UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 [PAGE 775]

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Jacklin, W , L., degrees, 708, 715 Jackman, A. L., degree, 708 Jackson, B. A., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Jackson, CO.,appointments, 180, 323, 504, 674 Jackson, H, W., degree, 219 Jackson, J. F., Jr., degree, 225 Jackson, R. F-, degree, 710 Jackson, S. M., appointment, 286 Jackson, 'Z. M., degree, 61 Jacob, P. E., appointments, 293* 503, 642 degree, 240 Jacobi, E. W., degree, 711 Jacobs, D. D,, degree, 222 Jacobs, F. D., degree, 547 Jacobs, H. M., degree, 240 Jacobs, R. L., degree, 210 Jacobs, R. S., C. P, A. certificate, 265, 467 Jacobs, W . F., degree, 70a Tacobsen, E. A., appointments, 314, 664 Jacobsen, H. R., degree, 718 Jacobson, E. G-, degree, 242 Jacobson, H. A., appointments, 425, 697 Jacobson, I., degree, 133 Jacobson, J. R., appointments, 98, 393, 425, 679 Jacobson, J. W., II, degree, 35 Jacobson, L., degree, 242 Jacoby, A. M., appointments, 298, 648 Jacokes, C. A., appointments, 146, 291, 641 Jaeger, A. E., degree, 722 Jaffray, D. S., degree, 73 r Jahn, A. M., degree, 712 Jahn, M . C , degree, 222 James, A. S,, degree, 708 James, E. J., biography of, 135 James, W . A., appointments, 393, 533, 661 Jamison, D. D. W., certificate, 732 Janata, A. J., appointments, 276, 624 Janecek, C. J., degree, 35 Janofsky, J., certificate, 732 Janssen, N. G., degree, 710 Jantac, F. B., degree, 713 Janvrin, C. E., appointments, 282, 630 salary, 346 Jarman, L. P., degree, 409 Jarman, P., degree, 219 Jarvis, A. M., appointments, 297, 647 Jarvis, J. P. D., degree, 225 Plym Scholarship. 599 Jastromb, J., degree, 243 Java, J. J., Jr., degree, 232 Jefferson, B. L., appointments, no. 287, 637 Jeffrey, J. R., degree, 131 Jehle, I. M.t appointments, 167, 290, 443, 502, 639 degree, 388 Jenkins, A. H., certificate, 732 Johnson,L.J.,M.,degree,233 711 344, 696 655 Johannaber,H.„commission, 718 334, 686 Jodar,MG.R.T-,degree,degree,724 306, 348, Jirka, .M AlfredR.,„, 722 224 225 Jewell,E.Arthurappointments, 680 Jester, F.A.M.,degree,219232 410 696 Joannides,715 appointments, Jeter, H.L.,D.,Mdegree,389 Jessen, A.D.,E.degree,232226 469, Jensen, E.O.,G.,appointments,344. Jenks, H.WE.A.,degree,62 219 500 Jentsch, T.P., C Jens, V. A., appointments, Jennings,S.E,, C,, degree, Jenner, P. S., degree,219 Jenkinson,225 Jr.,degree, Jenkins,P.,W.,degree, 230 degree,E.,D degree, 409 . .degree, A.I., A., 130

Ingeman, M . J., commission, 234 degree, 227 In cram, L. I., degree, 720 Ingram, M . V.t dpgree, 708 Ingram-Richardson Manufacturing Company, agreement, 84 Impish, G. A., certificate, 732 Ingwersen, T. B., degree, 210 Inhoff, E. H-, degree. 734 Injuries to employees, appropriation, 145 budget, 275. 623 Injury, compensation, Federal, 473 University, 47? See also Accident compensation Innw, TM appointments, 213, 313, 663 Insectary, appropriation, 187 Insecticides, oil-sulphur combinations, agreement, 584 Inspection of student houses, 151 appropriation, 446 Institute of American Meat Packers, contract, 404 nutrition report, 7 Institute ol Behavior, report, 121 Institute for Juvenile Research, future operation, 198 Instruction* standing committee, 166 Insurance, accident, 116 See also Accident compensation Chemistry Annex, 542, 566 Chicago buildings, 270 Cook County Experiment Station damage, 199 field refrigerator, 95 Lincoln Hall Addition, Ro Materials Testing Laboratory, 80 radium, 158 soy beans, 95 Stadium, balance reappropriated, 271 renewed, 260 University automobiles, 560 Intemann, H. L,, degree, 728 Inter-fraternity council, petition for Sunday sports, 538 granted, 564 Internal rvmbustion engines, detonation in, 82 Internal Medicine, budget, expense, 327, 678 salary, 329, 68r clinical faculty, 342, 694 International Association of Milk Dealers, contract, 477 agreement, 26S International Railway Fuel Association, Si Intramural debating, budget, 275. 621 Introduction of President Chase, committee, 607 Inventions, patents on, budget, 623 Investigations, cooperative, see Agreements Ittin, J. .P.,.degree, 712oi Carter-Pennell Isenberg,C.WH-,Cbudget,223219Comptroller, farms, Iseminger,715H., of, appropriations, 49 Funds, Isa, 433L.,E.,reportcommission,116, 560 425. 653 Irwin,University,degree,offor366 6957on, 118,58 3, Ishell, D., degree, 725 Irvine, L. ergosterol, beby, 112, Irvin, R. H., see 408731 Irradiated M.t compensation, research Irish, C. L., degree, 70S Jrish, L. A. appointments, 343. Ireland,W H., operation 275, 623724 303, Iowa, H. E„E„degree, giftpublished, Investments, operation22864Carter-Pennell Irick, J., appointment, degree, degree, Bonds, scholarship, 160 720 nutrition, painting educational, appointments, 207 605S„ accident, Mortgages S. to