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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Reynolds, H. R., commission, 234 degree, 220 Reynolds, J. T., degree, 731 Reynolds, M., appointment, 312 Reynolds, P. E., appointments, 180, 288, 638 Reynolds, T. E., Jr., degree, 713 Rezabek, L. W., degree, 734 Rezilite Manufacturing Company, contract, 2 Reznick, S., degree, 240 Rhetoric requirements changed, L. A. S.( i-|6 Rhoads, M., appointments, 276, 624 Rhode, C. S., appointments, 312, 318, 506, 662, 668 Rhode, J. F., degree, 223 Rhodes, L. J., appointment?, 153, 324, 675 Rhue, L. C , degree, 237 Ribback, G., degree, 228 Rice, A. G., certificate, 732 Rice, E. E., degree, 712 Rice, L. A., degree, 237 Rice, M . W., degree, 60 Rice, P. M., degree, 73 1 Rice, P. S., appointment, 40 Rice, R. F., degree, 224 Rice, W . B., degree, 409 Richards, C, W „ mortgage, 4 Richards, M . E., degree, 709 Richardson, M . C , degree, 709 Richardson, N. B., degree, 232 Richart, F. E-, appointments, 305, 654 Richburg, L. A., degree, 347 Richmond, F. C , degrees, 130, 496 Richter, C , appointments, 325, 505 Richter* H. LM degree, 712 Richter, I., degree, 243 Richter, O., appointments, 213, 343, 695 Rickelman, L, H., degree, 133 Rickey, L. F.? appointments, 310, 317, 660, 667 salary, 353 Rickman, K. I., degree, 220 Ricktnan, T. H., Jr., degree, 232 Riddell, M. R., appointments, 302, 304, 652, 654 Ridinger, C. C , degree, 227 Ridley, H, E., degree, 132 Riechers, E. H., degree. 220 Riegel, E. B-, appointment, 635 Riegel, W . E., appointments, 356, 598, 599 Rieke, A., appointments, 333, 685 Rtendeau, G-, appointment, 334 Rtepen, H. C , degree, 723 Rife, D. W., certificate, 732 Riggs, B., appointments, 309, 659 Riggs Optical Company, contract, 546, 561, 586 Right of way, Aledo, 151. 162, 249 Riley, A., appointments, 328, 680 Robb,A.V.ofL.,certificate,499 220102 Road throughW.,degree,455732field, 565 RivetedR.MCskating,degree,227287, 637 Rixman, C.absence, 734731 Ritter,M WO.,degree, degree, Ritchie, R..,F..sold, 93 232133 Riser,J..A.J.R.,Jr., architects, Ripstein,P.,C.appointments, Rippey,ofS.beH.degree,720713226 84 Riordan,connections,degree,132 withdrawn, 474 Ritzlin, Rittenhouse,Athletic agreement, Ritt, 144M., E., 116 Riskind, L.,W., degree. Rinkel, to B.,degree, 230 Rink, iceA.,B.,degree,734156 Ringquist,D., L.,degree, 238 Ringler, E. L.,deferred, 409 Rinehart,H.G„A.,degree, 347 Rinaker, R.W.,Elizabethtown construction degree,Association request plans, houses degree, 240 leave degree, 795 Robb, R., commission, 234 degree, 220 Robbin, N. L., certificate, 732 degree, 500 Robbins, E. T., appoint merits, 311, 318, 506, 661, 668 Robbins, I., appointments, 277, 624 Robbins, J. E., degree, 33 Roberson, B. L., certificate, 241 degree, 240 Roberts, C. M., degree, 220 Roberts, C. W-, appointments, 289, 638 Roberts, E., appointments, 311, 661 to carry on research in China, 146 Roberts, H, M., degree, 232 Roberts, K. H., degree, 727 Roberts, M., degree, 720 Roberts, Mary Elizabeth, degree, 232 Roberts, Mary Elizabeth, degree, 709 Roberts, M . G., degree, 227 Roberts, N., appointments, 317, 592, 626 Roberts, N. P., commission, 234 degree, 227 Roberts, P. C., appointments, 427, 646 degree, 228 Roberts, V. I., appointments, 279, 627 Robertson, A. C , appointments, 305, 654 Robertson, C , appointments, 113, 325, 675 degree, 235 Robertson, E. H., degree, 220 Robertson, E. M., appointments, 281, 629 Robertson, J„ degree, 220 Robertson, L., degree, 729 Robertson, O. J., degree, 232 Robertson, T. J., appointments, 328, 680 Robertson, W . S., appointments, 290, 502, 639 Robey, L. C , degree, 33 Robins, L. S., appointments, 329. 695 Robinson, A. B., appointments, 299, 649 Robinson, B. O., degree, 713 Robinson, E. M., degree, 496 Robinson, F. B., appointments, 316, 665 Robinson, L- E., degree, 716 Robinson, M., degree, 499 Robinson, M . H „ appointments, 296, 646 Robinson, R. L., commission, 235 degree, 222 Robinson, V. W., appointments, 290, 639 Robison, I. W., degree, 710 Roche, A. V., appointments, 244, 293, 642 Rockafellow, G. B., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Rockenbach, A. M „ degree, 232 Rockman, I. A., degree, 716 Rodebush, W . H-, appointments, 285, 501, 634 Rodemeier, M . R., degree, 220 Roldan,Printingdegree, 158 406 168, 266,684 466 Rokusek,H.absence,degree,717732539Register conRogers E.,MW-,120 degree, Annual 674 641 Rogers, R-,.ofJ.,appointments,213 332, 290, Roepke,ofL.M.,E.,C.597732 certificate, 115, 502, Rofkar, F. S., Company, Roeske, R. C„radium, 720 Roentgenology, appointments, Roelofs, E. P., degree, 725 Roe,safe A. F., budget, 388 Rodriguez, certificate, course, 304, Rodman,F. W.,T., of, 406 Rodkey, D.95,L.,scholarship, 323, 653 Rodgers,J.A.H.,degree. 130 226 180, 291, Rodin, for degree, P. 448 Rodewald,R.E.extension expense, Roderick,F.M., 686 723 A. leave MJ. G., degree, 728 purchase 3341 physicians'A., certificate, tract, E„ salary, storage 640 S. . E. G., 714
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