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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 765 Goodwin, N. F., appointments. 356, 598 Graves. M . E., degree, 218 Goodwine, G.t appointments, 279, 627 Gray, A. R., appointments, 286, 425, 635 Goold, M. J., degree, 408 Gray, C. E., Jr., stockholder in Buswell process, Goold, R. F., degree, 221 590 Goold, R. H., appointments, 213, 317 Gray, E. R., appointments, 319, 507, 669 degree, 728 Gray, G. W „ degree, 229 Gordon, H. M., appointment, 277 Gray, H. M., appointments, 296, 297, 646 Gordon, J. H-, degree, 733 Gray, J. W., certificate, 241 Gordon, L. J., degree, 499 Graybill, R. IC, degree, 214 Gordon, M . G-, degree, 721 Greathouse, G. A., appointments, 167, 284, 501 Gordon, N. E., degree, 500 degree, 237 Gordon, S. M., degree, 733 Greeley, J. G., degree, 218 Gore, G„ degree, 223 Green, B. O., degree, 719 Gorham, E. O., degree, 407 Green, C , degree, 731 Goshorn, R. H., appointments, 286, 425 Green, C. F., appointments, 291, 392 Goslin, A. R., degree, 733 release, 430 Goslin, L. A., degree, 242 Green, D. E-, degree, 713 Goss, H. J., degree, 721 Green, E. E., degree, 500 Gotsch, H. E. P., commission, 234 Green, F., appointments, 321, 671 degree, 227 leave of absence, 485 Gotshalk, D. W., appointments, 292, 502, 641 portrait accepted, 253 Gotwalt, M. H.( degree, 723 Green, I. F., degree, 500 Gougler, F. A., degree, 239 Green, J. H., degree, 499 Gougler, R. L., degree, 715 Green, M. A., appointment, 288 Gould, J. N., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 degree, 725 Gould, R. E., appointment, 305 Green, M. L,, degree, 218 degree, 129 Green, P. M., appointments, 296, 645 Gould, W . B., degree, 61 Green, W . A., degree, 388 Goutevenier, C. A., degree, 226 Green, W . E., degree, 715 Governor of North Carolina, telegram, 536 Green Street pavement, 27 Grabarski, E. A., degrees, 181, 346 Greenberg, M., degree, 62 Grades, College of Medi cine, requirements changed, Greenburg, L. J., degree, 731 Z07 Greene, G. D., degree, 409 Graduate School, appropriation, fellowships and Greene, G. H., Jr., appointments, 244, 290 scholarships, 134, 508 Greene, H. M., degree, 721 Illinium research, special, 6, 336, 693 Greene, R. C , degree, 231 Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Greene, S. P., degree, 713 »57 Greenfield, M . B., degree, 456 budget, salary, 322, 672 Greengard, H., appointment, 286 summary, 322, 672 Greenhouse Addition, contract, 120 fellows and scholars, lists, 159, 213, 575, 591, 608 Greenhouses, Horticulture, appropriation, 133 late registration fee, 149 contracts awarded, 87 Graduation requirements, changed. Agriculture, extension of, 6 267 Greenlee, T. K., degree, 716 Floriculture, 133 Greenstein, H., certificate, 732 Home Economics, 267 Greenwald, J., degree, 347 Landscape Architecture, 267 Greenwald, S. C , appointment, 330 Law, 245, 566 Greenwell, P. M., degree, 218 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 146 Greenwood, L. S*. degree, 347 Library Science, 267 Greenwood, W . B., degree, 409 Medicine, College of, 207 Greer, C. M., fellowships, 159, 575 promotion to third year, 93 Gregg, G. B., degree, 716 Music, 245 Gregg, R. T., appointments, 299, 649 Gradwohl, B. E-, appointments, 38, 325, 631 degree, 406 Graf, T. R-, degree, 723 Gregoline, A. F., degree, 347 Graves,F.Reappointments, 311, 318, 506, 637 Gravelot,.MI.253, appointments, 281, 502, 661, Grignon,J.730M.appointments, 288, 533, 504, Grant, Central160appointment, 344, 629 249 GrangerWSculpture,appointments,287, of264, 581, Griffith,T.E.R.,appointments,719 152, 425, Granata,F.229I., degree, 719architects, 320, 671668Grimma,D.CF.,degree,degree, 708 27,638 643 673 Gramesly,W708J., appointments, 292585696Painting Grimm,S.C.L.,E.degree,A.to contract,289. 392 639 Granite City,E., certificate, 732 Grand I.MG..Clease 401land near, 113, Graham,and F.,agreement708724 orchard, Grainger, J. J.,Galleries, 218 use contract,F.,Bollenbacher, 280 degree, A. A., degree, 235 proposed731 Mcommission, fellowship,M A., of 711 and V. R., 705 G. appointment, .L-, degree, 388 R,, T., M . contract, 187 500 to Exhibition Grigsby,A.E.,A.,sidewalks, Executive 52 466 Griggs, Drive,appointments, 294, 44 Griffin,MAvenue,C. P. 710218 234 323, Griesser, H. A., L., 708 64, Griesheimer,M., degree,717 Grieger, E.R., appointments, 112, Gribben, MH.M., R., 530 Gress, A.M., appointments, 735 Committee, Grennan,.G.H.,degree, 498221 213, 115. Grenley, F. W., land, house, Gregory M. D., appointment, Gregory, M.,L., elected 711 degree, R. J., degree, 721 conveyance of degree, 717 142 J. 125 commission, . Meyers 231 130 498 certificate,
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