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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

758 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Electrical Engineering, cont'd. budget, expense, 300, 649 salary, 301, 651 gift of Capacitors, 476 laboratory fees, 250 Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 47 appropriation, 94, 431 balance reappropriated, 271 contracts awarded, 189 delay in work, 254 Electrical Engineering Society Loan Fund, 45 bonds to be sold, 122 Electricity, agreement with Illinois Light and Power Corporation, 207 University, for organizations, 600 use of, in agriculture, 83 Elevators, contracts, 5 Agronomy seed house, 452 Chemistry Annex, 484 Lincoln Hal! Addition, 5 Materials Testing Laboratory, 5 Library Addition, 5 Medical and Dental Laboratories Building, 616 Elhardt, W . P., appointments, 292, 641 Elias, L. E., degree, 712 Elich, E. C , degree, 717 Elimination of Stretching of Lead Sheaths, agreement, 540 contract, 88 Eltzabethtown experiment field, highway, 565 Elkins, S. M., degree, 719 Eller, E.f degree, 218 Ellies, M., appointments, 480, 643 Ellingboe, E. K., appointment, 636 Ellingson, A., appointments, 333, 685 Elliott, D. A., degree, 221 Elliott, E. A., degree, 719 Elliott, F. E., appointments, 533, 661, 667 Elliott, G. B., appointments, 152, 278 degree, 727 Elliott, G. M., scholarship, 576 Elliott, N. B., degree, 22s Elliott, R. L., degree, 719 Elliott, W . A., degree, 714 Ellis, E. J., appointment, 280 degree, 229 Ellis, H. D., degree, 62 Ellis, L. B., degree, 223 Ellis, O. I., appointment, 310 Ellis, R. H., appointment, 286 degree, 730 Elman, E. L., degree, 714 Embarrass River drainage district, 541 Embree, H. H., degree, 712 Enamels,effecthazardous,702 85 Enameling E.,ofdeath182,patents, Enamel, of,E.,appointments, released, Enamel Bakedappropriation,702 agreement Employment,96ofreport,Furnaces,687 Emmel,M V.Castpatent,84260,121, 702 640 Emig, A.,to,H.D.L.Gas7rights145560 702 248 Emch, H.. M.,departments, 84334,163Athletic exEmbrittlement473473H.,269291,products on, 83AssoEmployees,of275, combustion 473, listing patent, Steel,121, injuries appointments,478 502, preventionaccident248 116, tended, 541Iron, compensation, Mitchell, budget, University, 475 Strubinger, R-, research foreign Newell, insteel, Federal, M., extra-hazardous ciation, degree, 456 foreign 359, 623 benefit, Canadian Sheet work, Committee, Eckert, C. E., degree, 717 Economic Geology, budget, 322 Economics, acting head appointed, 79 budget, expense, 295, 644 salary, 295, 646 gift of books in, 513 Economics of public utilities, gift of fellowships and scholarships, 563 McKinley Endowment securities, 2, 4, 386, 404, 522 Edahl, E. W „ degree, 181 Eddington, M . L„ degree, 707 Eddy, S., degree, 498 Edelman, S., leases, 200, 606 Edelmann, E. O., commission, 234 degree, 222 Ederle, H., degree, 406 Edfors, E. J., degree, 133 Edgerton, R. A., degree, 218 Edgett, G. L,, appointments, 291, 502 Edinburg, J., degree, 240 Editing laws and regulations, balance reappropriated, 613 Edmonds, J. L-, appointments, 311, 661 Edmunds, R. H., degree, 712 Education, College of, appropriation, special, 336 budget, salary, 298, 647 summaries, 297, 647 Cameron, E. H., appointed Director of Summer Session, 580 Monroe, W . S., appointed acting Dean, 580 practice teaching, St. Joseph, 8 Education, History of, gift of books, 161 Education Building, appropriation for addition, 337 auditorium, 47 Educational conferences, budget, 275, 623 Educational Research, Bureau of, budget, expense, 297, 647 salary, 299, 649 Edwards, C. F., degree, 712 Edwards, D. M., degree, 721 Edwards, E. C , appointment, 324 Edwards, E. S., degree, 130 Edwards, G. H., degree, 731 Edwards, H. M., appointments, 277, 387, 625 Edwards, L. F., appointments, 111, 294 Eells, H. C , degree, 231 Enron, D. V., degree, 240 Egbers, M . L., degree, 218 Eggers, H. W., certificate, 732 degree, 734 Eggleston, M . E., degree, 721 EgHt, N. N., degree, 228 Ehlers, G. M., degree, 408 ElectricalR. Boarddegree,218 Electric S..D., degree, 707 Elder, M ofK,,degree, 130347 Ekholm.motor,160degree,218 729 Eisenstein,A.A.,W.,degrees, 142, Einhaus,D.R,M.,degree,221218, 598 Eilers, A..R*G.M.,degree,719732179 Eiler, R.R.W,,G.,degree,appropriation Eidman,power,appointment, 64 727 Ehrhart,H.L.,.A.,resignation,285732 Ehrnan,L.L.B.,degree, 389733409,536 for repairs, Election M appointment, Eldredge, L., giftcertificate, Ekstrand, Engineering, 243 Ekblaw, R.G., 27 officers, Eissler, MD., certificate, Eigenberg,237U-,appointment, Elarth, degree, H.t degrees,545 scholarship, 447 I., B., E., O., of, 218
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