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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

782 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Macharaer, J. E., appointment, 98 I Marquardt, P.. appointments, 302, 651 Machiels, L. V., degree, 722 Marquardt, S. L., degree, 229 Macintire, H. J., appointments, 302, 652 Marquis, B., degree, 222 Mack, C. A., certificate, 732 ! Marr, L. A., degree, 130 Mackay, M., degree, 221 i Marriott, L. M., degree, 232 Mackey, B. H., degree, 497 ; Marsell, M . D., degree, 232 Mackey, F. H., degree, 223 i Marsh, I. T., degree, 709 Mackey, G., degree, 716 ! Marsh, R. S., appointments, 315, 319. 506, 665, 669 Mackin, J. G., appointments, 180, 294. 644 ; Marsh, W . T., appointments, 313, 663 Maclin, E. A., degree, 35 ! retired, 360 Macmillan, A. H., appointments, 286, 426, 635 J Marshall, A. G., appointments, 257. 343, 344, 34^, Madden, E. E., appointments, 98, 139, 393, 679 ; 695, 696 Madden, M . M., fellowship, 160 J Marshall, F. T., degree, 219 Maddox, W . B., degree, 242 I Marshall, H. G., degree, 60 Madigan, J., appointment, 325 ! Marshall, J, Y., Jr., degree, 219 Madaen, C. T., degree, 716 ! Marshall, P. A., degree, 709 Magill, V. M., degree, 232 ! Marshall, R. J., degree, 722 Magnotta, R. M . G., fellowship, 576 ! Marshall, W . A., appointments, 344. 696 Magmison, E. O., degree, 300 I Marten, M . C , degree, 715 Magnuson, M . E., degree, 722 Martensen, D. E., degree, 718 Magny, E. M., degree, 722 Martin, A. E-, appointment, n o Mahoney, E., appointments, 330, 33z Martin, B. F., degree, 131 Maier, D., appointments, 320, 670 Martin, C. A. degree, 222 Main Street, opening of, 517 Martin, C. L., degree, 347 Major, E. L., appointments, 244, 290, 640 Martin, D. G., degree, 720 degree, 59 j Martin, D. L., degree, 227 Major, J. L., Jr., degree, 722 • Martin, E. D.t degree, 226 Makeever, S. J., degree, 717 Martin, E. K-, degree, 219 Malcomson, R. (X, degree, 60 Martin, E. R-, degree, 390 Mallatt, M . L., degree, 723 Martin, E. W., degree, 713 Mallin, I., certificate, 241 Martin, J. A., degree, 222 Malone, R. C , degree; 714 Martin, J. E., degree, 226 Malone, V. D., degree, 722 Martin, L. E., appointments, 334, 687 Malloy, J. F., degree, 224 Martin, L. W., appointment, 697 Malmberg, C. G., degree, 226 Martin, Marion A., degree, 408 Maltz. A., degree, 133 Martin, Mildred A., appointments, 39, 2S9, 638 Mandeville, M . J., appointments, 296, 645 degree, 219 Mange, A. E., appointment, 290 Martin, M . E., degree, 2 19 degree, 730 Martin, M . H., appointments, 394, 633 Maniscalco, F. J., degree, 347 degree, 219 Mankey, M.( contract with State Board for Voca- Martin, M . J,, degree, 219 tional Education, 511, 514 Martin, R., degree, 230 Manley, E. J., appointments, 323, 673 Martin, R. A., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Manley, J. H., degree, 226 Martin, R. C , degree, 409 Mann, E. J., degree, 718 Martin, W . A., degree, 722 Mann, F. I., appointments, 356, 598 Martin, W . L., appointment, 345 Mann. M . A., appointments, 281, 629 Martin, W . T., scholarship, 576 degree, 236 Martindale, E. C , degree, 709 Mann, P. E., degree, 713 Martling, W . L., degree, 7*4 Mann, V. G., degree, 232 Martorano, L,, degree, 242 Mann. W . M., appointment, 333 Martz, L. E., degree, 227 Mannaberg, R., degree, 734 Marvel, C. S., appointments, 109, 285, 501, 634 Manning, A. W., degree, 223 loss of gold crucible, 434 Mansfield, E., degree, 222 Marvin, G. S., degree, 715 Mansowitz, D-, certificate, 241 Marx, M . E., degree, 709 Marker,A.E.,degree,Pennsylvania434644 Mark,forH.MC.,,LoanEta227465of,343,559 Marcoff,RussellSurvey,709gift98,Nu,393, for Manufactureappointments,71684294,640 676 study Maryan,WMedicaL.,degree,219 439,33 426, 682exMarquardt, Marose, , 728 see 718 Markus,402, ofdegree, Marks, J.degree, degree, Markin,J.,A.,degree,734 Maris, F. A. L.,„ thanks,242 Marin, from, 477degree, 226 Maria, B.B„ ofdegree,milk, Margolis,memorial,242Fund, 242 MarcusAvenue,MW.,degree, 212, Avenue March,CD.SoilChistorical,gas,assistantahip Marberry,B-,G.appointments, Maps G.L.L-,450 degree,Kappa 450 Maple messageofIllinois 63 306348, Manville,L.,W-,degree, printing of, 695 Manuscripts,.appointments,724291, 182 Marketability fluid degree, R. theft 407 appointments, of, J., L., Mastri, L.fordegrees, binder, Masterson,R., 254685 62,62 732 213, 327, Masslich,H.D-,2V.,Laboratory, Masser, H..P.2B.,certificate, 714 345,441 682 679 Mason, sash,333,degree,219 722 acousticork insuMaterialsmachine, 144 711 Materia Mabel80degree,Therapeutics, Jf testingA.,rods,appointments, lighting 26379L.,263 elevator,W., degree, 722 steel K.Testing bids, 192 linoleum, C. degree, 45s lightning J., and insurance,L. T., appointments, hardware,332, 684appointments, budget, pumps, fixtures, contract, lation, 190 salary, P., pense, 5 paving, Marion H. 0.,
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