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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

742 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Astrinsky, S., degree, 410 Badger, C. J., appointments, 310, 660 Astronomy, budget, expense, 283, 633 Baehr, W . F. O., appointment, 281 salary, 284, 633 degree, 500 Athletic Association, audit of accounts, 71, 92, 422 Baer, B. C , degree, 721 budget submitted, 337. 698 Baer, C. E., degree, 233 death benefits and retiring allowances, 360 Baer, M . R., degree, 707 directors appointed, 157, 541 Baer, W . H., degree, 240 employees' compensation and benefits, 96 Baethke, M . A., degree, J17 houses to be sold. 116 Baggs, G. E., appointment, 296 relations with University, 71, 85 Bagott, A., appointments, 278, 626 statingrink,144, 474 Bahlman, D. W., degree, 712 architects, 102 Bailar, J. C , appointments, 285, 501, 63; construction deferred, 156 Bailey, H. W., appointments, 291, 502, 640 insurance, 260, 271 Bailey, 1. G., scholarship, 576 Stadium, south end, 97, 102, 156 Bailey, L., appointments, 300, 650 Set also Stadium fund Bailey, M . I., degree, 231 tennis courts, 575 Bailey, W . F., appointment, 635 Athletic Coaching, budget, expense, 297,647 Bailor, S„ degree, 229 salary, 322, 673 Baily, H. H., appointments, 29s, 645 changes in curriculum, 463 Baird, J. R., appointments, 318, 506, 668 laboratory fees, 249 Baird, K. L., appointment, 679 Atkinson, C. E., appointments, 282, 631 Baird, L. W., degree, 731 Atkinson, G. E., degree, 225 Baird, R. E., degree, 217 Atkinson, N. L., degree, 217 Bairstow, M „ degree, 707 Attaway, F. M., degree, 721 Baize, D. R., appointments, 63, 287, 306, 636, 655 Audit, appropriation for, 187 Baker, A. M., degree, 719 Athletic Association, 71, 92, 422 Baker, Charles E., appointments, 28S, 637 budget, 275, 623 Baker, Clarence E., appointment, 316 program adopted, 363 Baker, E. B., appointment, 524 reports of, 78, 16s, 170, 380, 422, 438, s'3, 607 Baker, F. C , appointments, 294, 644 referred to Finance Committee, 587 Baker, G. A., degree, 239 Auditorium, addition, 47 Baker, H. C., degree, 223 U. H. S., appropriation, 337 Baker, I. J., appointments, 288, 638 Audrieth, L. F.. appointments, 109, 285, 635 Baker, J. T., Chemical Company, gift, 605 release of patentrightson discovery, 544 Baker, L. P., degree, 231 Augur, M . E-, degree, 721 Baker, M . E., appointment, 290 Auld, A. A., degree, 707 degrees, 3s. 236 Aurand, F. E., Jr., degree, 231 Baker, M . H., degree, 707 Austin, J. O., degree, 61 Baker, M . I., degree, 721 Austin, M . E., degree, 217 Baker, M . W., degree, 217 Authority, to delegate signatures, 143, 144, 402, Baker, R. H., appointments, 109, 284, 633 468, S37 Baker, V. L., degree, 23s to make purchases, 417 Baker, W . J., commission, 234 of Treasurer of Board to receive money, 537 degree, 223 Automobile, insurance, 561 Baker Prize Fund, interest unpaid, 599 gift of Cadillac chassis, 438 Balances reappropriated, 246, 271, 613 permits, student, 33, 74 Balchofsky, M . I., certificate, 734 President's, 4S3. 480, 523 Balding, B. N., degree, 217 Auwater, T. K., degree, 723 Balding, L. G., certificate, 241 Avallone, D. A., degree, 733 Baldridge, G. W., degree, 242 Avidon, S. M., degree, 222 Baldridge, W . O., degree, 347 Avil6s, L., Jr., appointment, 643 Balduf, W . V., appointments, 289, 638 Axle failures, 83, 540, 598 leave of absence, 69 Aver, B. E., degree, 226 Baldwin, C. J., commission, 724 Avers, A. F., degree, 233 degree, 712 Babb, ofA.407M.,degree,50061436, 683651 Ayres, J.A.,284, appointments, 63 558 Ayers, V..S.sludge 249 231 linoleum345 Avers,H. onCompany, Inc.,225331, 280633 Badger,W R. T.,degree, 715 697 301 Bacon, D.H.E.,appropriation, 448, 578 Babcock, cans,degree, 580 707 283, contract, 190 Bandpropriations,degree,715423,180,180, 684 643 Bacteriology,F., 63403 707 63,244,286,524,655 Bands, H.J.MA.,appointment, 356,507,294,293, 637 BachmannK. C appointments, 167, Bachem,ofreappropriated,633 247, Babka, A.D. fees,appointment, 301, Babbitt,D.C, E.,450digestion, 151, degree, Fellowship, gift C. M.,appointments, laboratory degree, budget, 13: Jr., degree, balance W., , degree, leave 239appointments, patent P., appointment, salary,R., appointments, Plym expense, 283, absence. A., E„ B., Barash,Military,appointments, 687 637 Banta, F..R.Arrie,46 223228732725599 669 Banovitz,L.C., degree, 217228407287, 642 644 Banker,A.,orchestral instrumentno, 287, 502, Banen, M.,W.,W,certificate,expense, 275, 623 apBanca, E. B., degree, 217 Bamberger,H., appointments, Bamber,S.S.W.,appointment, Balthazard,appointments, 33s, Ballard,MG.R., degree, 707 36 department, Ballam,D.E.U., G., appointments, 332, Baldwin,B.712 „degree, 242 112589, Baltz,G. , E„ commission, Balseiro, T. degree,appointments, Ball, and appropriation, 693 Balkin, J., Alvena, degree, Balin,C. CJ. 279,appointments. special A., appointments, degree, I. 627 707 salary, W., budget, F., degree, „ appointments, C M.,
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