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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Endicott, H. M., degree, 721 Endler, J., degree, 133 Endres, L. M., degree, 717 Engelhart, M. D., appointments, 299, 649 Engeljohn, E., appointments, 327, 678 Engelsman, C. P., degree, 218 Engelstein, degree, 131 Enger, M . L., appointments, 304, 654 Engerman, M . E., appointments, 343, 695 Engineering, College of, appropriatjons, equipment, 6 special, 336, 693 budget, Balary, 300, 650 summary, 300, 649 cooperative investigations, see Agreements deanship, 613 degree of Engineer-Physicist approved, 564 Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 47, 94, 189, 250, 254. 271, 431 Electrical Engineering Society Loan Fund, 45, 122 gifts, 69 standing committee, 166 testing machine contract, 144 Engineering exhibit at American Foundrymen's Convention, 544 Engineering Experiment Station, budget, salary, 304, 654 summaries, 300, 649 cooperative investigations, report, 81 See also under Agreements graduate assistants hips, 597 Engineering Foundation, contracts, 83, 438 Engineer-Physicist, degree of, 564 England, T. H., degree, 60 Engle. L. A., degree, 726 scholarship, 160 Engle, W . J., appointments, 312, 662 Englis, D. T-, appointments, 109, 285, 635 English Brothers, contract, 88 English, budget,expense, 283, 633 salary, 287, 637 Dentistry, budget, expense, 332, 6S4 salary, 332, 685 English, E. HM degree, 231 English Poetry Prize Fund, gift, 513 Engquist, E. J., Jr., degree, 725 scholarship, 160 Engyall, P. W., degree, 723 Ennis, A. L., degree, 73 1 Ennia, A. M., degree, 21S Enns, M. L., degree, 218 Enochs, C. H., degree, 234 Enrollment, relation to new buildings, 48 Ensign, N. E., appointments, 304, 654 Ervin, A.,A.M.,L.,623 733balance640 583, Ernsting,N.,A.degree,expense, 283, 634 Ernest,J.S..fund,degree, Dentistry, 633 660s Erickson,E.appointments,732187285, changed, 68 Ermentrout, 207 certificate, Ermeling, F. G., appointment, Ericksen, requirements, 227 Erich, 566H.appropriation,278, Ergosterol,B.,D„,for research Erdman, WE. fees,degree, 717 on, Equipment, gift degree,240133241 reappropriated, Epstein, M.(non-recurring71860 118, Eovaldi,J.examinations, 242707 626 Entwhistle,H., appointments, 392 Entomology,289,A.,degree,appropriations, Entrance budget,degree, laboratory R. 638 revolving L., 250 insectary, P., degree, Medicine, degree, Law, Balary, certificate, 613 J., 759 Erwin, H. P., degree, 227 Esau, J. N., appointment, 524 Eshelman, H. C., degree, 389 Espey, F. S., degree, 407 Esposito, D., degree, 733 Espy, W . N., appointments, 302, 652 Esworthy, R. W., degrees, 231, 728 Eta Kappa Nu, message of thanks, 465 permission to place marker, 182 Etheredge, M. L., appointments, 112, 325, 356, 504, 676 executive staff, 8 Ets, H. N., degree, 130 Eubank, R. J., degree, 719 Eubanks, T. M., degree, 721 European Culture, Museum of, budget, expense, 283, 633 reimbursement for lost material, 558 Eustis, H. H., degree, 61 Evans, E., appointments, 287, 636 Evans, E. G-, degree, 240 Evans, F. L., appointment, 577 degree, 235 fellowship, 159 Evans, G. E., degree, 390 Evans, J. H., appointments, 2S9, 639 Evans, J. W., degree, 707 Evans, L- B., elected member of executive committee, 537 Evans, M. M., degree, 229 Evans, P. B., Allerton Traveling Scholarship, 605 degree, 240 Everett, C. A., commission, 234 degree, 218 Everett, R. M., degree, 228 Everett, V. L., appointments, 278, 625 Everhart, G. D., degree, 717 Everitt, R. E., degree, 226 Eversman, R. C , degree, 233 Ewald, I. A-, appointments, 37, 325, 632 Ewart, R. H., appointments, 286, 636 Ewer, S. J., appointments, 37, 284, 577 degree, 727 Ewert, E. E-, appointments, 424, 683 Ewert, H. B., degree, 131 Ewing, C. A., appointment, 598 Ewing, C. O., appointment, 356 Ewing, J. A., commission, 234 degree, 227 Ewing, J. M., degree, 131 Ewing, Palmer L., degree, 721 Ewing, Paul L., appointments, 329, 682 degree, 129 Examinations, entrance, balance reappropriated, 613 Explorations,equipment,222Hospital, 260, A.50, 51 Experiment1930-31, budget,County,151,275,657 439. Extension,Committee, highway, Foundrymen's ExpenseW .general92,694705supervision of 162 Barr, Expense,andAgricultural, suggested appropriation Exley, 44i. M.,336, 539.614, expense, Grand CenExhibition,142, degree,at693565 156,of156, 398, ExecutiveGalleries,307,appointment budget, 623 Exhibit, Engineering, Sculpture, 8G.extension revolving field,544 623 American Capper-Ketcham 401 summaries, budget,157.43» McKinley 657 elected, staff, 537 102, 128, Elizabethtown, Aledo, meetings,fund, 578, salary, Painting and forester,reappropriated, 614 balance Station, Cook appropriations, 79, question, archaeological, tral 54-9. budget, revolving 266 670 Convention, highway, " 4 , 156, 17S fund, 50
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