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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
738 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Agricultural Experiment Station, cont'd. storage of soy beans, 95 use offieldrefrigerator, 95 Agricultural Extension Service, Capper-Ketcham budget, expense, 156, 657 revolving fund, 307, 614, 657 salary, 156, 670 Smith-Lever budget, 472 revised, 505 supervision of extension forester, 266 Agricultural Laboratory unit, 47 Agricuitural and Sdentific Bureau, N . V. Potash Export My., cooperative investigation, 197, 562 Agriculture, College of, advisory committees, 356, 598 general, appointment, 114 appropriations, Animal Husbandry income, 596 buildings, 269, 614 equipment, 6 Horticulture. 246 Purnell Funds, 189, 580 spedal, 316, 693 budget, distribution, 308, 658 resources, 308, 657 salary. 308, 658 summary, 307, 657 buildings, appropriation, 269 balance reappropriated, 614 service, 47, 49, 51 Cartcr-Pennell reports, 162, 207, 574, 590 Committee of Board on, 166, 578 Cooperative investigations, see Agreements graduation requirements changed, 267 Industrial research, balance reappropriated, 613 practice teaching in St. Joseph high school, 8 Smith-Lever Extension budget, for 1929-30, expense, 307, 657 revised, 472, 505 salary, 318, 668 Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads, United States Department of, 437 use of electridty in, 83 Agronomy, advisory committees, 356, 598 appropriation for safe, 447 budget, expense, 307, 657 Purnell salary, 317, 667 salary, 309, 659 laboratory fees, 249 phosphorus content measurement, patent, 261 soy bean storage project, 95 use of field refrigerator, 95 Agronomy Seed House, 47, 49, 51 appropriation, 469 contracts awarded, 354 Aldrich, C.406E-,, degree,231 Albig, WK.A.C.,degree, 131 241 293 Akwa, J.E..L.,B.,degree,410 732 138 663 Akina,G.MA,blood,certificate, 549390, 643 Ahrens,H.,W.,A.,degree,217 61 266, 293, 503, Agster,M.,.73*appointment,materials, 598 643 Alcorn, MofC..C „degree, 217 Alblinger,. J.B.,certificate, Albertson,D.W.fdegree, 721 Aikin, O.F.452S.,in240 35707 Aldous, absence,spray Alcom, F., appointment, Alciatore, degree, 500 707 Aldatore,M., Alby, C.WW., appointments, Albright,M D.,appointments, 313. Albrecht,W degree, degree, Albumen, K., appointments, elevator, A., 242 degree, report C., 182 Agreements, cont'd. Illinois gas, 84 impact with steel structures, 83, 54r, 598 insecticides, 584 internal combustion engines, detonation in, 182 irradiated ergosterol, 118, 583, 605 jointingmaterialsfordaysewerpipe, 94,120,590 joints in wide plates, 598 lactic acid milk, 453. 545 lead sheaths, elimination of stretching of, 58, 83, 88, 540 locomotive tests, 8i feed-water heating, 82 syphon, 540, 562 marketability offluidmilk, 268, 402, 477 meat toxins, 358, 404 metals, heat treating of, 606 milk, lactic acid, 453. 545 milk toxins, 451, 477. 5ia milk, fluid, marketability of, 402, 477 Nicholson thermic syphon, 540, 562 nitrate nitrogen affecting response of crops to potash salts, 197 nitrate of soda as fertilizer, 248 Nutrition Commission, 7 oil reservoirs, 82 oil-sulphur combinations, 584 phosphate rock as fertilizer, 13s, 161, 366, 562 phosphorus in soils, 452, 464 photo-therapy, 148 pollen tube growth, radium treatment, 703 porcelain, ageing of, 83, 540, 598 potash, effects on crop production, 248, 339, 383 potash salts as fertilizers, 197, 562 physiological action of light, 605 physiological effect of tartrates, 82 prevention of corrosion byfluegases, 83, 540, S97 radiation, effects on living organisms, 365, 703 radium treatment, effects on pollen tube growth, 703 reinforced concrete arches, 84, 437, 472, 605 reinforced concrete columns, 509, S45 report, 81 riveted connections, 84 rollers, large, bearing pressure on, 84, 564 sewer pipe, day, 94, 120, 509 skin, antiseptic properties of, 582 soda, nitrate of, as fertilizer, 248 solubility of boiler waters, 540, 546, 597 steam and hot water heating, 83, 135 stretching of lead sheaths, 53, S3, 88, 540 streptococcus epidemicus, in milk, 451, 477, 512 surgical materials, 605 Talbot tests, 84, 116, 540 tartrates, physiological effects of, 82 Agriculturalmilk,5R3andbudget,see83,158expense, gift, research Contractscelluloses, 540, 564 cooperativeExperiment 96see expense, salary, See alsomachine659657 perquisites, Agreements x-ray structure659657404making,heating, distriwooleninunder onfor icebudget,budget, 297, 647 water10666308,investigations,Agreements83, 562 dosingfibers, 658 477, materials, yeast, 161309, 649 Extension, 362605 warm air meat,658woodStation, budget, toxinstreatmentof surgical512 Purnell, salary, furnaces summary, 307, resources,agreements, cooperative308, ealary, Education, bution, 309, 358, 317, 657299, 451, furnace salary, employees 307, Economics, 308, lease, College
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