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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 761 Fletcher, H. F., appointments, no, 288, 502, 637 Finch, H. B., degree, 130 Flick, G. W., degree, 242 Finder, J. G., certificate, 732 Flight, B. B., degree, 231 degree, 734 Flint, A. H., degree, 221 Finder, L., appointments, 283, 631 Flom, G. T., appointments, no, 287, 637 Finder, L. V., commission, 724 Florest, S. L., certificate, 243 degree, 708 degree, 734 Fine Arts Building, 47 Floreth, J. J., commission, 724 Finger, G. C , degree, 34 degree, 716 Fink, M . C , degree, 500 Floriculture, advisory committee, 356, 599 Fink, P., certificate, 241 curriculum changed, 133 Fink, R. O., scholarship, 576 Flower gardens, place in landscaping plan, 186 Fink, S., degree, 708 Flowers, C. G., degree, 408 Finkel, A. D., degree, 733 Floyd, C. D., appointments, 303, 632 Finkelstein, C , certificate, 732 Fluck, M . L., degree, 710 Finkelstein, S., degree, 226 Flue gases, corrosion by, agreement, 83, 540, 597 Finlayson, D., degree, 226 Flues, effects of combustion productB of gas heatFinley, M . C , degree, 498 ing, 267, 383, 597 Finne, B. A., degree, 347 Flynn, T. I., degree, 721 Finnegan, L. V., degree, 708 Fogelsanger, D, A., scholarship, 213 Finney, C. L., appointments. 288, 637 Foley, A. G., degree, 231 Finney, H. A., degree, 731 Foley, E., appointments, 329, 681 Finnicum, M . O., degree, 222 Fire protection equipment, balance reappropri- Foley, E. F„ degree, 409 Foley, R., scholarship, 576 ated. 271 Folk, M. L., appointments, 330, 682 Firkins, C. J., degrees, 231, 727 First Council of Woman's League, petition for Folkers, E. C , degree, 717 Foote, L. S., appointments, 356, 598 Sunday sports, 538 Footitt, D. V., degree, 708 First Street, paving appropriation, 6 Fisch, M . E., appointments, 38,343, 39*. 679.69s Foran, A. F., C. P. A. certificate, 479 Foran, M . J., appointment, 139 Fischer, J., appointments, 343, 69s Forbes, S. A., gift, 564 Fischer, M . S., degree, 218 Ford, F. P., degree, 719 Fischer, W . R., appointments, 344, 696 Ford, L., degree, 724 Fischmann. E. W., appointments, 345, 696 Ford, L. H., degree, 21S Fiscus, A. A., degree, 218 Ford, R. C , degree, 35 Fiscus, J. J., appointments, 301, 650 Ford, S. G., degree, 239 Fish, L. H., degree, 409 Fore, R. E., appointments, 425. 66° Fishel, G. F., degree, 240 Foreign language requirements changed, L. A. S., Fishel, J. V., degree, 62 146 Fisher, C. E., degree, 226 Fisher, C. H., appointments, 64, 152, 286, 635 Foreman, E. L., degree, 711 Foreman, H. C , degree, 236 degree, 389 Foreman, O. N., degree, 132 Fisher, C. V., appointments, 425, 680 Foreman, R. M., degrees, 708, 718 Fisher, D., degree, 408 Forest Products Laboratory, cooperation with, 158 Fisher, L. M., degree, 131 Forester, extension, supervision of, 266 Fisher, R., appointments, 627, 638 Forestry, appropriation, 78 Fisher, R. B., degree, 218 land offer, 472 Fisher, R. E., degrees, 60, 714 Fork, A. E., appointments, 328, 679 Fisher, R. O. G., degree, 711 Forker, I. B., appointment, 311 Fisher, S-, degree, 3 5 Forkosh, S. R., certificate, 241 Fisher, W . C , degree, 717 Formhals, W . H., degree, 715 Fisher, W . F., degree, 224 Forney, W . H., degree, 733 Fisher, W . T., oath of office, 113 Forsyth, W . D., degree, 223 Fisoman, A. T., degree, 218 Foss, C , appointments, 356, 598 Fissures in steel rails, 83, 135, 540 Foss, W . M., degree, 223 Fitch, A. E., degree, 710 Fitzgerald,B.,L.,degree,235721167,352161 624 Fjelde, O.,D.P.,appointments, 392, 677 Fixmer,J. F.J. appointments, 392 651 Fitzer, A..V.C. degree, 233300 300, 650 Fitzel, H.J.S.r appointments, 724 345, Fitch,alsoN.,M.,D.,Company,Inc. 276, 697 Fleak, WL.,S., , appointments, 304, Flack, H. E. R., degree,223 Fixman,O.C.degree,409 733 62 281, Fix, J.C. A.P.,degree, 724131 326, 654 Fitz-Gerald,T.,E., degree,731 gift, 629 Fletcher, F. C E.,degree,238 Fleischli, H.,E., degree, 708 Flattery, G. Yeast resignation, Flagg, L.degree, appointments, Flage, J.S.,J. commission, Flesh, Fleming, M., degree, 499 Fleischmann H., degree, 721 Flatley, R.,B., appointments, See retired, Standard Brands, A., 360 223 Fowler,Liberty degree, 130 328, 449 Fouts, Street, appointments, 327, 313, 504 Fouser,X..M., degree,131130 224112, 333, 440 Fourth Street .W.,719Bond,6, 139680321,650, 663 Foster,N.C.A.,assessment, lunch wagon,679, 685 Fraker, Glenn appointment,404 643 Frain, V.degree,„240 218 390 Fox, A.WE.,H., removal231 297294, 504 Francis,L. A., appointments, 4'7. W., H., degree, 224 129 E. George degree. 133 300, SisterJ., Wdegree,61 K.,B.G., Loan 132of T. D., C.,degree, M CF., appointments, 298, E. B., degree, 221 E, O., I. E., H. D., W.,F„ J. M C. A., degree, R., degree, appointments, , degree, 223 233
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