UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 [PAGE 797]

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Reisler, M., degree, 133 Reiter, A. M.( C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Reiter, E. L., commission, 724 degree, 715 Reitsch, R., degree, 61 Release, Montgomery, R. E., 701 Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company, contract, 484 Remley, R. K., degree, 717 Removal of lunch wagon, 440 Reno, R. C , degree, 130 Reno, R, R., appointments, 296, 503, 645 Renstrom, A. G., degree, 62 Reo motor truck, purchase of, 512 Replogle, V. L., degree, 232 Reproduction of President Kinley's portrait, 405 Research, appropriation, special, 336, 693 Dentistry, 78 Illinium, 6, 336 budget, 322 chemistry, report, 451 employees in, accident compensation, 116, 121, 473. 560 report of cooperative research, 81 See also under Agreements Research and Educational Hospital, agreement modified, 198 fees, 600 property adjoining, 587 Research bureau on cast iron enamels, agreement, 84 Research Laboratory and Library, pictures and portraits for, 157 Residence Halls, Woman's, budget, salary, 3 25,631 additions to, 422, 599 fund, 600 reports, 18, 31, 58, 108, 206, 376, 416, 478, 491, 574, 687 Resignations, Boyden, E. A., 179 Burke, A. M., 456 Caldwell, R. M., 508 Dillenback, L. C , 701 Eldredge, A. G., 179 Green, C. F., 430 Kaplan, B., 434 Layng, T. E., 401 Little, E. E., 446 McDougall, W . B., 145 Miller, C. K., 179 Mills, G. A., 401 Olmstead, A. T. E., 245 Philbrick, F. S„ 134 Resistance to disease, inheritance of, 146 Resolutions, authority to delegate signatures, 537 authority of treasurer to receive money, 537 Reuss,tion,360R.,Mwork,716409Producers RetiringF.Street, J., E.Athletic 447 529 446 Retirements,contract,Society, 6s 648of,AssociaRetired G.Avenue,Mrs.17842264230Association emReynolds, 40796, concerning location Reyes, R. M.,589 360 2B.. 556 Reuter,L.allowances. Alexander-Bahrenburg, Rew,memoryMrs. 492 132 395, WrightH.,R,of, 430 Milk 404 for iQ2QyH.,E. .appropriation, summer L,482D.,privileges, in Ward,session degree, Chicago Historical ChampaignE.591 178 BurrillB-,A.27 265 degree, T., County Townsend,appointment, Carman,D., appointments, Bevier, A.,H., Brothers, F. P., Kinley, G. L., ployees, Hatch, degree, Busey, appointment, C.members,

Raybnrn, R. S., degree. 35 Raymond, S. W., appointments, 213, 343, 695 Rayner, W . H „ appointments, 301, 651 Raynolds, J. A., degree, 13! Rea, H., degree, 388 Rea, J. R-, degree, 232 Rea Scholarships, regulations, 198 Readhimer, H. E., degree, 496 Reagan, C. W., appointments, 279, 626 Reagan, F. P., appointments, 266, 327, 679 Reagan, G. W., appointments, 112, 298, 504, 648 Reagan, L. M., appointments, 291 Reagan, R. E., certificate, 241 Ream, A. D., degree, 726 scholarship, 160 Ream, E. F., Jr., commission, 724 degree, 715 Reappropriation of balances, 246, 271, 613 Rebates, on coal, 44 employment of H. M . Slater, 272 pavement through Rankin, 137 on special assessments, 703 Fourth Street and Armory Avenue, 449 Scott Sanitary Sewer, 417, 449, 512, 581 Rebman, L. W.t degree, 242 Receipts, from Capron, H. S., 460 securities, Taft Lectureship Fund, 612 Recher, G. H. D., degrees, 224, 727 Recognition of gifts, 123 Rector, L. B., degree, 220 Redd, L. B., degree, 407 Redd, O. F., degree, 226 Redican, T. J., degree, 225 Redmond, G. M „ degree, 712 Reed, C. L, appointments, 331. 683 A. M . A., gift for research, 148 Reed, Hazel, degree, 230 Reed, Helen, degree, 709 Reed, J. C , appointments, 40, 302. 65Reed, R, H., appointment, 663 Reed, W . V., Allerton scholar, 245 degree, 714 Reeder, V., degree, 722 Reedy, J- H., appointments, 109, 285, 501, 635 Reedy, T. L., degree, 220 Rees, P. K., appointment, 641 Reese, D. S., degree, 722 Reese, R.( appointments, 289, 638 Reeve, K. G., degree, 128 Reeves, H. H., degree, 220 Refractories, boiler furnace, 84 Refrigerators,field,95 for Vivarium, 589 Regan, E. W „ degree, 713 Regenos, A. V., degree, 410 Reinforced472.late,degree, 23,241 651 337,r382, Reichmann,reportcertificate,301,687 275, 623 83, Registrar's734 CA.,625arches,335.investigation of*563 Reinboth,A.fG.,60s columns, Reinauer,D.,277,degree,220 Reilly, W of,O. degree,499149 Reifier,M .N.concrete fee,223 140, Reid, J.. J.. F., fellowship,179, Reichman,J., appointments,investigation Reichardt,B., W., budget, expense, Reich,L.R.,F. J., ofdegree, 347 Rehm,E.J.E.,degree, fees, 709 160 301, Reglien,A.545422D-,degree, 2247'» 164, 65 of, Registration,A,degree, 60734408681284, 525, 634 Reisberg, J,, ,appointment, Reingold, A., degree, 347 Reisler, I.Mconcrete 347 Reisch.H. J., Reinmuth, H., degree, 722 report Office, degree, E., Balary, C-, 437. appointments, 509,