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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 773 Johnson, A. M „ degree, 708 Jones, C. M., degree, 234 Johnson, A. S., appointments, 281, 630 Jones, Edith C , appointments, 167, 281, 629 Johnson, B. C . degree* 722 Jones, Edwin C , degree, 238 Johnson, C , lease, 88 Jones, E. E., degree, 347 Johnson, Charles A., degree, 713 Jones, E. L., degree, 242 Johnson, Clarence A., appointments, 38, 425 Jones: E. M., degree, 232 Johnson, C. E., commission, 234 Jones, F. M., appointment, 645 degree, 227 degree, 727 Johnson, C. H., degree, 499 Jones, G. P., degree, 60 Johnson, C. W., degree, 708 Jones, G. R., stockholder in Buswell process, 590 Johnson, D. M., degree, 708 Jones, H. E., appointments, 344, 696 Johnson, D. V., commission, 234 Jones, H. S. V., appointments, 2R7, 637 degree, 226 Jones, L. E„ degree, 720 Johnson. E. C.» certificate, 732 Jones, L- M., degree, 230 Johnson, E. D,, degree, 728 Jones, M., appointment, 663 scholarship, 159 Jones, M . A., appointments, 280, 628 Johnson, E. G., appointments, 313, 319, 506, 663, Jones, M . C , degree, 390 669 Jones, M . F., appointments, 64, 313 Johnson, E. H.f appointment, 286 Jones, M . V. V., degree, 219 Johnson, E. R., degree, 222 Jones, N. E,, degree, 408 Johnson, E. T., degree, 347 Jones, N. R. D., degree, 60 Johnson, F. T., appointments, 112, 321, 504, 671 Jones, P. H., degree, 408 Johnson, G., degree, 230 Jones, P. V. B., appointments, 290, 640 Johnson, G. E., degree, 242 Jones, R. F., degree, 228 Johnson, I., appointment, 675 Jones, S. K., degree, 223 Johnson, I. H., degree, 210 Jones, T., degree, 708 State Board for Vocational Education, 52 Jones, T. S., appointments, 327, 679 Johnson, I. M., appointment, 325 Jones, W . D., degree, 718 Johnson, J. I., appointments, 277, 624 Jones, W . E., degree, 708 Johnson, J. M., certificate, 241 scholarship, 591 Johnson, L. M „ appointments, 315, 664 Jones Foundry & Machine Company, W . A., gift, Johnson, L. O., degree, 221 438 Johnson, M . H., degree, 131 Jones property, purchase, 387, 449 Johnson, M . L., degree, 233 suggested purchase, 337 Johnson, P. E., degree, 717 Jonescue, N., degree, 233 Johnson, P. F., degree, 712 Jonsson, A. N., degree, 716 Johnson, R., degree, 711 Joplin, M . E., degree, 219 Johnson, R. B., commission, 235 Joranson, Y., appointments, 98, 393, 679 degree, 223 Jordan, D. V., degree, 62 Johnson, R. E., appointments, 426, 683 Jordan, G. E., degree, 718 Johnson, R. K., commission, 724 Jordan, G. L., appointments, 39, 65, 312, 317, 548, degree, 712 658, 666, 668 Johnson, Ruth Mary, degree, 722 degree, 12S Johnson, Ruth Maurine, degree, 726 Jordan, H. H., appointments, 300, 302, 650, 651 scholarship, 213 Jordan, J. J., appointments, 323, 674 Johnson, Richard P., degree, 240 Jordan, R. L., degree, 715 Johnson, Roy P., degree, 717 Jordan, S. R-, degree, 715 Johnson, Rozelle P., appointments, 180, 287, 637 scholarship, 591 Johnson, R. V., degree, 233 Jorgensen, A., appointments, 302, 651 Johnson, S., appointments, 113, 276, 321, 624, 671 degree, 34 leave of absence, 430 Jorgensen, E. L., degree, 722 See Legal Counsel Jorison, W . J., degree, 221 Johnson, T., appointments, 289, 639 Joseph, L. D., certificate, 732 Johnson, V. N-, degree, 708 Joshi, A. K,, degree, 407 Johnson, V. S„ degree, 717 Joss, E. F., degree, 347 Joiner,inmaterialsdegrees,708 and39, 624 94, 120, Jun,propriation,appointments, 332 and Hygiene, Johnston,wideE.,B., 70848371575238306,319, fatigue Jukkola,Association257345Germanic667 676 156 JohnsonE.,E., F.,Jr.,21994,232 228 276, 278,544506, 663,JournalC,H.,faculty, 47 50722 345 Social Chemical Jones, A.E..patentappointments, Jolley, B.Brothersdegree, 509, Jokisch, E.H.G., appointments, 648 Joints metals,H.,degree, on discovery, JointingW.,contracts,appointment, Heating Joint ResearchF.,appointments, 314, 655 Com- Jureziz,L..219Jr., 461summary,139, 325, 635 apJohnstone,G-,C.seed116, 559617 598pipes, 626 Johnsos, ofdegree,Plumbingsewer degree, M W.,83, rights 35, release J., B„ for189, 725 of C. H. E.t 669 I.degree, degree, Chemistrydegree, 219 Agronomycommission, 354 pany,N.M., house, investigation, 5°9 713 degree, clay W., plates, 410 P. appointment, B, Annex, Committee, Jurisprudence, appointments,662, Philology, JuniorH. A.,L., summary, 239 Jung,C-,of715fees.commission, 68 Julian,budget, Criminology544 244Judah,G.L.N.,purchase of, 326 725 Journalism,A.,Jr.,715 223Physical budget, JosL,Society, SchoolCapper-Ketcham 286, Juhnke,WE.salary,degree, Journalism322, 672 294, 409 and Just, E. R., appointments, laboratory degree, appropriation,Russian 644 degree, B., degree, budget,degree,157of, degree.A., appointment, Dental, English resolution, Press budget, degree, clinicalthe club Building, E., work, and
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