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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Aledo experimentfield,highway right of way, 151, 162., 240 Alexander, B. G., degree, 217 Alexander, H. J., degree, 217 Alexander, H. W., appointments, 307, 735 degree, 225 Alexander, J., appointments, 111, 293, 503, 642 Alexander, J. G., appointment, 644 Alexander, J. J., scholarship, 159 Alexander, John Robert, commission, 724 degree, 716 Alexander, John Richardson, degrees, 181, 346 Alexander, P. M., degree, 217 Alexander-Bahrenburg, Mrs. C , resolution, 446 Alexopoulos, C. J., appointment, 423 Alkire, G. F., degree, 217 Allbee, W . R., degree, 726 Alleman, N. J., appointments, 305. 655 degree, 238 Allen, A. C , commission, 725 degree, 716 Allen, C. E., appointment, 295 degree, 730 Allen, C. L., appointments, 36, 294, 503, 644 Allen, D. C , fellowship, 576 Allen, E. B., degree, 227 Allen, E. L., purchase of house, 44 Allen, Edith L., degree, 707 Allen, F. H., degree, 711 scholarship, 576 Allen, H. D., degree, 231 Allen, II. S., degree, 410 Allen, J., degree, 217 Allen, K. I., degree, 236 Allen, L. A., appointment, 289 Allen, R. E-, appointment, 638 degree, 725 Allen, W . G-, degree, 716 Allergy, gift for research on, 10, 82, 252, 530, 584, 606 Allerton, R., American Traveling Scholarships awarded, 8r, 245, 605 gifts, 81, 450 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, order for pumps, 263 Allison, R. H., certificate, 732 Alloy, J. J., degree, 718 Ally, A., degree, 727 Allyn, H. W., appointment, 598 Alma Mater Statue, acceptance for University, 161 location, 121, 138 Almy, G. M., appointment, 653 Alp, H. H., appointments, 311, 318, 506, 661, 668 Alphron, R. B., appointment, 524 Alseth, H. J., appointments, 282, 630 Alvis, toof364L.,improvement, 520,60386 539acceptAlward, Records,degree,410Fund, Alverson, forS.,appointments, AlumniOctoberdegree,138 expense, Alumni,generaladvertising of, 86 635 AluminumTaft,Lectureshiprescinded,275, Altman,News,A.,121,236A.707 520, 547 623 Althausen,.electrohat,Alma162 286,246,released, Altabe,I.,R.committee,389715707 rights 265, Alsip, H.addressJr.,417usepatent613statue, 467 69 Altringer, C.C336,C.1928, in, Altemus,W J.,of,degree,166certificate, appropriations,627 degree, balance reappropriated, Mater standingD.degree, P. 271, report,J.degree,degree, letter Association, gift Directory,budget, contract,thanks,59 for location268, 339 anceJ.,D., 13,231 salary. University, special,279, plating of A., 693 appropriations, 739 Alyea, P. E., appointments, 480, 646 Amberg, C. R., appointment, 63 degree, 237 Amberson, H. R-, appointments, 344, 696 Ambrose, S. H., degree, 240 Ambrosius, E. E., appointments, 302, 652 Ambruster, J. R., degree, 34 Ambuhl, F. I., appointments, 113, 320 Amelotti, E., appointments, no, 423 Amendments, to Article 46, 439, 451 to By-Laws, 580, 590 to resolution concerning Wright Street, 541 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, gift, 60s American Arch Company, agreement, 81 American Association 01 Medical Milk Commissions, agreement, 451, 477 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 431 American Can Company, contracts, 94, 120 gifts, 366, 450 lease renewed, 96 American Concrete Institute, agreements, 509, 545 American Foundry Men's Association, engineering exhibit, 54s American Greenhouse Company, contract, 87 American Legion Building in Paris, 3 59 American Medical Association, gifts, 148 refund, 519 American Petroleum Institute, agreement, 82 American Railway Engineering Association, agreement, 84 gift, 584 American Seating Company, contract, 254 American Society of Civil Engineers, agreements, 84. 438, 472 gifts, 252, 60s American Society of Mechanical Engineers, agreements, 84, 116 American Terra Cotta Company, contract, 618 American Well Works, order for pumps, 263 Amerson, W . P., degree, 217 Amino acids, appropriation for research, 539 balance reappropriated, 614 gift for research on, 564 A m m a n n , J. F„ appointments, 114, 356, 599 Amos, J, E., degree, 33 Amstutz, K. L., degree, 388 Amtman, L. E., appointments, 151, 532 Analytical Chemistry, T. J. Baker, fellowship, 605 Anatomy, additions to staff, 398 appropriation, 398 budget, expense, 326, 678 salary, 327, 679 head appointed, 178 laboratory fees, 251 special fee authorized, 252 Anderson, A, L., appointments, 635 503, Andersen, A.appointments, 285, 288, 637 284, Anders, of F.,S., W.,5degree, 685327 138, 282, 633 Ander, O. 712G-,May,D., degree,442217, 726645631 fellowship, W,, degree, degrees, leave P., , A., appointment,576 degree, C F., commission,239236 scholarship,591 degree, 231 242 295, Corliss D.,appointments, CatherineEmil, 707 241 C. C., scholarship, 721 Alice certificate, 724 I. H. Eric, 733 absence, 80 724 E.,E., D. R., Edward degree, E. Marie, 131 132 F. L., G. L-, W., degree, degree, fellowship, 160 appointment, 160 appointments, 233
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