Soller, J., Jr., degree, 713 Solomon, A. P., appointments, 344, 696 Solomon, A. R-, degree, 723 Solomon, H. N,# degree, 220 Solomon, L. R., degree, 714 Solomon, S., Jr., certificate, 241 Solon, A. E., degree, 220 Soloway, S. S., appointment, 343, 69s Solubility studies of boiler waters, 540, 546, 597 Somers, E. A., degree, 390 Somers, F. A., sidewalks contract, 261 Somers, L. A., appointments, 316, 319, 506, 666, 669 Sommer, C. S., degree, 240 Sommer, O. J., appointments, 356, 598 Sona, H. J., degree, 222 Songer, A. M., degree, 233 Sonnemann, W . F., degree, 228 Sonshine, R. A., degree, 734 Sorensen, G. R., degree, 220 SOrenson, M., appointment, 328, 680 leave of absence, 69 Souder, M . A., appointments, 319, 507 leave of absence, 352 Southwark Foundry and Machine Company, contract, 144 Soverhill, W . R., appointment, 356 Soy beans, storage project, 95 Spack, H. M., degrees, 222, 727 scholarship, 159 Spanish, fees, 121, 252 Sparks, E. W., degree, 225 Sparks, F. M., appointments, 303, 428, 653 degree, 238 Sparks, M . E-, death benefit, 134 memorial tablet, 703 Spaulding, H. F., degree, 724 Speakman, R. D., degree, 243 Spears, C. A„ degree, 130 Specht, B. A., degree, 409 Special non-recurring appropriations, 336, 693 Specthrte, S. W., degree, 222 Spector, Mrs. M., see Kaplan, B. Spectrographs, gift of, 450 purchase, 432 Hilger, 476 Speed reducers, gift of, 438 Speer, M . O., degree, 408 Spellman, E. L-, commission, 234 degree, 223 Spelman, A. E., degree, 347 Spencer,H.M.,,degree,500409 experiment, 668 249 Spiecker,114E„ spraying132 for,301 543651187. Sperry,onV.129 G-,appointments,of,345.448, 582 Spoerl,L.G.564 „degree, albumen481 598 Spira, materials,degree,225 318, 543697 Spiesman,ofAvenue, paving, 724 395, Spiegel, J.F.M.,appointments,51,302 505, 634 Spraying E.M., 559orchards Spray equipment, purchase in, Spratt, A.G., degree. 221 124, Sports WSunday, appointments,302, Spitzer, M.,peachblood 720 538 Spitler, T.C.M., degree, 723 180, Spiker, N.L.L.,degree, equipment, Springfield 235 appointments, Springer, 723L., appointment, degree, .CE., appointment, granted, ofH petition title, I.559 commission, installed, K.. purchase M., installation, degree, H.,
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