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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 793 Queenan, H. M., degree, 710 Print Shop, appropriations, 337, 399 Quereau, J. F., appointment, 305 purchase, monotype machine, 574 Quernheim, M , L., degree, 130 paper, 543, 702 Quill, L. L., appointments, 285, 635 Printing, Alumni Directory, contract, 268 Quinnell, L. E., degree, 716 Annual Register, contracts, 95, 453 laws and regulations, balance reappropriated, Quiring, D. P., degree, 129 Quirke, T. T., appointments, 289, 639 613 Rabe, L. L., appointment, 470 maps for Soil Survey, 559 Rabens, G. C , degree, 228 See also under Publications Rabens, I. A., appointments, 343, 695 Pritchard, A. A., degree, 717 Raboff, A., degree, 62 Pritchard, E. H., degree, 236 Rack, A. J., commission, 724 Pritchard, L. E., degree, 715 degree, 716 Privileges of retired members, 404 Radiation, effects on living organisms, 365, 703 Prize, English Poetry, gift of fund for, 513 Radio Station, 600 Prohovnik, J., degree, 347 appropriation, special, 693 Prola, J. F., commission, 724 budget, expense, 275, 623 degree, 712 salary, 279, 627 Property, University, use of, 583 Radio, suppressed wave carrier system, patent, Propst, D. W., appointments, 329* 681 SS8 Prosthetic Dentistry, budget, expense, 332, 684 Radiology, budget, expense, 327, 678 salary, 334, 686 salary, 331, 683 Provine, L. H.t appointments, 300, 650 Radium, purchase and insurance, 158 Provus, M . A., degree, 713 safe for storage of, 448 Prucha, M . J., appointments, 312, 662 Radium treatment, effect on pollen tube growth, Pruner, W . E., degree, 714 703 Pryor, C. C , degree, 722 Radke, G. R-, degree, 222 Psychiatric Institute, future operation, 198 Radomski, A. L. J., degree, 406 Psychology, budget, expense, 283, 633 Radtke, S. J., degree, 33 salary, 292, 642 Raff, A. B., degree, 132 laboratory fees, 252 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, gift, Rafferty, T. N., degree, 240 Raging, A. B., degree, 240 S63 Ragins, O. B„ appointments, 470, 695 Public Speaking, fee, 252 Public Utilities, Economics of, McKinley fund Ragland, E. A., degree, 220 Ragland, M . O., degree, 220 investment, 2, 4, 386, 404, 522 Ragle, M . E., appointment, 284 gift of fellowships and scholarships, 563 Public Welfare, Hospital, agreement modified, 198, degree, 725 Railroad Street property, suggested purchase, 337 359 Rails, steel, fissures in, 83, 135, 540 Publications, expense budget, 322, 67; Railway Engineering, budget, expense, 300, 649 Horticulture, reap propria tion, 246 salary, 304, 653 Nutrition Report, 7 fee, 252 See also under Printing Rainey, R. S.f degree, 132 Publicity, budget, expense, 27s, 623 Ralph, D. M., scholarship, 576 salary, 279, 627 Publishers Trade List Annual, appropriation, 188 Ramenofsky, A. I., certificate, 241 Ramer, L. G-, commission, 724 balance reappropriated, 271 degree, 716 Puehler, L. M., appointment, 293 Ramser, J. R., appointments, 297, 646 Pugh, C. L., appointments, 344- 348, 695 degree, 730 degree, 347 Ramsey, R. J., appointment, 663 Pugh, O. H., degree, 228 degree, 717 Pulliam, V. D., degree, 716 Rand, H., appointments, 288, 637 Pumps, Materials Testing Laboratory, 263 Randall, G. S., appointments, 470, 670 vacuum, purchase, 596 Randall, J. G., appointments, 290, 640 Punke, H. H., appointment, 694 Purchase orders, report of, 25, 52, 88, 94, 120, 137,Randall, L. E., degree, 499 Quatman,J.reports,reports of65189reports 585 476 Rankin,pavement,degree,34Slater,294 682 697 Quarterlyfund,200, G-, degree,383.580654439. 451. Randolph,A.H.,.A.,137709.148,288,34s, 443,rebate Quebbeman,G.tappointment, 234326, 649 QuartzforH.R-, S4S. 253, responsibility of, Putnam,Funds,ofappropriationpurchase676 of Purnell,J.161,H.,appointments,712 purchase, Purdy,laboratorydegree, 417 399631 403, 431 Pyrex Comptroller, 307,709 304, Purnellspectrograph optical system, Purkins, R.expense, 562, 339. 606 Purchasing, A.,appropriation,of, 451 for, degree,M729J., C.degree,715 reserveW514* commission, 299, See A. E., appointments, amendmentF-, degree, 586, methods. 316, appointment, coal K. Comptrollers',35 budget, Power rule See 717 salary, M., Plant, 657 477, 498 glassware, 149. 225 666 governing, . N-, I.authority, Audit, E., E. Ratcliffe,F.G.,degree,degree,certificate, 265, 467 Ray,on coal,H.F..degree, A. Rattner, R.D.P.,J.,certificate, Rathbun,E.,M.,appointments, Rates, E. H.,P.,degree,224 223 suggested Rasmussen, B.appointments, 241 Rappaport,ondegree,H. 61723 309, Rapp, SisterA. Z., C.347 220 388 Raphael,Carter-Pennell714228 65, 659 Ranney, R.,J.,degree, P.farms,519 272 Rank,WM..WCV.,S.,I., appointment, 637 Raney,L.I.G.,44E., appointments, 330, fellowship, Mascariasis,722 degree, 497 576degree, research ., S.,degree,M 227 employment of 709 G.V. R-, R. K.
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