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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS City planning options, 462 Civil Engineering, budget, expense, 300, 649 salary, 301, 651 city planning option, 462 laboratory fees, 250 Civil War period manuscripts, gift, 450 Claim, compensation, for injury, 473 Clancy, C. M., degree, 217 Clancy, C. W., degree, 710 Clanton, E-, appointments, 28 r, 629 Clapp, G. J-, degree, 723 Clapp, M . R., degree, 235 Clapp, W . T., degree, 300 Clark, Albert H., appointments, 334, 686 Clark, Alvin H., certificate, 732 Clark, C. E., certificate, 241 Clark, C. L., degree, 719 Clark, D ā appointments, 64,p28+/i9i. 633 Clark, E. C , degree, 23 8 Clark, F. M., appointments, 139, 284, 634 Clark, G. L., appointments, 109, 285, 501, 634 cooperative research on wood, r^S Clark, I-, degree, 231 Clark, J.S., degree, 715 Clark, L-, degree, 710 Clark, M . M., degree, 710 Clark, O. L., degree, 711 Clark, R. H., degree, 225 Clark, T. A., appointments, 278, 287 portrait accepted, 96 statement, 74 Clark, W., degree, 388 Clarke. C. W., appointments, 334, 687 Clarke, E. G., degree, 710 Clarke, M . C , degree, 389 Clarke, M . J., degree, 217 Clarke, R. B., degree, 217 Classen, R. H., degree, 718 Classical Museum, budget, expense, 283, 633 Classics, budget, expense, 283, 633 salary, 287, 636 Clausen, C. A., appointments, 244, 290, 640 degree, 406 Clay Products Association of Chicago, contracts, 120 cooperative investigations, 94 Clay sewer pipes, 94. 120, 509 Clay wares, drying of, 73, 83, 585 Clayberg, H. D., degrees, 181, 346 Claypool, A. A., degree, 227 Claypool, C. B-, degree, 236 Clayton-Bennington Drainage District assessment, 73 Claytor, J. E-, degree, 217 Cleaver, H M scholarship, 576 Clifton,_WJ. M., E.,degree, 231 112, 626 oflease, Clevenstine,C.appointment, 724 280 ipjp-jo, 342 Clevenger,E.botulinum,40954* 152, 298, 64S 656 Clement,.R.F.,degree,appointed 636meat, 577, 404 Clegg,030-31,appointments,canned647307, 358, the Clouser, A., F,, appointments, ClostridiumLM E. appointment, ClosingR. M., E., Cappointment, ClinicalMJ.132A., College in 391. Cline, F.M., R. appointments, 278, Clifford,faculty.degree,721 410 625 Clements,J., Cdegree, 130of 277, Company, Clemens,R., Association,331114 Director Clem, I.machine,degree,711 Medicine, Clorus,L. S., commission, Clodfelter,721 694 American 716 Clinite,W F., degrees,712 Can ā degree, J., W.. appointments, Athletic degree, 707 96 P. 498 , , degree, r E., A-, .A. T. 240, 751 Coady, G-, appointment, 301 Coal, Chicago Departments, contract, 2, 106, 253, 585 Power Plant, purchase, 519 responsibility for purchase of, 431 rebate on freight, application, 44 employment of H. M . Slater, 272 Coal Storage, concrete retaining wall for, 88 space, vacation of Harvey Street, 27 Coal Mines Investigation, budget, expense, 300, 649 salary, 307, 656 Coals, Illinois, agreement, R4 Coatney, K. R., degree, 721 Coble, A. B., appointments, 291, 640 salary, 353 Coble, J. A., degree, 707 Cochrane, N. C , appointments, 391, 676 Cockrum, A. E., degree, 35 Coe, G. W., degree, 710 Coe, L., appointments, 391, 659 Cofer, L. A., degree, 231 Coffey, M . A., degrees, 60, 229 Coffin, C. A., Foundation, gift of, 605 Coffman, D, D., degree, 730 fellowship, 159 Cogan, H. D., appointments, 286, 524, 635 Coglon, R- BM certificate, 732 Cohen, A. M., appointments, 311, 661 Cohen, B. M., degree, 240 Cohen, C , appointments, 343. 69S Cohen, C. G., degree, 242 Cohen, D>, degree, 240 Cohen, E. L., appointments, 152, 11 s Cohen, H., appointments, 391, 698 Cohen, I. E., degree, 733 Cohen, J. Lā degree, 224 Cohen, M . L., appointments, 75, 152 Cohen, S. J., appointment, 343 Cohen, W . J., degree, 221 Cohn, B. J., degree, 228 Cohn, J. L., degree, 718 Cohn, L. E., degree, 716 Cohn, S. L., degree, 500 Coie, D. M., degree, 719 Colby, A. S., appointments, 315, 665 vacation extension, 589 Colby, R-, degree, 498 Colby, W . G., degree, 227 Cold Metal Process Co., gift, 606 Cole, A. G-, appointments, 331, 683 Cole, H. W., commission, 724 degree, 721 Cole, J. N., appointment, 356 Cole, M . S., degree, 227 Collins,Place,effectsCompany,180, 294, 644 613638 Combs, J.D., D.,degree,406 598 654 Colwell, WR.E.,,degree,cooperative enamel, Collopy,MH.,G.,land, 72233 Collom, J-G.B.,509,meeting of, no, 288. College O.Illinois,balances7*4 724 on 477 577. Collections,concrete,5 233r707as,of, investigation, Coleman,I.cylindrical exchange 457,530 reapproCole, V.L..707degree, of 227reappropriated, 83 Colvis, E.F., Columns,M.,R., degree, 719 ColumbiaE. L., degree, products Collord, A.,W.,10degree,718 ColUnson,A..art,appointments, balance Colleges,E.M E., commission, 391, Combustion,C appointments, degree, .L., , priated, C contract, purchased, R. L., P. Casualty shells 271 degree, 45 733 242229 711
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