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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

768 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Heinze, W . A., commission, 724 Hawkins, M . B., degree, 218 degree, 716 Hawley, H. A., degree, 224 Heironimus, J. P., appointments, 146, 287 Hawthorne, R-, appointments, 278, 625 Hay fever, research, 10, 82, 252, 530, 584, 606 Heissig, I., degree, 347 Heitman, J. R., appointments, 469, 533 Hay Storage Shed, appropriation, 93 Hektoen, L., statement, 80 Hayden, H. S., appointment, 735 Held, D. V. M., degree, 714 Hayden, H. W., degree, 229 Helfrich, W . W.. degree, 708 Hayden, S. B., degree, 722 Helman, M „ degree, 726 Haye, F. H-, scholarship, 576 Helms, L. A.t appointment, 296 Hayes, A. R-, C. P. A. certificate, 479 Hembrough, H. E., degree, 717 Hayes, E. C.f death benefit, 5 Hemming, C. S-, degree, 713 Hayes, G. E., degree, 708 Hemminger, C. A., degree, 724 Hayes, J. L., degree, 226 Hemphill, R. B., certificate, 732 Hayes, M . A., degree, 710 Henderson, A. M., degree, 218 Hayes, R. J., degree, 711 Henderson, E. B,, degree, 407 Hayes, W . P„ appointments, 289, 638 Hayes-Atkinson Fire Insurance Agency, contracts, Henderson, E. W., degree, 730 Henderson, G., appointment, 167 So, 542 Henderson, M., appointments, 299, 649 Haygood, T. F., degree, 60 terms of appointment, 8 Haynes, F. S., appointments, 356, 598 Henderson, M . E., degree, 708 Hays, A. L., appointment, 38 Henderson, Reappointments, 64, 152, 288, 638 Hays, J. W., gift, 161 degree, 725 Hays, T. G-, degree, 347 Henderson, T. O., appointments, 282, 631 Hays, V. G., degree, 34 Henderson, W . S., degree, 717 Hayward, H. N., appointments, 302, 651 Hendricks, F. K., appointment, 425 degree, 728 Hendricks, H. G., appointments, 296 Hayworth, D. F., degree, 716 degree, 730 Hazardous employment, 116, 121, 473 Hendricks, K. E., degree, 218 Hazel, N. C , degree, 133 Hendricks, M . F,, degree, 722 Hazel, W . I., degree, 233 Hendrickson, H. S., certificate, 732 Hazelip, E., degree, 218 Hendrix, G., appointments, 38, 299 Hazleton, E. W., degree, 708 Hendrix, W . S., appointments, 503 Hazleton, G., appointments, 319, 507 Henebry, M . L-, degree, 708 Hazleton, H. A., appointments, 277, 624 Henne, F. E. W . A., degree, 218 Hazlett, O. C , appointments, 291, 640 Henney, M., appointment, 281 leave of absence, 245 degree, 229 Head, J. R., appointment, 331 Heads of departments, delegation of signatures, Henninger, R. G., degree, 242 Henrekin, F. R., degree, 499 144 Henry, M . G., appointment, 152 Health Service, appropriation, 188 Henry, V. L-, degree, 389 budget, expense, 322, 672 Henry, W . F., degrees, 222, 728 salary, 325. 676 scholarship, 159 Chicago Departments, 694 Hensley, M . E., appointment, 670 Healy, C. E., degrees, 181, 346 Hensley, M . L., appointment, 393 Heartt, C. H., degree, 231 Henson, W . R., degree, 231 Heat, University, for organizations, 600 Henthorne, Sister M . E., degree, 730 Heat treating of metals, 606 Henwood, E. M., degree, 708 Heater, E. F., appointments, 306. 655 Henwood, P. E., appointments, 302, 652 Heath, A. W., degree, 728 Hepburn, N. W., appointments, 356, 598. 599 Heath, V, L., degree, 236 Heppes, J, A., degree, 223 Heating, asphalt, methods, 83 Herbarium, exchange of specimens with Harvard, contracts. Chemistry Annex, 484 Herberger, G., degree, 131 Davenport Residence Hall, 2 Herberholz, P. S., degree, 722 Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 189 Hereford calves, purchase of, 432 Woman's Gymnasium, 617 Heaton,F.,V.L.,E.appointments, 38, 312443 2 HeatingE.H.degree,degree,562gift,331,7267, 383* 597 Herlan,A.S.E.E..F., degree,225 344.306 683 Hedblom, R.degree,degree,722 218 655 Heck, R., L.P.,appointment, 112 contract, Hecht,F.H.R.hotcombustion256 306,13 Hebreweffectfurnaces, 83,708 135 393,683 Heideman,Schenkwater,23182218 Heffner,classics, degree,Company, Heffernan,R-,46degree,499»218 Heermann, H.degrees, degree, Hedstrom C.C„B.,Rosenwaldproducts, Hedefine, A.tVentilation,83,236 Heineman, G. W.,Coal 722 Heier, I.,731A., 335 716 Headman, 61 C appointments, Hectorne, A., L„ degree, 727 Heimerdinger, G-, appointments, Heikes, air E.,degree, Heidloff,N. F. , W., warm and appointment, improvement?, 242 steam gas, statement,ofC.t 133 degree, Herman,C.D.fA.,degree,723130718 64, 660 Herr, R. MH.,W.,appointments, 695655 Herndon,E.I.,L.,degree, 714 722 305,311 Hertz,J. A. P., degree,222 Herstien, A. D., L., 131231 Herskovitz, J„, degree,723 Hershey, M.,M., F., 410129 Hershberger,118 appointments, Herschbach,C degree, 218240 Herrold, R. L., degree, 226 Herriott, I. .H., commission, 343. Herringer,E.J.f D., degree, 234 Herrala, A.R.,degree,appointment, 425. Hess, Herzon, 224M Herzog, M.,E., Herud, R. Z. E-, Hertzell, M P. degree, degree, . 46 statement, degree, 733 research, , appointments, J., 33
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