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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

77o BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hospital, cont'd. budget, salary, 326, 676 executive staff, 8, 356 financial report, 28, 381, 479 Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, gifts, 196, 254, 549 report of special committee, 138, 207, 265, 386, 4+i, 4S* renovating, 269 self-supporting, 637 Hospital Fund, Students' Mutual Benefit, gifts, io6, 254, 549 Hospital Laboratory, budget, expenses, 326, 678 salaries, 328, 6S0 Hospitals, Research, agreement modified, 359 Hostetter, M . M., appointments, 113, 320, 671 leave of absence, =;oS HostettJer, B. H., degree, 728 Hottenstein, E. K., degree, 232 Hottes, C. F., appointments, 284, 309, 501, 634, 659 gift, 161 Hottps, H. H., degree, 716 Hot Water and Steam Heating, 83 Houchens, J. B., appointments, 280, 629 leave of absence, 159, 556 Houghton, A. V., appointments, 533, 643 Houghton, N. D., appointments, 502, 577 House, J,, degree, 232 House, President's, 423, 441 appropriation, 492 architect, employment of Mr. Piatt, 591 balance reappropriated, 614 location, 454, 455, 469 plans for, 547 use of, 59! Houses, inspection of, 151 Housh, R. W., degree, 223 Housing, student, regulation, 267 Houston, H. S., depree, 62 Houston, M . E., degree, 720 Houts, G. M., degree, 227 Houtz, K. M., degree, 35 How, J. D-, degree, 233 Howard, E. A., degree, 222 Howard, F. C , appointments, 285, 63s Howard, F. S., degree, 708 Howard, K. J., degree, 226 Howard, P., degree, 720 Howard, R. B., appointment, 653 Howard, W . V., appointments, 289, 639 Howarth, E. A., degree, 722 Howe, J. K., degree, 132 Howe, 3- W., appointment, 304 Howe, M . M., degree, 409 Hudson,CU.,degree,appointments, 650 318, 506. Hudelson,,L.A.,160Jr.,degree,300,625296, HubbarrJ,J.R,J. degree,722717708 287 645 Huber, B.668M., degree,222 278, 728 Hubbard,D.appointments, 226, 38, Huang,P.,D.,O.,appointments,228 313. Huddleston,E.,R., degree, Hubata, D.CJ.fdegree,7*2 232 Hoy, O. G.33F., degrees, Howk, H.,M., commission, 234 Hower, M.,P.,appointments, 724 Howell,C.713J.,N.,225 390 161, Howe, F.A.appointments, degree,R.718D., 720498 scholarship, degree, degree, 663, M.,K., G. 408 219 W., E.degree, 708 232 233 HoLtman, L. L., degree, 733 Home advisers, Capper-Ketcham, budget, 156 H o m e Economics, acting head appointed, 245 budget, expense, 307, 657 Purnell salary, 317, 667 salary, 314, 664 graduation requirements, changed, 267 laboratory fees, 257 H o m e Economics Building, 47 H o m e Economics Cafeteria, balance reappropriated, 614 budget, expense, 307, 657 salary, 315, 665 report, 71 Home Economics Education, budget, expense, 297, 647 salary, 299. 649 Homer, G. L., degree, 408 Homuth, H. G., degree, 713 Honens, J. G., degree, 409 Honke, A., degree, 715 Honorariums, Daniels, A. H., 7 Roseberry, C. J., 478 Honorary degrees conferred, 243 Honors Day, budget. 275, 623 Convocation, attendance by Board, 170 Honour, W . M., appointments, 481, 656 Honsa, W . M.t commission, 724 degree, 71? Hood, F. C., appointments, 112, 278, 504, 626 Hood, F. M., degree, 234. Hood, L. T., degree, 34 Hood, M „ appointments, 548, 681 Hook, C. W., appointments, 641 Hooper, J. C , degree, 242 Hoos, V., degree, 242 Hoover, D. H „ appointments, 296, 646 Hoover, H. M., degree, 73* Hoover, R. B., appointment, 98 Hopkins, B. S., appointments, 28s, 501, 634 leave of absence, 114 Hopkins, C , appointments, 291, 640 Hopkins, M . M „ degree, 235 Hopkins, S. H., appointments, 294, 643 degree, 406 Hoppenrath, L. H., degree, 708 Horick, E-, appointments, 425, 682 Homberger, F. W., degree, 226 Hornbuckle, L. S., degree, 219 Horneman, B. C , degree, 228 Homeman, H. C , appointments, 356, 598 Homer, G. L., appointments, 300, 650 Horner, M . V., degree, 242 Horning, I. I., degree, 35 Hornung, T. G.» degree, 407 Hospital,C.expense,Laboratory,279of1976 599 for Hosier, 1.McKinley,307, Newell,of,356, 613 Horwitz, Canners'degree,reappropriated, 246, 135 HorticultureG.,559133317, contract,H.133 182, 271, Horse chestnuts,balances723 702appropriation 702 Horwich, H.fees,66sequipment, 543 543 Horton, B.,Fieldgift,assignmentgift fund, Horticulture,Louis work, 657storage,increased, Horrigan, equipment,722667249 120 spraying experiment,committee, M., laboratorypackingAssociation, appropriations, vegetable vegetablereceipts,H., 81 income, publications, appointments, Greenhouse degree,271187, extra-hazardous 251240 changed, Booth-St. 315,degree,260, greenhouses G., bonds, floriculture curriculum, 390 budget, V.,advisory purchase Illinois salary, excess Addition, machines, installed, L. Strubinger,271 salary, and Purnell 614
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