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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 743 Barber, M . C., appointments, 36, 301, 650 Bauer, E. von, degree, 707 Barber, P. A., degree, 242 Bauer, F. C , appointments, 310, 318, 506, 659, 668 Barber, S. F., appointment, 641 Bauer, M . M., degree, 725 Barber, W . Y., degree, 390 Bauer and Black, gift, 605 Barclay, G, L., appointments, 36, 292 Bauerle, T. R., degree, 223 Bard, F. N., letter, 698 Baugh, R. L., appointment, 423 stockholder in Buswell process, 590 Baughman, E. A., degree, 721 Bard, R. A., stockholder in Buswell process, 590 Baughman, F. R., degree, 237 Bard, R. E., stockholder in Buswell process, 590 Bauling, H., C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 BardonsM, V. J., degree, 242 Baumann, C. C , commission, 724 Barger, I. L. A., degree, 59 degree, 716 Barjenbruch, F. J., degree, 409 Baumann, M . E., degrees, 217, 719 Bark, O., degree, 242 Baumgardner, A., degree, 719 Barkdoll, O. R., degree, 233 Baumgartner, O., C. P. A. certificate, 479 Barkley, K. L., appointment, 642 Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, 435 Barlow, R. R., appointments, in, 644 Baxter, R. K., appointments, 333, 685 degree, 236 Bayles, J. C , degree, 499 salary, 353 Bayles, R. G., certificate, 241 Barlow, T. A., degree, 242 I Bayless, G. N., degree, 406 Barnard, L. M., degree, 221 I Bayley, W , S., appointmenta, 289, 639 Barnard, N. H., appointment, 306 continuation in service of, 431 degree, 729 Bayley Company, contract, 2 Barnes, D „ appointments, 296, 646 Bayly, L. B., appointment, 634 Barnes, I. M., appointments, 314, 664 Bayman, M . E., degree, 707 Barnes, J. E., appointments, 36, 469, 634 Bayne, B., gift of horse chestnuts, 81 Barnes, M . M-, appointment, 390 Bazola, F. N., appointments, 442, 686 Barnes, P. R., degree, 707 ! Beach, V. L., appointment, 423 Barnes, R. S., appointments, 244, 292 ! Beadles, J. Reappointments, 312, 662 degree, 496 ! sick leave, 702 Barnett, E. F„ degree, 236 I BeadleB, T. H., degree, 712 Barnett, N. E., degree, 406 I Beal, J. W „ degree, 712 Barnhart, E., degree, 2.33 Beale, H. L, degree, 229 Bamovitz, S., degree, 225 Beam, M . W-, appointments, 309, 423, 480 Barns, dairy, appropriation for roofs, 7 Bean, B. K., degree, 498 Barone, A. M., degree, 347 Beans, storage project, 95 Barone, D. R., degree, 733 Bear, A. W., appointments, 146, 291, 641 Barr, G. A., elected President of Board, 536 Bear, H. W., degree, 235 on Executive Committee, 178 Beard, H., appointments, 125, 330, 682 Barr, H. F., degree, 221 Beard, J. H., appointments, 325, 356, 676 Barra, N-, degree, 409 executive staff, 8 Barrett, A. L., commission, 724 Beatley, C, B., appointment, 288 degree, 716 Beauchamp, P. E., degree, 712 Barrett, E. D., degree, 131 Beauman, G., appointments, 356, 599 Barrett, F. N „ appointment, 63 Beaver, A. T., degree, 61 degree, 406 Beaver, J. F., degree, 389 Barrett, G. F., Jr., degree, 217 Beaver, P. C , appointment, 152 Barrick, B. B-, degree, 231 degree, 238 Barrows, H. L-, degree, 713 Beck, C. D., degree, 498 Bartecki, S. F., degree, 242 Beck, H. V „ degree, 226 Bartelme, M . M., statement, 80 Beck, J. C , appointments, 345, 697 Barthel, A., degree, 408 Becker, B. C , appointments, 244, 286 Bartholf, M . L., degree, 498 fellowship, 575 Bartholomew, H., appointments, 315, 665 Becker, H. C., appointments, 63, 330 Bartlett, C. C , degree, 707 Becker, H. G., degree, 731 Bartlett, J. H., Jr., appointments, 549, 653 Becker, I., appointments, 343, 695 Bauer,P.WB.,J.,appointments,223 213,636 Bates,J.B.M.,degree, degree,234329, 651 309, 60: Bednarchuk,N.,576degree,80,121 629 9 Battershell, ,W.,appointments,301, 664 Batko,C.MB„R.,commission, 732287,630 Easier,D.A.E.,degree, 231716227 63 635 296, Bassett,J. L.,appointments, Baaa, B. .M.,degree, 711 Bass, D.R. B.degree,231732 Baskerville, M.,B„ 22736 Bash, G.E.B.,.appointments, Base, J.,659,degree, 733 217 314, Bartow,H.L.,E.,666 degree, 442 Barton,M H.T.,certificate,231 285, Barto, E. 231 degree,733 Bartlett,. 407 appointment, degree,V., W J., 233 646, Cappointment, C 34 certificate, F., degree, V., appointment, I., appointments, 498 Bell,cattleR.M.,C.degree,389 243 479 Belinoff,R-,divisionFund,242480, 6 Beier,D.,S.F-,,degree,A.of235281, 714 Beedle,P.R.WW.,degree,407 242242 650 Beich, B. .W.,degree, 288 Behrensmeyer,R.,P. 233713 Behrens,MR.,SM R,, degree, Behling, P.J, 160,degree,733 BehaviorWH.E., ,degree, certificate, Beef E., Cdegree, degree, Bedinger,Institute, report, Bedard,P.D.W., degree, 707712 Beckstrom,G-,E.,certificate, 86 Beckman,Research 576A.,221 714 Becker,P.B.F.,C.L-, appropriation, Beene, 501T. Beemster,. A., F, Beeker, appointment, 132 fellowship,M . scholarship, C degree, appointments, question degree, 712 successor,
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