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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

764 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Glancey, D. E., degree, 721 Glantz, N. A., degree, 408 Glaser, B. L., degree, 229 Glasgow, E. H., degree, 225 Glass, R. C , degree, 231 Glass, W . E., certificate, 732 Glasser, D. C„ degree, 713 Glassman, F., degree, 347 Glassware, laboratory, purchase of, 585 Gleason, E. C , degree, 719 Gleason, H. L., degree, 708 Gleason Gear Works, gift, 69 Glein, V. E., degree, 708 Glenn, M . G., degree, 60 Glenn, M . J., appointments, 38, 328, 680 Glenn, M . M., degree, 218 Glenn, M . W-, degree, 721 Glenn, S. E., appointments, 288, 502, 637 Glenner, R. J., degree, 240 Glidden, F. H., degree, 235 Glidden, J. H., degree, 218 Glodkowskis, M . E., degree, 498 Glos, W . G. W., degree, 218 Gloss, N. A., degree, 231 Glotfelty, L, appointments, 303, 652 Glover, A. C., appointments, 309, 658 leave of absence, 150 Glover, M., degree, 708 G-M Laboratories of Chicago, 515 Goar, M . P., degree, 218 Gobhle, W . F„, degree, 708 Goble, G. W., appointments, 113, 321, 505, 671 Godding, R, A., degree, 708 Godfrey, G. M., degree, 721 Godman, E. D., degree, 408 Goebel, J., appointments, 290, 639 Goebel, R. H., degree, 408 Goehler, O. E., appointment, 286 Goehner, W., degree, 229 Goeller, J. A., degree, 721 Goetzman, R. A., degree, 242 Goff, E. A., degree, 708 Goff, J. A., appointments, 556, 652 Goff, L. E., degree, 711 Goggin, E. M., appointments, 180, 293, 642 Gogol, L. J., certificate, 241 Goland, N., degree, 733 Gold Crucible, loss of, 434 Goldberg, Barney, degree, 733 Goldberg, Benjamin, appointments, 330, 682 Goldberg. L., appointments, 329, 680 Goldberg, M . R., degree, 733 Goldberger, S. M., appointments, 343, 695 Golden, K. E., degree, 234 Golden, M . M., degree, 229 Goldstine, P..G.appointments, 97, 30269s628 Goldstein, MS.J.,degree, 133498 32s, 343, 664 Goldman,MA.A.J.,A.,degree,228218, 314, 636 Golding H.F..F.H.,appointments,64,71983695 Goldenson,E.,R.,appointments, 38,286,288, 502, 637 Goodman, C.,.degree, 708 Goodfellow,G. 564399appointments, 280, Goodenough,CS.,petition,498 Goodell,Sons' M.,appointments, 302, Golub, Sunday,degree, 242 Gollings,benefit,H., degrees,223 67s Golf granted,W F.,degree,231408 Goldwin, E.M-,S.,degree,132 no, Goldwasser,H..L.,degree,733133 343, 651 Goodmann,MG.,M.,appointments, Goodspeed,D. B., degree, 731 Goodrich, D.E., degree, agreement, death J. J., appointment, on L., appointments, . , W.,Company, 538 R. appointments, M., 708 70B Gifts, cont'd. Illinois Canners Association, increased. 135 Illinois Northern Utilities Company, 563 Jones, W . A., Foundry and Machine Company, 438 K-G Welding and Cutting Company, 11S Kewanee Boiler Corporation, 513 Kimble, Mrs. W . P., 252 Kingsley, J. S., 109 Kinley, D., 513 Lilly, Eli & Company, 10, 252, 606 Mattis, R., 366 Mead Johnson and Company, 118, 583 Medical books, 44 Modern Coal Burner Company, 149 Morgan, L. O., 450 Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, 196, 254, 549 Myers, G. W., 149 National Research Council, 365, 564, 703 Ohio Electric and Controller Company, 545 Penn, A., 10 Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company, 563 Phi Rho Sigma, 60s Plym, F. J., 70 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, S63 Rohm and Hass Company, 476 Rosenwald, J., 137 R u h m Phosphate and Chemical Company, 135, 161, 366 Seymour, A. B., 252 Sherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Company, 366, 584 Sigma Delta Kappa, 137 Sipley, L. W.. 69 Smithsonian Institution, 584 Standard Brands Incorporated Company, 583 Standard Oil Company, 366 Summers, A. W., 149 Taft Honorary Lectureship Fund, 479 contribution from Alumni Fund, 603 list of donors, 602 Trees, M . J., 612 Tennessee Products Corporation, 52, 366, 605 Thomson Phosphate Company, 135, 161 Trelease, W-, 584 Valentine, L. L., 366 Western Electric Company, 69, 366, 513 Westinghouse Electric and Mfrg. Company, 476 Woltersdorf, A., 366 Yale University Press, 703 Gilbert, F., degree, 347 Gilbert, W . A., appointments, 314, 663 Gilbertson, A. J., degree, 6i Gilchrist, M . L. degree, 221 Gilchrist, V. M., appointments, 325 Gillesby,E.,A.,C ,degree.708730 Giller, D.J.B.,degree,233406 323, Gillen, MC.WH.,R.,certificate, G. 348 Gill, G.C.S.H.,degree,21B60711 316, 666504, 673 Girde,also E.H., degree,222 Gingrich, E.,M., degree, .239 Gimre, ML. I., appointment, Giltner, L., CR., degree, 498 Gilroy, C.S„ appointments, Gilmour,.M240degree,V 716227 Gilmore,S.F.F., degree,223 732 Oilman,ofH. degree, 266r719112, Gillespie,O.J.,B.,degree,218727 Girhard, Wheeler, 218 Gioconda. A.,J., Gillis, absence, Gilliland, .. F-, 72 M 231 Glaister, G.,159 Ginsberg D. W., Ginnings. C T-, See H. fellowship, appointments, degree, leave L. degree, 731 , 223
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