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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

jo board of trustees [October 26 GIFT OF MR. F. J. PLYM (8) Mr. F. J. Plym has given the Department of Architecture $500 to be used in furnishing a "commons" or all-purpose room in the Building for Architecture and Kindred Subjects. I recommend that this gift be accepted, and that the room be furnished by the Supervising Architect in consultation with the Head of the Department of Architecture. O n motion of M r . Barr, this recommendation w a s adopted. SALE OF CARTER-PENNELL PROPERTY IN NORMAL, ILLINOIS (9) The following report from the Comptroller concerning the sale of the Carter-Pennell property in Normal: October 11, 1928 President David Kinky, 355 Administration Building Dear President Kinley: In the sale of the Carter-Pennell property in Normal, Illinois, to Mr. George M. Palmer (see Minutes of Board of Trustees, M a y 23, 1928), the taxes for 1927 were an obligation of the University. Judge Johnson and Attorney A. R. Hall made an effort to have these taxes cancelled but were unsuccessful. O n the advice of Judge Johnson, I have paid the taxes so that all matters connected with the operation and sale of this property are now complete. I enclose afinalstatement concerning this property showing a net realization of $6,148.14. This sum, under the terms of the bequest, is a credit to the Carter-Pennell Student Loan Fund. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller FINAL STATEMENT OF CARTER-PENNELL PROPERTY N O R M A L , ILLINOIS Operating Account Income Rentals $1 091 50 Interest on balance 33 57 Unexpired Insurance H °5 $1 H 9 12 Expense Labor 54 65 Carpenter Work 160 80 Painting and Decorating I5a 3* L. A. Hinton—Services 96 85 Taxes 343 3° Interest on $1,000 35 °° Miscellaneous 46 9° 989 88 Operating Surplus $ ] 59 M Capital Account Receipts Sale of Property $6 500 00 Exp^ense Improvements (walks and drive). . $ 25° °° Commission on sale of property (L. A. Hinton) 130 00 This R. Hall, was received for record.11 75 Legalreport Realization A. Expense Court Fees Attorney Abstractbalance, Capital Account... $78 00 Publication Net Total 2100 2035 *3l IO 5" 1° $6 148 14 $5 988 90
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