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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

766 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Haas, D.t appointments, 244, 286 Haas, M. M., degree, 722 Habberton, W., appointments, 299, 648 degree, 388 Hackbarth, P. A., degree, 722 Hackensmith, C. W., degree, 723 Hacker, O. B., degree, 722 Hackett, E. A., degree, 724 Hackett, M. K.( degree, 722 Hackett, R. P., appointments, 296, 645 Hackleman, J. C , appointments, 310, 318, 506, 659. 668 Hadaway, W . M., degree, 708 Haddon, J. E., degree, 223 Hadley, C, M., Jr., degree, 722 Hadley, E., degree, 713 Haering, D. W . G., degree, 242 Hafer, T. H., appointments, 320, 670 Haffron, D., certificate, 241 Hagen, G. A., degree, 61 Hagen, M . R., appointments, 299, 648 Haggard, C. L., degree, 409 Hagnauer, E. L., degree, 227 Hagstrom, A. W., degree, 708 Hague, S. M., appointments, 284, 634 Hahn, A. C , degree, 231 Hahn, J. F., degree, 7ro Hahn, R, F„ degree, 713 Haier, O. C , Jr., degree, 716 Haines, G. H., appointment, 647 Hainsfurther, R. M., degree, 714 Hale, A. L., degree, 60 Hale, C. B., degree, 23s Hale, C. C , C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Hale, D. H., degree, 708 Hale, J. B., appointments, 425, 533, 636 Halevy, A. A., certificate, 241 Halfpenny, H. T., degree, 228 Hall, A, M., degree, 218 Hall, A. R-, appointed director, 157 payment, 134 Hall, B. R., appointments, 302, 652 Hall, D., degrees, 229, 231 Hall, D. E., degree, 218 Hall, E. H., degree, 132 Hall, M. E-, appointment, 469 Hall, M. H., degree, 722 Hall, M. I., degree, 218 Hall, P., degree, 130 Hall, R. A., appointment, 302 Hall, S. E., degree, 231 Hall, Serena G., appointment, 288 Hall, Stanley G., appointments, 302, 651 degree, 729 Hall, S. W., appointments, 315, 665 Hallman,A.J.J.,degree, 7116123m ,180, 288, 63 Hallinan,W.,,P., appointments,I139, 343, 6958 Hamilton, D. appointments, Hambright,A.,353 Ham, C.P.A. W., degree, 425 Halvorsen,L.,S., appointment, Haltug, L.235 V., degree,719234 Halsey, R.M.,A., degree,278,302, Halpenny,222 appointment,228625 683 Hallowell,D. appointments, 524 293, Halligan, B., J., appointments, 167 Hallett, I.appointments,711410 697309, 642 Hallen, L.E.D.K.,appointments, 311, 659 Hall, Z., L.F.,R..,degree,231218311,652 661 Halpern, R. degree, 708 Halper, J. J., Halley, T. degree, 389 Hallauer, H., appointment, promotion, commission, degree, C A., I., appointment, M., degree, L. A., E., Grindley, H. S., appointments, 311, 661 retired, 360 Grinnell Company, Incorporated, gift, 606 Grinton, W., degree, 498 Griswold, C , appointment, 524 Griswold, F., appointments, 288, 638 Grob, E. R., degree, 727 Grochowski, J. B.t degree, 229 Groff, D. R., degree, 226 Grogan, C. R., degree, 409 Groh, H. B., degree, 218 Gromer, E. H., degrees, 60, 410 Gromoll, I. G., degree, 711 Groot, J. P. de, degree, 733 Groot, J. T„ appointments, 334, 345, 686 Gropp, A. E., appointment, 671 degree, 710 Groppe, H, R. C , degree, 240 Gross, C. A., degree, 721 Grossman, A. H., appointment, 200 Grossman, D. A., appointments, 277, 625 Grossman, H. I., degree, 711 Grosz, E., appointments, 213, 343, 695 Groth, F. W., degree, 218 Groth Company, appropriation, 93 Grotts, P. I., degTee, 231 Group requirements, changed, L. A. S., 146 Grout, C. W., degree, 229 Groutage, J. H., degree, 721 Grove, A. E., degree, 221 Groves, C. A., degree, 228 Groves, H. R., degree, 132 Gruebling, W . J. C , degree, 733 Grundin, F. K-, degree, 231 Gsell, R. N „ degree, 708 Gubbins, D., degree, 218 Gubbins, M., appointments, 89, 333, 685 leave of absence, 8 Gubbins, W . R., degree, 733 Guernsey, P. M., degree, 714 Gueth, E. F., appointment, 443 Guild, M. E., degree, 708 Guin, R. L., degree, 129 Gulick, L. E., appointment, 38 degree, 59 Gummersheimer, E. H., degree, 62 Gumulauskas, J. C , degree, 242 Gunn, A. L„ degree, 231 Gunn, H. B., degree, 407 Gunn, R. S., degree, 712 Gunnar, H. P., appointments, 343, 69s Gunter, R., degree, 708 Gunther, J. F-, degree, 708 Gurevitz, J., appointment, 343 degree, 347 Gustafson,MC.A.,355degree,52838 548,303,505 697 Guttman,L.H.,E.,degree,51218 64, 658 Gustason,A,E.degree,49,226410 392, 682 731 Gymnasium,M.,616 J. 218719 614 Gwin,alsoE.R.R.,433269 712695 Guyer,G.G.229W 356,appointments, Guthrie,S.,A.,M., appointments, 320, Gustat, J.H.,of,„appointments, 47 Gurvey,asL.,N.,617degree, 712 213, 345, SameH- J.,.appropriation, 337 degree, 603, degree, Womans',M., degree, SeeH. Gurevitz,462, U.contracts,appointment, location reappropriated, architect, 48, J, appropriation, completion, balance 47, appointments, bids, Gurvey, P.appointment, Men's, degree,
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