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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Appropriations, cont'd. Medicine, College of, 128 library, 113 monograph reprints, 52 special, 693 Military Bands, special, 693 Mitchell, compensation, 7 monograph on study of skin reactions, 509 moving of departments, 440 museum case, 447 Music, School of, 46, 597 special, 693 nutrition report, 7 Orthodontia and extension courses in Dentistry, proceeds of, 400 patent, phosphate process, 163 patent attorneys, 363, 448, 558 Pathology and Bacteriology, 448 paving assessments, 6, 693 photography, 693 Physical Education for Men, 693 Physical Plant Extension, 405 Physics, 400 Physiology and Physiological Chemistry, 246, 398, 461 pictures for College of Medicine, 447 President's automobile, 523 President's house, 492 special, 693 President's Office, special, 693 President's special assistant, 93 Print Shop, 337. 399 Purnell Funds, i8q, 580 Radio Station, special, 693 research, special, 603 retiring allowance for E. D. Brothers, 447 safes for Chemistry and Agronomy, 447 special, 6 special non-recurring, 336, 693 stable CCarter-Pennell), 5 survey of Colleges of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Education, 4.31 target range, 93 type for School of Journalism, 461 University lectures, 84 University Press, laws affecting University, 188 Publishers' Trade List Annual, 188 special, 693 Vegetable Storage houses, 6 Washington Bicentennial, 138 working drawings, 187 Appropriation Acts, legislative, 34.0 Arbegast, C. E., degree, 231 Arbor Street, Meyers house, 27, 44 Arbuthnot, B., degree, 130 Arends, reinforcedappropriation,442, 264,566scholArchitectureB.,Allerton81,j245, 605Traveling LaboArchitectural300,investigation,appropriations, 79, Architects,729Decorating227 investigation448605 Architecture,Building, Medical 84. 626 Arches, gift,Gymnasium, Co., and 651 Archer,181,expense,concrete, contract, 472> Archdeacon,Chicago 300, 649 301, Dental of, 84, Archaeological70appointments, 462 437. awarded, Arch, concrete,336, 539. 356, 256, 93 curriculum, revised, 599 366 budget, 157,studies,and 693 balance 472450explorations, 187 German . awarded, American Woman'sbrick pictures, 49 new buildings,degree, scholarships degree,fellowships buildings, Plym W reappropriated, 614 elevators, 580, 699 salary, M., 650 705 gift L. H.,contract, arships 511, appointments, ratories Building, appropriation, 437. of, 114, 741 Arentsen, M . F., degree, 499 Arenz, D. J., certificate, 732 Aries, L. J., degree, 240 Armbruster, R. E., degree, 707 Armory, museum, theft of pistol, 703 Armory Avenue, assessment, 417 lighting, 357 rebate on special assessments, 449 removal of lunch wagon, 440 Armour & Company, agreement, 598 Armstrong, B. M., appointments, 291, 640 Armstrong, C. J., commission, 234 degree, 225 Armstrong Company, contract, 2 Armstrong, G. B., appointments, 319, 507, 669 Armstrong, J. W., elected member of executive committee, 537 elected President of Board, 142 Armstrong, L., degree, 217 Armstrong, L. M., degree, 721 Armstrong, N. E., degree, 224 Armstrong, W . E., degree, 723 Arndt, K. E., degree, 231 Arneson, M., appointments, 327, 678 Arnillas, L. E. A., degree, 409 Arnold, C , degree, 733 Arnold, C. F., degree, 712 Arnold, H. J., degree, 59 Arnold, L., appointments, 330, 68z research on antiseptic properties of skin, 583 Arnold, L. J., degree, 223 Aron, A. W., appointments, 290, 502, 639 Aronson, J. M „ degree, 347 Aronson, S. R., degree, 242 Arquin, S. F., degrees, 133, 346 Arrington, W . R., degree, 718 Art, Taft lectureship on, 479 gifts 479 Alumni Fund, 603 list of donors, 602 Trees, M . J., 612 rules governing, 6x$ Art and Design, budget, expense, 283, 633. salary, 2S4, 633 Grand Central Galleries Exhibition, 401 Art collections, appropriations, 46, 336, 693 balance reappropriated, 613 restoration balance reappropriated, 271 Article 46 of the statutes, amendment, 439, 451 Articles IV and V of By-Laws, amendment, 580, 590 Arvin, M . J., appointment, 423 degree, 729 fellowship, 576 Ascariasis, gift for research on, 148 AssociatedStreet,degree,improvements,466 73 606 Asthma,R.T.scholarship,515,contract, 268 Assessments,J.,appointments,252,115,340661, Asphalt,Sanitarydegree,Drainage417530, 435 667 Assembly,.M.,Armoryheating, 299, 649 Aspinall,WH.Military435,J 707 311, 317, Ashmore,researchSewer, 231 581acts, 584, Ashlock,K.R.CE., appointment,83 District, Ashley, L„,General, Stores, Asher, R. sewers,on,41730 Ashbrook, 6,C.fordegree,417 662 Ashby, O.,S.,,degree,Avenue, Ash,rebate,Drive,512,certificate, sewerage,357 P.6, University Stadium C 449, local58182, lighting, A.,693 403 10, 160 Scott methods 417 407 paving, , of Clayton-Bennington 217 cemeteries, appointments, Fourth 519 Chicago 449 A. refund, 358, B.
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