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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

792 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Potts, M., appointments, 278, 395, 625 Poultry treater, gift of, 545 Pound, M., degree, 221 Powell, A. L., degrees, 220, 727 fellowship, 576 Powell, B. J., degree, 347 Powell, E. C , degree, 709 Powell, F. E., appointments, 395, 680 degree, 220 Powell, M . I., degree, 233 Powell, R. A., degree, 232 Power, electric, 27 improvements, 335 Power Plant, coal for, purchase of, 519 responsibility of, 431 steam turbine ordered, 79 Power Plant Addition, appropriation, 269 balance reappropriated, 614 Powers, E. H., appointment, 639 Powers, G. H., appointments, 257, 306, 655 Powers, K. E., degree, 220 Powers, L. D., appointment, 334 Powers, R. A., degree, 223 Practice teaching, St. Joseph High School, 8 Prater, C. E., degree, 390 Prater, R. A., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Pratt, C. H., appointments, 276, 624 Pratt, H. E., degree, 730 Pratt, H. F., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Premium on treasurer's bond, 460, 623 Presidency, committee on, 163 President of Board, elected, 142, 536 delegation of signature, 143, 537 President of the University, assistant, special, appointment, 93 automobile for, 453, 480 appropriation, 523 committee on selection of, 469 appropriation, 423, 705 report of, 523, 526, 527 vote of thanks to, 527 elected, 142, 527 house for, 423, 441 appropriation, 492 special, 693 balance reappropriated, 614 employment of Mr. Piatt, architect, 591 location, 454, 455* 469 old lease accepted, 612 plans for, 547 use of, 591 Incidental and Emergency Fund, 275, 623 member of board committees, 469 term made indefinite, 580, 590 President, Office of, appropriation, special, 693 Price,admitteddegree, 722 flue68 115, 466336 Pressraar,A.Scholarship,of,710 fund, 531674 Fund, Press275.E.D., C.,P.24071734policy approved, Press,Association, degree,meetings,special,540, 597 Presidents,A.,degree, 230623 324, 504,83,662 135 Priester, P.,G., degree,by Priebe,A. 623D.,to appropriation, 84, Pilchard, WK., Odegree,243 Prevention degree, Board712 Entertainment Pretty,G. H.,. corrosionlecture Preston,.H.P.,appointments, Presidents*expense,resolution, 140, 312, President's61276,appointments, gases, 336 degree, L.biographies232 budget,F.,B., 626275, 600 salary,MReception 709 S. J., degree, and E. of 624A. certificate, H. University 724 S., „ University, MR. 279, L. Pittman, G. A., appointments, 40, 287. 636 Piuppo, J., degree, 722 Place, O., degree, 226 Place, P., appointment, 666 Plain, G., Jr., degree, 709 Plant, M . L., appointments, 315* 664 Plante, D. L., degree, 709 Planting plan of F. Vitale. 183 Plates, joints in, agreement, 598 Platin, J. W „ appointments, 98, 344, 696 Platinum, report of theft, 199 Piatt, C. A., collaboration in landscaping, 183 to design setting of Alma Mater Statue, 138 President's house, 591 Woman's Gymnasium, 356, 462 Piatt, L„ degree, 498 Pleasants, A. L.( appointment, 634 Pleshar, G. J., degree, 734 Pliefke, F. L., degree, 62 Plotkin, M., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Plotnich, L. L,, degree, 133 Plumbing, contracts. Chemistry Annex, 483 Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 189 Medical and Dental Laboratories Building, 616 Woman's Gymnasium, 617 Plym, F. J., gift, 70 fellowships and scholarships awarded, 181, Six, 580, 599 release of E. L. DeCosted, 511 Podall, A., degree, 133 Podd, G. O., C. P. A. certificate, 479 Poer, J. J., commission, 234 degree, 225 Poetry Prize Fund, gift, 513 Poggi, E. M., appointments, 289, 427, 639 Political Science, budget, expense, 283, 633 salary, 292, 641 research, 705 Poll, R. E., degree, 390 Pollard, W . E., degree, 408 Pollen tube growth, effects of radium on, 703 Pollock, A. M., appointments, 65, 329, 681 Poison, J. A., appointments, 302, 652 Poncher, H. G., appointments, 329, 681 Ponzer, E. D., degree, 240 Ponzer, H. S., degree, 225 Poole, J. L., degree, 717 Poole, W . G., degree, 713 Pope, L. B„ degree, 713 Pope, S. K., degree, 500 Pope, W . T., appointments, 306, 655 Porcelain, ageing of, 83. 540, 598 Portable fire box boiler, gift of, 513 Porter, A. M., degree, 243 Potts, salts,81 appointment, 562 Potthoff,G.,A., ondegree,500 302, 298, Potter,G.A.,A.,appointments,32175, contract, PotashB.J.A.,J.degree,709716197,443 85 Potash,R.H..L.,degree,A.,713 225 405 655 Postlewait,Clark,appointments, 112,96 Posey,G.G.ofH.,reproduction of,306,65 r 648 248, Poticha,effects degree,production, Post, MW.,N., fertilizers, Posnick,H- J., degree,709 Porwancher,L., R-, 709report, Portraits,G.E., degree,722 Portnoy,K. M., appointments, Portner,F. D-,Jr., T. of,129 Porter, D.E-,M.,size degree, Huff, J. S., committee F., crop 717 CollegeM S., appointment, Kinley,E. on Green, F.,Medicine,222accepted, 339. 383 degree, 157 . accepted, 253 as 410 711 220 709
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