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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Self-supporting activities, budget, 687 Seligraan, H. B.r C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Selisky, A. J., degree, 242 Sellers, E. H., degree, 710 Sellers, G. K., degree, 347 Sellers, J. A., degree, 497 Sellschop, J. P. F., degree, 128 appointment, 153 Selmer, C. G., degree, 243 Selsor, V. M., appointment, 661 Selwood, P. W., appointment, 285 degree, 34 Seminary Addition, 517 Senate, Illinois, appropriation bills, 340 Senate, University, budget, expense, 275, 623 salary, 279, 627 Senear, F. E., appointments, 328, 679 Serhant, J. E., commission, 234 degree, 228 Serum, antitoxin, patentrightsreleased, 587 Service buildings, agricultural, 47, 49, 51 Service departments, budget, 692 Seron, S. M., degree, 733 Sever, M., degree, 390 Severn, D. M., degree, 408 Severns, W . H., appointments, 302, 652 Sewage treatment, gift for research, 10 patents, Babbitt, H. E., 247, 558 Buswell, A* M., 135, 247, 269 Sewer pipe, day, investigations, 94, 120, 509 Sewers, Chicago assessment, 358, 403, 435, 515 Scott Sanitary, rebate on assessment, 417, 449, 512, 581 Sexton, A. M., appointment, 281, 629 Sexton, M . F., degree, 220 Sexton, M. M., appointments, 281, 629 Seybold, M. A., scholarship, 591 Seybold, R. H., degree, 714 Seybolt, R. F., appointments, 298, 648 Seyler, E. C , appointments, 277, 625 degree, 232 Seymour, A. B., gift, 252 Seymour, D. F. W., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Seymour, G. E., certificate, 732 degree, 240 Seymour, G. H., degree, 239 Seymour, V. L., degree, 409 Shabat, L, W., certificate, 732 Shabino, A. R., degree, 715 Shade, G. F., degree, 710 Shades, Library and Lincoln Hall, contract, 194 Shaff, M. J., appointments, 303, 652 Shafton, A. L., certificate, 241 Shalla, L. S., appointment, 345 Shallene, M. A., degree, 710 Shambaugh,C.,appointment, 292345, 697 666, 6( Shapiro,S.K.,H.,J., Jr.,710725 307, Shannon,J.P.,R.,appointments, 525, 656 Shanks,L.P.,M.,commission, 428, 717 658, Shattuck,F.,E., degree, 714 Sharp, B.B.H., appointments, Sharer, WR.R.P., degree,390718 Shank,C.I.P.certificate,22213a Shand,D.S.J.,commission,241 3*3, 662 Shanahan,M.L.,degree, 499723234 679 Shaw, H., T.degree,133732 Shardlow,WL.B., degree, degree, Shatwell,S., degree, 63 710 degree,L.. E., degree,228 .D.,certificate, 456 R., appointments, B., D., appointments, 716 E., degree, 408 728 appointments* H., E., 225 degree, 240 P., 799 Shaw, D, T., degree, 237 Shaw, E. J., appointments, 286, 635 degree, 497 Shaw, G. V., degree, 220 Shaw, H. Y., appointments, 282, 630 Shaw, J. B., appointments, 291, 502, 640 Shaw, J. E., degree, 222 Shaw, L,, appointment, 180 Shaw, M. M „ degree, 240 Shaw, V. BM degree, 220 Shawl, R. I., appointmenta, 313. 663 Shay, M. L., appointment, 640 degree, 730 Sheahen, A. N.t degree, 228 Shear, G. M., fellowship, 159 degree, 730 Shearer, R. L.f degree, 716 Shedd, T. C , appointments, 301, 651 Sheehan, O. L., degree, 406 Sheehan, T. V-, degree, 226 Sheep, appropriation, 189 Sheets, A., commission, 234 degree, 224 Sheet steel, enameling of, 84 Sheiry, V. L., appointments, 303, 653 Shelby, H. J., degree, 223 Sheldon, M. E., degree, 220 Shelford, V. E., appointments, 293, 643 Shellow, H-, certificate, 241 Shelton, W . L., appointment, 577 Shepard, F. P., appointments, 289, 639 Shepard, M. E., degree, 723 Shepherd, E. J., degree, 710 Shepherd, G. R., degree, 227 Sherfy, M. E., degree, 720 Sherman, D., appointments, 329, 681 Sherman, F. S.t degree, 498 Sherwood, G. R., degree, 130 Sherwood house, lease of, 404 Sherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co., gift, 366, 584 Shields, F., degree, 717 Shields, F. F., degree, 232 Shields, J. B., appointments, 244, 286, 635 Shildneck, P. R-, appointments, 244, 285, 635 Shinker, M. I., degree, 233 Shiplacoff, F, E., degree, 133 Shipley, M. L., degree, 239 Shiplock, H. F., degree, 390 Shively, H. 1., degree, 715 Shkolnik, S., appointments, 334. 687 Shoaff, E. A., degrees, 220, 725 Shobe, C. D-, degree, 713 Shoemaker, K. M., degree, 35 Shoffman, M. C , degree, 243 Shogren,C.A.,J.,degree,710certificate. 333,503, 633, Shriner,N.C.L.,degree,71722261 283,284685 685 Short, J.R.MJ.,appointments, 180,66,285, 501, 5561 Sickler, K.W., appointments, Shumway, H., degree, 131 Shuman,B.M., appointments, Shuger, H., C degree, 713 Shrout, A. 133 , C.appointments, 395, 479 Showers,A.F., 732degree720 Shove, H.T. B.,appointments, 282, 631 Shop635R.A. M Y.,degree,732 Shoot, L.D. H.,Jr., P. 388 Shook, R.J.E.,degree. A.232 109, 294, Sibilsky, L., Shults, Shultheis, G-, Shuck, A.F., degree, Shropshear,M., Shrader, F„R., 47 710 Shoskey, L., degree,243 Shure, degree, V., certificate,certificate, 241 643 Laboratories, 129 232 133
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