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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 69 SABBATICAL LEAVES O F A B S E N C E (4) O n recommendation of the head of the department and the dean in each case, I recommend that sabbatical leaves of absence on one-half pay for the year 1920-30 be granted under the rules to the following members of the staff: H. V. Canter, Professor of Classics John Van H o m e , Associate Professor of Romance Languages S. C. Staley, Associate Professor of Physical Education and Athletic Coaching W . V. Balduf, Assistant Professor of Entomology O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, these leaves were granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS MARIE SORENSEN (5) O n recommendation of Dean Davis, I recommend that Miss Marie Sorensen, Dispensary Nurse in the College of Medicine, be given leave of absence from October 15 to December 15 without pay, in order that she may visit her people, who live abroad. O n motion of M r s . Ickcs, this leave w a s granted. RELEASE OF CERTAIN PATENT RIGHTS (6) In the course of recent investigations by Dr. T. E. Layng and assistants into the mechanism of combustion of liquid hydrocarbons in the presence of accelerators and inhibitors (anti-knock substance for gasolines and lubricating oils), and by Dr. D. B, Keyes of the electroplating of aluminum, several patentable features appeared. These features, so far as i was possible to determine t at the time of discovery, were new. Further research in connection with Doctor Layng's project has proved that it has no anti-knock value; and Doctor Keyes's project is one which would require so much money to develop with such a small chance of its being commercially valuable that the Committee does not think the University should patent it. I recommend that the discoveries be released so far as the University is concerned, and that Doctors Layng and Keyes be permitted to file applications for patents if they wish. O n motion of D r . Noble, this recommendation w a s adopted. GIFTS TO THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (7) Dean Ketchum reports that the following gifts have been offered to the University: I. From the Western Electric Company of Chicago—twenty-five adjustable drafting tables, valued at approximately $500, to be delivered at Champaign free of charge. 2. From Mr. Louis W . Sipley of Philadelphia—certain slides and descriptive material covering engineering topics such as feed water heaters, feed water treatment, air compressors, etc. 3. From the Gleason Gear Works—two models of gears, valued at approximately $50. These can be used in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and I have authorized Dean Ketchum to accept them. This report w a s received for record. FORM OF RECOGNITION FOR GIFTS O n motion of Dr. Noble, the matter of form of recognition for gifts w a s referred to a special committee consisting of President Armstrong, President Kinley, M r , Trees, and M r . W a r d , for consideration and report.
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