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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

INDEX Aaronson, A. L., appointments, 2s6, 442 Administration, budget summaries, 275, 623 degree, 347 , Administration Building, 47 Abbott, A. J., degree, 124 Admission requirements, Dentistry, changed, 68 Abbott, D., degree, 718 non-Illinois students, 472 Abbott, O. L., certificate, 732 Adait, S. B., degree, 7r8 Abbott, W . Iv.; honorary degree, 243 Advertisement, Milk Council of Chicago, 402 Abel, T., appointment, 111 Advertising in Alumni News, 520, 547 withdrawal from position, 178 Advisory committees, Agriculture, 356, 598 AbercromMe, G., degree, 217 appointment of A m m a n n , J, F., 114 Abrabamson, R. A., degree, 707 Ceramic Engineering, 114 Abramovitz, M., appointments, 300, 650 A. E. F. Memorial Building, tablet, 403 degree, 224 Afremow, M . L., certificate, 241 Abrams, I. R-, certificate, 241 degree, 241 Accident compensation, appropriation, 145 Agee, C. N., appointments, 300, 650 Athletic Association employees, 96 Ageing of porcelain, 83, 540, 598 budget, 275, 673 Agg, R-, degree, 229 committee, report, 478 Agreements, ageing of porcelain, 83, 540, 598 employees in research, 116, 560 American Concrete Institute, 545 extra-hazardous work, 121, 473, 702 amino acids, 539, 564 Federal, 473 antiseptic properties of skin, 583 Mitchell, D. R., 7 ascariasis, 148, 519 Newell, H. M., work of, 182, 702 asphalt, methods of heating, 83 Strubinger. L. H., work of, 260, 702 bearing pressure on edge of large rollers, 84, 584 University, 473 biaxial stresses, 84 Accountancy, Committee on, annual reports, blood albumen in spray materials, 598 118, 466 boiler feed water treatment, 83, 540 Board of Examiners, appointment of J. Medboiler furnace refractories, 84 lock, 180 boiler water studies, S4°, 54*5, 597 C. P. A. certificates granted, 115, 265, 466 cannery crops, 83 Accounting system, 363 car axle failures, 83, 540, 598 Accounts of University, auditors' report, 78, 165, Carter-Pennell Farms, 73, 433. 454 170, 380, 422, 438, 513, 607 cast iron enamels, 84 referred to Finance Committee, 587 cast iron pipe. 84, 116, 540 Achelpohl, D., appointments, 281, 629 celluloses, wood, X-Ray structure, 158 degree, 229 chimneys, effect of combustion products of gas Acids, purchase of, 544 heating, 267, 383, 597 Ackerman, G. M., Ill, degree, 217 clay sewer pipe, 94, 120, 509 Ackerman, J., appointments, 664, 669 clay wares, drying of, 73, 83, 58s commission, 234 combustion products, effect on enamel, 83 degrees, 227, 728 combustion products of gas heating, effect on scholarship, 160 flues, 267, 383, 597 Ackerman, S., degree, 733 concrete arch investigation, 84, 437, 472, 605 Ackerman, W . E., degree, 718 concrete columns, reinforced, J09, 545 Acknowledgment of gifts, 123 cylindrical shells as, 598 Acousti Celotex, contract, 404 concrete made with light aggregate, 196,253,584 Acousticork, contract, 2 Clostridium botulinum in canned meat, 358, 404 Acree, J. E., degree, 726 corrosion offluegases, 83, 540, 597 Activities, self-supporting, budget, 687 crop production, effect of potash on, 248 Adam, V., degree, 217 cylindrical shells as columns, 598 Adams, B. L., degree, 721 detonation in internal combustion engines, 82 737 drying of clay wares, 73, 83, 585 Adams, E. L., Jr., appointment, 63 commission, 234 electricity in agriculture, use of, 83 degree, 217 elimination of stretching of lead sheaths, 83 Adams, H., degree, 130 enamel, baked in gas furnaces, 541 Adams, K. S., degree, 719 effect of combustion products on, 83 Adams,H.F.,F.degree, use707 279, 74547503. money enamelingcasteffect83, 116,83,197 562 583, 605 Adjutant, J.meeting von, Board, 643 Adjustments. S., work,and„ salaries, Adelman, 231 J.,budget242degree, 499 Adelhelm,45H.,E. F. Department, 294, Adametone,80,M.,degree,149234_, theft of Adamson,.S.,ofappointments,345 627 441 643 Adler, for M.,alumni, .228285, 634 Aden, C L.M450appointments, 294, Address W leprosy degree, 733 296 degree, R.degree, 130721718 520, gift M., S.,commission,of, letter,list, degree, 347 hearing, WC appointment, proposedMilitaryappointments, from, A., B. with R. appointments, M E„ degree, R.. R-, appointment, . fatigue ofgas,cables,of83,161,583, 605 540, 564 fluewaterof58484metals,13584 for, products on feldspar insalts, 267,steel,606 52, 562 ergosterol,metals, 248 83,541,83, 83, enamels,andnitratereactions, 366,118, fungicides,steel rails, combustion fissures coals,sheettreatment 540, fertilizers,warm iqj.84 of,82559598 597 icepatent, heating, of high chimneys, air83, 135, heating investigation, 118, heatheating,water 13s,83 597 gas making, irradiated, combustion furnaces, 564effectnitrogen, 540 heating, ofsoda, heating, hot treatingcorrosion Illinois nitrate ventilation, potash phosphate rock, 383, voltage iron, 562 pressure of gases, gas
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