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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Hudson, L-, degree, 237 Hudson, M . L., degree, 708 Hudson, T. R., degree, 500 Huebner, C. A., commission, 724 degree, 715 Huegely, C. R., degree, 408 Huegy, H. W., degree, 23 8 Huelsen, W . A., appointments, 316, 665 Huelster, L. F,, fellowships, 160, 576 Huelster, L- J., appointments, 245, 325, 675 Hueni, J. F., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Huff, D.t scholarship, 704 Huff, G. A., appointed director, 157, 541 appointments, 322, 673 leaves of absence, 508, 597 withdrawn, 531 portrait, 81 location, 86 Huffer, J. H., appointments, 303, 652 Huffman, G., appointments, 256, 280 Huffman, H. F., degree, 407 Hufnagel, W . P., degree, 715 Hughes, A., appointment, 38 degree, 410 Hughes, C. N., degree, 708 Hughes, E. M., degree, 227 Hughes, G., appointments, 244, 286, 635 degree, 235 Hughes, M . H „ appointment, 629 Hughes, M . R-, degree, 708 Hughes, R. M., degree, 408 Hughes, .W. B., degree, 232 Hughes-Krabhe, Electrical Engineering Laboratory wiring, contract, 189 Library lighting fixtures, contract, 192 Huguet, F. C , degree, 226 Huie, \V. B., degree, 708 Hulick, Z. L., degree, 219 Hull, C. M., degree, 711 Hull, E. J., degree, 219 Hull, T. G., appointments, 98, 331 Hulman, H., degree, 222 Humbert, F., commission, 724 degree, 722 Humble, T. W „ appointments, 333, 685 Humiston, C. E., appointments, 34.4, 696 statement, 46 Humphrey, R. C , degree, 708 Hunsicker, K. R., degree, 722 Hunsinger, H. R., degree, 708 Hunt, G. E., appointments, 312, 661 Hunt, L. H., degree, 718 Hunt, M . B„ degree, 22+ Hunter, D. C., degree, 718 Hunter, M . H., acting head of economics, 179 Hurley,R.D.,D.,degree,708232 263 301, Hupp,C.F.J.,W.,commission, 180, 315, 651 Hunzinger,CK,,„appointments, 234 650 317 Huntington,.WH.,L., contract, 718 289, 638 Hussey, G.219 . degree,409 Hussemann,A.,degree,225708 Husband,A.D.,degree, 296, Hurwitz,MMW. J.T-,degree,131 Hurt, M.S.,O.,appointments, Hurah,MJ..232certificate,497646 Hursh,H.S.K.,,degree,21934500 Hurd, A.F.R.Ddegree, degree, 301, Huntoon,.P.,D.H., appointments, Huston, 353S. H., 731732 Husted, L.E., C-, 713222 salary, W., in, 713 degree, B.C appointments, degree,388 238 degree, R-, 61 771 HutchingsT H. E., commission, 234 degree, 234 Hutchinson, J., appointments, 316, 66$ Hutchinson, J. D-, degree, 496 Hutchinson, P. M., degree, 227 Huyck, F. C., & Sons Company, gift, 583 Hyde, A. S., appointment, 425 Hygiene, budget, salary, 325, 676 Hyman, S., degree, 240 Hynds, E. J., degree, 223 Hyneman, C. S-, appointments, 549, 641 degree, 130 Iagmin, P. P., degree, 733 I ben, L, appointments, 280, 628 degrees, 62, 406 Ibler, H., degree, 715 Ice-making, water treatment for, 83, 540, 597 methods, patent, 564 Ice skatingrink,architects, Holabird and Root, 102 construction deferred, 156 houses to be sold, u 6 plans, 144 request of Athletic Association withdrawn, 474 Ickes, A- W., letter on resignation, 124 Illini Theatre Guild, gift, 545 Illinium research appropriations, 6, 336, 693 Illinois Alumni News, advertising in, 520, 547 Illinois Archaeological Explorations, appropriations, 79, 114, 157, 336, 539. 693 balance reappropriated, 614 Illinois Bell Telephone Company, agreement for use of cables, 161, 451, 542, 586 Illinois Canners' Association, agreement, 83 fund increased, 135 Illinois Central Railroad, agreement, 540, 562 Illinois Clay Products Association, agreement, 509 Illinois Colleges, appropriation for convention, 188 meeting, balance reappropriated, 271 Illinois Commerce Commission, coal rates, 44 Illinois Field, paving of surrounding streets, 448 Illinois Gas, manufacture of, 84 Illinois Gas Association, agreement, 84 Illinois Historical Society, budget, 322, 672 Illinois Master Plumbers Association, agreement, 83. 135 Illinois Northern Utilities Company, 563 Illinois Power and Light Corporation, contract for electricity, 207 proposed agreement, 27 street car tracks, 559 Illinois Press Association, resolution, 68 Illinois Printing Company, contracts, Alumni Directory, 268, 339 Annual Register, 477 Illinois State Board for Vocational Education, Illinoissalary,Dental,Board81B'rith,541.special, 678 Immele,with 299,Kinley'sbudget,277,684 resolution, Ilsley,PresidentDental,budget,appropriation, 399 Illustration,B.,in 627expense, expense, 275, 623693 ltlio,136L.S.,279,appropriation,332, 405666297,684 Industrial articles,649514, 586 expense, 332, ImprovementsN., Printbuilding,expense, 598 ImportedH.andElectric B'naiAssociation, 693 83 Impact StateOffice,duty, portrait, contract, 647 Jngelson, L.,appointments,613 special, Infirmary,Agriculture,Association, 624 326, Independent 333.appointments,S3, gift, 545 Ingalls,StateOrderstructures, 47 Informationbudget,of budget, 316, fellowships. degree, 2363589. expense, Medical R. sLeeldegree, balance reappropriated, contracts,160, 576 Shop, salary, School679appropriation, Union,327, budget, Chemistry, Education, 477, 685
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