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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 767 Hamilton, T. T., appointments, 299, 649 Harned, J. W., appointments, 345, 697 Hamlin, H., appointments, 316, 666 Harnish, W . E., appointments, 299, 648 Hamlin, S., appointments, 283, 631 degree, 59 retired, 27 Harno, A. J., appointments, 321, 671 H a m m , H., appointments, 278, 625 statement, 74 H a m m , R. R., appointments, 352, 393, 631 Harper, B. M., appointments, 3.11, 671 Hammaker, R. E., degree, 21S Harper, B. R., degree, 722 Hammerlund, C. M., degree, 233 Harper, G. K., degree, 218 Hammerschmidt, M. D., degree, 218 Harper, J. W . C , appointments, 295, 645 Hammett, M . E., degree, 722 Harper, M . E., degree, 719 Hammond, W . C , appointments, 345, 697 Harper, S. N., degree, 218 Hampel, U. B., degree, 718 Harris, A., degree, 713 Hampton, Z. E., degree, 130 Harris, E. L., degree, 130 Hanawalt, E. C , degree, 722 Harris, C. 0., degree, 714 Hanawalt, J. W., degree, 713 Harris, F. C., certificate, 732 Hancher, E* F., fellowship, 576 Harris, J. J., degree, 710 Hand, F. M „ degree, 218 Harris, J. W., appointments, 288, 638 Handelman, M., degree, 73 r Harris, M., degree, 242 Handler, H. A., degree, 224 Harris, M . S., degree, 499 Handley, C. A., degree, 229 Harris, R. J., scholarship, 576 Handschu, R. G., degree, 708 Harris, S. G., degree, 712 Hanelin, H. A., appointment, 469 Harris, W . S., degree, 716 Hankins, D. A.F degree, 231 Harrison, C. H., degree, 62 Hankner, O. A., appointment, 67s Harrison, H. M., degree, 221 degree, 722 Harrison, R. M., degree, 408 Hanna, E. M., degree, 223 Harry, S., degree, 70S Hanna, J. P., appointments, 356, 598 Harsha, W . M., retired, 352 Hanna, V. R., degree, 130 Harshbarger, F., degree, 731 Hannum, C. W., degree, 221 fellowship, 160 Hansen, C , commission, 725 Harshbarger, P., degree, 40S degree, 718 Harszy, W . H., degree, 226 Hansen, C. W., degree, 242 Hart, E. F., appointment, 281 Hansen, E. G., degree, 726 Hart, H. E., appointments, 180, 294, 644 Hansen, E. R., degree. 132 Hart, L., appointments, 298, 299, 647, 649 Hansen, H. F., degree, 347 leave of absence, 159 Hansen, M . L., appointment, 290 Hart, L. C , degree, 719 Hansen, R , appointment, 469 Hart, M. M., loan renewed, 264 degree, 730 report, 364 Hansen, S. J., degree, 240 renewal of mortgage, 255 Hansen, T. N., certificate, 243 Hart, W . H., to guarantee loan payment, 264 degree, 734 Harteil, J. A., appointments, 38, 300, 650 Hanson, H. A., degree, 726 Harter, I. M., degree, 731 Hanson, H. W., degree, 224 Hartley, R. J., degree, 718 Hanson, J. L., commission, 234 Hartman, F. K., degree, 218 degree, 231 Hartman, W . R.t degree, 722 Hanson, J. P., operation of Carter-Pennell Farm, Hartog, C. W . den, appointment, 290 433 Hartong, H. H., degree, 715 Hanson, L. J., appointments, 256, 326 Hartung, A., appointments, 331, 683 Hanson, M. L., appointment, 640 Hartung, H. H., degree, 218 Harbison, W . A., degree, 730 Hartzell, G. C , degree, 227 Hardeman, D. R., degree, 231 Harvard University, exchange of botany speciHardin, R„ appointment, 629 mens, 136 Harding, A. A., appointments, 279, 321, 627, 671 Herbarium, gift, 252 Harding, E., degree, 719 Harvey, C. W., degree, 407 Harding, F. M., appointments, 281, 630 Harvey, J. M., appointment, 299 Harley,V.P.H.,159 degree, director682660 Harmon,L.236575321, 671714 Harman,MM.G.t ,157, 541 728 234 Harland,D.225appointments,733 307, Harlan,R.A.B.tappointments, 330, 636 Athletic As- Haugh, E.R.L.,160,P. A.231in716344,504,510, 617 Harkins,WE.J.degree, 239711 286,310, 656 Harms, C. A., appointed719 Harlacher,496 degree, 234 Harker, J.,S.,J., Hark, F.O.R., commission, Hargis, M.absence, 254 708 Hardy, ofW.,B-,degree, 719 Harford, M.,J., degree, 227 Harding, H. F., degree, 225 appointments, appointments, of scholarship, degree, G., appointments, leave .J., degree, 242 fellowship,C sociation, E., W., Hau9e, V.F.J..degree, Fund vacate, 696467 Hanry,V.J.236Wallace 734to 728 283,27of,653 Haweis, Havlik, Havens, S., degree, 221 Hausler, A. E., appointments, Hauser, C. B., degree, 499 Haugen, B.,D. E,, appointment, 344 Haug, G.,WM.,resolution347 Hathaway,J., appointment, Hatfield F. G., 0„ appointment, 64 Hatfield,E.,R. W., A. 231 Hatcher,E.E.,C.C.Company, 303, 26s, Haswell,Electricpetition certificate, Hassen, Street,degree, 708 312288, 638 Haskins,G.226M.,degree,236 contracts, Haselwood,D., appointments,memory 631 Hasan, E.L.I.,W.,degree, report, 265, 265 Harvey C.A.,degree, certificate,234 10 467 Hassin, Hatch, degree, E., appointments, fellowships, P. degree, appointments, 576 commission,
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