UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 [PAGE 803]

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Skin reactions, monograph on, appropriation, 509 Skinder, H. L., degree, 133 Skinner, L. R „ degree, 388 Sklovsky, E. E., degree, 408 Sknolnik, S., appointment, 680 Skorodin, B. I., certificate, 732 degree, 500 Skroder, C. E., appointments, 301, 651 degree, 129 Slater, H. M., employed in freight rebate case, 272 Slavik, J. G., degree, 133 Slepicka, F., degree, 409 Slepicka, H. B., degree, 723 Slibeck, M., degree, 390 Slides, gift, 69, 161 Sloan, B. M., degree, 232 Sloan, H. J., appointments, 395, 661 vacation extension, 557 Slonneger, I. C , degree, 712 Slothower, L. V., degree, 227 Slow, R., appointments, 289, 638 Sludge digestion, patent, 247, 558 Slusser, H. E., degree, 33 Slutzky, J., degree, 500 Slygh, E. J., degree, 714 Small, H., appointments, 320, 671 Small, L., appointments, 125, 300 Smarzo, M . M., appointments, 481, 676 Smiley, G. E., degree, 224 Smiley, H. L., degree, 220 Smiley, J. J., Jr., commission, 234 degree, 220 Smith, A., appointment, 629 Smith, A. A., appointments, 113, 325, 67s Smith, A. F., appointments, 323, 673 Smith, A. I., degree, 388 Smith, A. L., appointment, 395 Smith, B., degree, 723 Smith, B. E., degree, 221 Smith, B. G., degree, 728 fellowship, 575 scholarship, 159 Smith, C. E„ degree, 224 Smith, Calvin L., degree, 734 Smith, Charles L„ degree, 389 Smith, Carey M., degree, 455 Smith, Cloyde M-, appointments, 307, 656 Smith, Charles Oliver, degree, 716 Smith, Charles Otis, certificate, 241 Smith, D., appointments, 470, 653 Smith, D. H., degree, 716 Smith, E. C , degree, 711 scholarship, 591 Smith, E. E., appointments, 314, 664 Smith, E. G., appointments, 277, 625 Smith, F.,WF.,A., P. 497729234660 293, 643 scholarship,degree, 500 293,278, 501, 635 degree, A., J., appointments,666626 698 degree, 500 degree, 711 71166$ 395 F. I., J., appointments, 534. E. 389 C. degree, 316, 643 479 Frank degree, 240 234 G. K., 575 degree, 66, H. L-, appointment, 285, Helen appointments, H.,M., appointments, Hiram degree,226 Francesappointment, G. 710 J., A.710 J. F., J.,A., H. G. HM., E., H., D., O., M.f appointments, degree, 230 appointments, „ „ 499 222 certificate, 232 712

Sidewalks, contracts, Burrill Avenue, 269, 383 Gregory Drive, 52 Lincoln Hall, 261 Sixth Street, 52 Wright Street, 269, 383 Siebert, F. S., appointments, 294, 644 degree, 410 Siedschlag, B. N.t scholarship, 576 Sieffert, G. F., degree, 243 Siegal, H. A., degree, 240 certificate, 732 Siegal, I. J„ degree, 132 Siegel, F. S., degree, 408 Siegel, I., certificate, 732 Siemer, R. C , degree, 220 Siemon, A. M., degree, 713 Sievers, M . V., degree, 133 Sigley, D. T., appointments, 291, 641 Sigma Delta Kappa, gift, 137 Signatures, delegation of, 143. *44. 402, 468, 537 Signor, N. M., appointments, 282, 630 Sikes, P. S., appointment, 642 Silberg, G. M., degree, 408 Silberman, J. E., degree, 711 Silberman, M . B., degree, 710 Silver, B. B., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Silverman, H. E., degree, 410 Silverstone, E, H., appointments, 428, 679 Simer, P. H., appointment, 679 Simmonds, L. F., degree, 713 Simmons, D. A., degree, 347 Simms, H. A., degree, 717 Simms, W . A., degree, 242 Simon, A., certificate, 732 Simon, D. C , certificate, 241 Simon, L., degree, 711 Simon, W . H-, degree, 224 Simonich, E. J., degree, 233 Simons, J., degree, 240 Simonsen, J. M., degree, 723 Simonson, S., degree, 60 Simpers, H. V-, appointment, 276 Simpson, A. G., scholarship, 160 Simpson, D. G-, degree, 723 Simpson, EM appointments, 289, 638 Simpson, Frances, appointments, 320, 671 Simpson, Frank, appointments, 312, 662 Simpson, F. H., oath of office, 101 appointed chairman of Committee, on Agriculture, 578 Simpson, O. C., degree, 711 Simpson, R. E., degree, 61 Simpson, S, W., degree, 60 Singer, C. H., degrees, 24°. ^43 Singer, H. A., appointments, 329, 681 Skin, W H-, sold,728 on 230 Skiles, J. B., withdrawn, 732 Skidmore, W., E., appointment, 52 SkatingP. Z. degree,116 474344. Skartvedt,720 research contract,443 Sixth583rink, E., appointment,303, Sitter, R.,S., appointments, 286 681 Sisson, L.,D.,G., degree, deferred, Sirotnak, .for,construction antiseptic 156 Sippy,giftJ.appointment, 342153. 102 Sipley, A.tofor46appointments,34s. 395 Singleton,O.,„sidewalk architects, °?7 Singh,Street,.J.,497728 723710395671 652 Singer,B.144B.,appointments, 333, 686properties of, Skemp, F. 131,degree, 710 Skeels, L. degree, degree, statement, appointment, degree, O. gift, 69 degrees, Mandcertificate, request I., Root, plans,E., Dbe appointment, houses degree, Holabird D., appointments, M A., J. H.