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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1930] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 707 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Degree o Bachelor o Arts f f In L b r l Arts and Sciences iea Ruth Anne Abrahamson, with High Kathryn Alice Burrows, with Honors i French n Honors i History n Jack Joseph Adelman Clark Joel Buswell Christine Cornelia Alblincer John Turner Caldwell, Jr. Fred Edward Albright Ruth Virginia Caldwell Edith Loraine Allen John Olin Campbell, Jr. Dorothy Adelaide Altringer, with Celeste Emma Cantrell Honors i Zoology n Lally Margaret Carr Walter Carey Alward, Jr. Andrew James Casner Florence Eugenia Anderson Elizabeth Ruth Catherwood, with Robert Stanhope Andrews Honors i Chemistry n Bernard Auman App, with Honors i Mordecai Bernard Chamberlain n Entomology Blanche Louise Christenson Rosslyn Ernest Armbruster Mary Elizabeth Christie Harold James Ashlock Freeman Sylvester Church Alberta Avis Auld Ruth Julia Cline Robert Thornton Babcock James Arthur Coble Walter Edwin Bacon, Jr. Elbert Bowman Collins Margaret Rebecca Baer Robert Forrest Colwell Margretta Bairstow Phyllis Ruth Cook Marian Henrietta Baker George Anne Cottingham Elizabeth Frances Baldwin John Paul Cr and all Edward Urius Banker Anne Harrison Crathorne Paul Royden Barnes William Henry Crook Charles Colwell Bartlett Maurice Hartley Crosbie Ella von Bauer Harry Edward Crull, with High Mary Elizabeth Bayman Honors i Mathematics n Beatrice Cecile Bedard, with High Virginia Graham Culbertson Honors i French n Paul Franklin Cundy Robert Newell Berry Gladys Margaret Currie Julia Talbot Bird, with Honors i n Verna Bertha Daily English Wesa Eloise Dale, with Honors Kenneth Edward Bisshopp, with i Latin n Honors i Mathematics n Daniel Dalziel Helen Lois Black, with Honors i n Jules Dashow Zoology Dorean Eliza Davis George Curtis Blacker Kent Gardenir Davis Kenneth Charles Blood Luther Dearborn, with Honors i n Henry Harlan Bloomer, with Economics Honors i English n Adele Elsie Dethmann Inez Elizabeth Boardman Susan Deuel, with Honors in English Graeme Stewart Bond Karl Christian Dod, with Honors i n John Henry Bontjes History Joseph Milton Bosenbury, Jr. Elizabeth Ann Doms Hazel Louise Bowman Walter John Doolen Louis FlorethBrook Browne Honors WinifredEntwhistle Kenneth Frank Bradley GordonMaude Bratton Dorothy VirginiaBryan WilliamMeekerBunte with Kathryn Ann Brown, Donald Mathematics Sarah DavidsonBurroughs Beatrice Leland Bristow i n Elizabeth M Brown LucilleStewart Fellis John Wallace Evans Honors i Kyle Anna Easley JordanL Ann Eads,Durin Georgia Evelyn Eaton Mary Marshall Fagin MargaretLenoraEilers Meta Dorothea Eddington Alice Mildred Lillian Douglass History Aileen with n
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