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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

762 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fuller, L. L., appointments, 321, 671 Fuller, S. V., degree, 61 Fullerton, G. G., appointment, 11 r Fullerton, W . W., commission, 724 degree, 708 Fulton, I. M., degree, 708 Fulton, W . J., Jr., degree, 408 Funds, authority to receive, 143, 537 Baker prize, interest unpaid, 599 Dentistry revolving, 387, 400 Electrical Engineering Society loan, 45. 122 entrance examinations, 623 Kimble, loan, 252 McKinley, Professorship endowment, investment, 2, 4, 386, 404, 522 President's incidental and emergency, 27?, 623 Russell, 212, 434 trust fund investments, 20, 74, 150, 521 bonds listed as not legal for, 122 expendable list, 688 Wallace scholarship, report, 4, 10, 382, 704 See also under Bonds and Comptroller, report Fungicides, oil-sulphur combinations, agreement, 584 Funk, E-, appointments, 356, 598, 599 storage of soy beans, 95 Funk, N., degree, 218 Funkhouser, F. M., degree, 71s Funkhouser, R. C , degree, 719 Furby, R. L., appointments, 343, 695 Furman, R. C-, degree, 7*8 Furnace, boiler, refractories, 84 Furnaces, warm air, and furnace heating, 83, 562 Furniture and fixings, budget, 335 Furniture for U. S. census office, 468 Furry, W . H.f appointments, 304, 653 Fuson, R. C , appointments, 109,285, 501, 556, 635 Gaberman, P., appointments, 167, 328 Gabriel, F. C , degree, 222 Gaebe, O. F., degree, 717 Gaines, I. A., Jr., appointment, 139 Gaines, W . L., appointments, 312, 662 leave of absence, 181 Galaty, H. B., degree, 7ro Galinato, S. G-, degree, 708 Gall, J., appointments, 577. 62 ^ Gallagher, Margaret, appointments, 334, 686 Gallagher, Milton, appointments, 524, 636 Gallic, D. M., appointments, 333, 685 statement, 46 Gallivan Addition, 436, 449. 474- 5*5 Galloway, A., degree, 731 Galvin, M . E., appointments, 334, 686 Gamberg, L., certificate, 732 Gamble, C. D., degree, 231 Gamble,H..S.,degree,242717131 599 641 Gardner, S. A., degree,406714 Gardens,flower,appointment, Gardella,C.WD.,G.,degree,539 Gard, WV.R.E.,appointments, Ganster, J. M.,E.,F.,O.13339° Ganschow, .J.,C.tdegree,240222 292, Ganschinietz,A.,appointment,714 Gans, E.J. 8R-,R.degree,in218telegram, plan, Ganansky, L.Hdegree,degree, 3 111 536 186 Gamier, R.P., place 59 Garmus, M CE-, retired,499 Garms, I.,CD-, degree,225 Garland, L.,J.,degree, 409712 Garing, J.C.degree, M.,708 Garfinkle,Governordegree,227 Garrett, L., M., Garretson, ., degree,landscaping Garner, L.W., degree,733 request, „ R., 73 Franda, M . E., degree, 708 Franck, A. H,, commission, 724 degree, 723 Franco, J. R., degree, 347 Francona, N., certificate, 732 Frandsen, R. K., degree, 708 Frank, R. B., degree, 708 Frankeberger, R. E., degree, 223 Frankel, S. S., degree, 708 Franklin, D. M., degree, 62 Franklin, J., degree, 733 Franklin, L. N., degree, 721 Franklin, T. M.f degree, 721 Frankovich, L. M., appointments, 335* 667 Franz, M . D., degree, 221 Fraps, M . B., appointment, 392 degree, 229 Fraser, R. D., degree, 221 Fraser, W . J., appointments, 312, 662 Frazin, B., certificate, 732 Freda, A. A., commission, 234 degree, 223 Frederick, C. H., degree, 131 Frederick, C. R., appointment, 626 commission, 724 degree, 724 Frederick, J. B., appointment, 328 Fredriksen, O. L., degree, 708 Freeman, A. L-, certificate, 241 Freeman, B. Y., appointments, 321, 672 Freeman, C. E., degree, 721 Freeman, R. C , appointments, 507, 524, 665, 667, 669 Freeman, Ralph W., appointment, 331 Freeman, Richard W., degree, 389 Freer, L., adjustments caused by leave, 134 appointments, 324, 50S» 675 Freese, C. M., degree, 723 Freesc, M . E., degrees, 229, 721 Freestrom, J. B., commission, 234 degree. 231 Freight on coal, employment of Slater, H. M., 272 rates, 44 Freilich, E. B., appointments, 343, 695 French, A. B., degree, 218 French 25, fees, 121, 250 French, I. C , degree, 231 French, M., appointments, 2S8, 637 French, Z. J., degree, 719 Frese, W . F., appointments, 296, 645 degree, 496 Frew, C. A., degree, 501 Fribley, J- W., degree, 718 Fried, H. B.t degree, 708 Friedel, E. C , C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Frison,E.,406,E.,L., degree, 21867s 504, 653 Friedrich, G.,S.575appointments, 38,no, 288 Friedlander,T.,degree, 132533,425, 638 S9$* work, Friedl,E,E.Trelease,223222708 497liazardous 599 Fruit702E.,H., R„ degree, Fritz, also 726 E.M., 218 242 410 Fritschle, 227 S.,P.,appointments, Fritsch,B. 708 commission, 114 356, Friedman,218E.Jr., 708 F. 234 303, 152, 289 Fullenwider,degree, marketing, Fuchs, B.,Kennedy, 233 Fry, R. J. MB. appointments, Fruin,handling appointments, Fuller, G. appointments, Fulkerson,A.appointment, degree, G., degree, scholarship, and L. SeeJ. H. L., appointments, degree, C.degree, A. I. DM J. E.,Q., degree,
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