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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 769 Hess, L. G,, degree, 7T3 History of Campus Plan, appropriation, 270 Hester, L. M., degree, 708 balance reappropriated, 613 scholarship, 608 History of Medicine* clinical appointment, 343,69s Hetler, R. A., appointments, 245, 314, 317 Hitch, L. A., degree, 218 title, 93 Hitchcock, E. G., commission, 234 Hetzner, E. A., degree, 409 Hitchcock, I. M,, appointments, 244, 319, 507, 669 Heubaum, IL, appointments, 180, 285 Hixon, W . G., appointments, 283, 631 Heusel, F- J., degree, 714 Hixson, L., appointment, 3 11 Hevron, J. E., degree, 60 Hjortland, A. L., appointments, 180, 294, 643 Hewitt, C. E., degree, 717 degree, 59 Heyn, H. C.f degree, 234 Ho, Y. T., degree, 62 Hibba, R. E., appointment, 139 Hoag, M . L., degree, 722 Hick, F. K., certificate, 732 Hoag, M . W., appointments, 303, 652 Hickman, F. A., degree, 724 Hoagland, K. K „ degree, 228 Hickman, R. Z., degree, 389 Hoar, E. F., degree, 231 Hickman, W., degree, 223 Hobart, M . H., appointments, 344, 696 Hickox, N. L., degree, 713 Hobbs, C. C , appointment, 425 Hicks, M . L., degree, 708 degree, 389 Hicks, S. B., Jr., degree, 228 Hockaday, H. P., degree, 9 Hidy, W . R., insurance, 80 Hockaday, L. W-, commission, 724 Hieronymus, A. G., degree, 222 degree, 717 Hieronymus, H. E., appointments, 280, 627 Hockenyos, G. L., degree, 227 Higdon, L. B., degree, 409 Hodam, G. L., degree, 227 Higginbotham, F., degree, 711 Hodge, C. A., degree, 131 Higgins, H. R., appointments, 304. 653 Hodge, W . C-, degree, 722 Higgins, W . W „ degree, 715 Hodgson, A. E., degree, 230 Higginson, G. D.,appointments, no, 292, 503,642 Hodgson, A. M., degree, 219 High-pressure gas research, gift, 52, 118, 583, 60s Hoefer, T. H. F., degree, 35 High School Conference, budget, 275, 623 Hoelscher, E. C , Jr., degree, 708 High School Gymnasium, contracts, 355 Hoelscher, R. P., appointments, 302, 651 High School Instruction, budget, expense, 297, 647 Hoersch, V. A., appointments, no, 291, 640 salary, 298, 648 Hofer, A. W., degree, 227 High School Visitor, budget, expense, 275, 623 Hoff, R. B., degree, 410 salary, 278, 626 Hoff, R. L., degree, 720 High-Voltage Cables, Testing, 83, 541, 598 Hoffa. H. £., degree, 71.1 patent, 564 Hofferbert, L. W., degree, 219 Highman, B., degree, 731 Hoffman, A. L., degree, 222 Highway, right of way, Aledo, 151, 162, 249 Hoffman, C. J., degree, 219 Elizabethtownfield,565 Hoffman, E. J., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Hildeman, W . R., degree, 715 Hoffman, G., appointments, 345. 697 Ilile, E. M., degree, 720 Hoffman, H. B., degree, 228 Hilger spectrograph, purchase, 476 Hoffman, R. B., degree, 226 Htll, A. V., degree, 218 Hoffman, V. R., degree, 713 Hill, C. A., commission, 724 Hoffman, W., degree, 713 degree, 713 Hofsommer, V. C , degree, 219 Hill, E. W.T degree, 410 Hoft, J. P., degree, 734 Hill, F., degree, 223 Hogan, J. D., appointments, 139. 300, 650 Hill, H. D-, degree, 22s Hogendobler, H. R., degree, 716 Hill, H. H., appointment, 682 Hogg, M . H.t degree, 231 degree, 347 Hog-waterer, gift of, 10 Hill, J. J., degree, 230 Hoheisel, W . F., appointments, 294, 643 Hill, P. E., degree, 130 degree, 237 Hill, R. D., degree, 71s Hoit, O. W., appointments, 356, 508, 599 Hill, R. H., degree, 708 Holabird and Root, Stadium and Skating Rink Hillebrand, H. N-, appointments, 287, 637 architects, 102 Hillemeier,F-,degree, 722 contract,393 in 623 Hillebrand,W.,degree,733225283, 633275,64^ 30 HinnersL.K.,S.,G-, commission, 696 Hine, E.J.R., Publishing, 159 resolution, Hinde,R.E.J„J.appointments,685 234 365 Hinckle,Organappointment,budget,503, Hillyer,F.E.budget,and218 Phosphorus Hiller,MA.budget,degree,see223332, 684 soils Hirst, E., 44degree, 722 Hirsch, L.anddegree, 242 Hinze, L.,733M., 685 Museum, Hinton,.J.231, K., appointments, Hinderer,T.,E.,Company,718 344, Hi-lo-Fosfate Reagent,722 293, Historical H. degree, 724 Histology,T., appointments, Hise, Hirth, 347 scholarship, History, degree, expense, Hissong, Librarydegree, degree, J. degree, promotion, salary, W., 639 C D.. expense, 290, 61 333, Holbrook,W.,F.,degree,230708321, 244, 244, Holappa,E.237L.,degree,219 733 278, 92 561 Holand,Hardwaredegree,22371s 648,697626 286, 525 Holt, M., J.,A., Company, Holmes,J. H. degree, 722228 Holloway,E.,degree.forappointments, Hollister,S.W.,degree,733347 Hollis,MN.CS. degree,degree, Hollander,T.,J., appointments, 671 Holinger,WL.,E.,appointments, HolidayC.E.,H.,degree,623535 345. 671 286 HolderA.P.S.B.,H.,degree,224contract, 531, Holub, E.,H., Jr.,degree, Holton, L.degree, degree, Holten, .R..L.degree, 232410 Holly,H.regulations 231347 degree, E. VV., appointments, J. J. appointments, F. M.. Jr., laboratories, F.,B-, 237 J.,appointments, , M.,
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